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Technology Transformation: Drive innovation, mitigate the risks
Expectations and reality of tech-related risks
Tokenisierung von Immobilien
CMS #Recht. spannend | Folge 5
Emerging Europe M&A Report 2023/2024
Despite geopolitical tensions, fears of recession and strong inflationary pressures across the EU, as well as the fiscal tightening needed to contain them, M&A in the CEE region has remained reasonably buoyant. Findings from the CMS Emer­ging Europe M&A 2023/24 report, published in cooperation with EMIS, demonstrate the resilience of the Emerging Europe deals market as activity holds firm against a backdrop of geopolitical tensions and strong inflationary pressures. Welcome to the 2023/24 edition of the Emerging Europe report.
Comprehensive guidance for AI businesses
Navigating the EU Artificial Intelligence Act & AI law related topics
Grundsatzurteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs zum Schadenersatz nach der...
NewsMonitor | Datenschutz
Ös­ter­rei­chi­sches Hin­weis­ge­ber­schutz­ge­setz kommt – Das müssen Unternehmen...
Zusendung elektronischer Werbung nach Kündigung des Streamingabos
NewsMonitor | Datenschutz – Folge 7
Entscheidung zur Klagebefugnis von Mitbewerbern bei Da­ten­schutz­ver­stö­ßen...
NewsMonitor | Datenschutz – Folge 6
Emerging Europe M&A Report 2022/2023
The year 2022 started with various challenges, including rising inflation and energy prices. Then the Russian invasion of Ukraine added yet another one. Nonetheless, the M&A market in emerging European countries proved to be extremely resilient. The region saw M&A activity maintain a steady pace, though deal values were notably lower. Also, variations could be observed across territories and sectors. While 2022 brought a unique set of challenges, dealmaking largely compared favourably to pre-pandemic levels. Welcome to the 2022/23 edition of the Emerging Europe report.
OGH: Da­ten­schutz­er­klä­rung unterliegt Klauselkontrolle
NewsMonitor Datenschutz - Folge 5
Neue Regelungen für den internationalen Datentransfer
Newsflash: Stan­dard­da­ten­schutz­klau­seln für internationale Datentransfers ab Ende 2022 ungültig
Technology Transformation – Financial Services
The Financial Services (FS) sector is a leader in protecting its tech infrastructure, reflecting the high degree of scrutiny from regulators. FS firms are at a tipping point, with large incumbents eying smaller firms and fintechs for their IP and skills to remain competitive while considering upgrades to legacy systems. Simultaneously, regulation is changing to reflect new and emerging technologies and threats. This report is a deep dive into data first produced for the re­port Tech­no­lo­gy Transformation: Managing Risks in a Changing Landscape. This saw over 500 people surveyed from multiple industries across the world. Here we look in detail at the 85 respondents from the FS sector, and their perspectives on the risks associated with busi­ness-cri­ti­cal technologies, including emerging technologies. This sector is more highly regulated than most of the other sectors surveyed, with many historical tech disputes relating to regulation. But the focus of regulation is shifting, and so are the risks affecting this sector. Download the Technology Transformation Financial Services report now to read about:Drivers of technology adoption in the financial services sectorNew risks emerging and traditional barriers to risk ma­nage­ment­Cur­rent technology risks in the financial services sectorFuture risks, including AI and cryp­to­cur­ren­ci­es, and measures to deal with themPreferred approaches to technology dispute resolution for the financial services sector