
EU Competition Law Briefing
The EU Competition Law Briefings have been created to provide a platform for our clients and other competition law experts to stay up to date on the developments of EU Competition Law. 
Prosumer im Energierecht | Was können die neuen Player der Energiewende...
Business Circle
On the Pulse webinar series 2024 - Autumn
Welcome to the Autumn part of the 2024 On the Pulse webinar series.  This webinar series brings you updates on the latest legal and commercial developments in the life sciences & healthcare sector from around the world. We will be hosting webinars on:EU Health Data Space - 24 OctoberCyber Breach Preparedness and Response for the Life Sciences & Healthcare Sector - 26 NovemberThe webinars will be one hour in length with a 15-minute Q&A session.
UP/UPC System – Wohin geht die Reise?
Fachkonferenz Patente
Career Calling 2024
Die Career Calling ist der Place-to-be, wenn es um die Karriereplanung und Ihren Jobeinstieg geht.  Bei der jährlich stattfindenden Messe sind unsere Konzipient:innen sowie Kolleg:innen der Abteilung Human Resources vor Ort und gerne für Ihre Fragen da. Details zur Career Calling 2024
CMS Employment Snack | Im Gerichtssaal
CMS Employment Snack
Der REWI Praxistag an der Universität Graz ist der juristischen Praxis gewidmet. Top-An­walts­kanz­lei­en präsentieren juristische Berufsfelder, geben spannende Einblicke und wertvolle Tipps für den Berufseinstieg. Im Mittelpunkt stehen Prak­ti­ka-An­ge­bo­te sowie der Austausch mit Studierenden und Ab­sol­vent:in­nen.  Das Programm umfasst: Job- und Prak­ti­ka­walls, CV-Checks, kostenloser Kaffee vom Barista und ein Gratisexemplar des JUVE Karriere Ös­ter­reich-Ma­ga­zins runden den REWI-Praxistag ab. Als Ausklang bietet dir der REWI Praxis Business Cocktail die Möglichkeit, in einer informellen Umgebung, bei Cocktails und Snacks weitere Kontakte zu knüpfen oder zu vertiefen.
CEE Energy Conference: Unlocking Opportunities in PPAs & Energy Storage
Energy continues to be one of the busiest sectors in Central and Southeastern Europe. The increased focus on energy security has brought many new developments to light in the region. What are the current projects receiving the most investment across CEE? What are the biggest opportunities for investors? What new projects have emerged and which subsectors are the rising stars? And what are the challenges for energy investors today? What regulations should they be aware of?We will be hosting our CEE Energy Conference: Unlocking Opportunities in PPAs & Energy Storage, bringing together speakers from CMS, TSOs and energy investors with experience of investing in and operating projects across Central and Southeastern Europe. Join us for a morning of insightful presentations and roundtable discussions on Tuesday 8 October from 09:00 BST, followed by a networking lunch at the CMS office in Cannon Place, London. Our speakers will take you through some of the latest developments and opportunities in the energy sector in CEE/SEE, and will also discuss the specifics of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and battery storage developments in the region. The event is free of charge and can only be attended in person. Speakers will be announced closer to the event. We look forward to welcoming you to our flagship CEE/SEE energy conference in London this autumn.
UPC preliminary injunctions: insights from Vienna
Unified Patent Court:  one year in
A week in the world of ESG
A lot can happen over the course of a week in the world of ESG. Since Wednesday 25 September 2024, there have been several important developments in Europe and the US and, while we don’t claim to cover...
The EU Deforestation Regulation: deferred application, updated guidance...
On 2 October 2024, the European Commission published a proposal for a new legislative act which would defer the application of the recently adopted EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) by 12 months, citing...
Cannabis law and legislation in Austria
Medical use According to the Addictive Drugs Act, only the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES; supervised by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer...