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Implementation of the Antitrust Damages Actions Directive


Interested parties had until 16 September 2016 to submit their opinions and proposals on the draft amendments to the Bulgarian Act on Protection of Competition ("APC") which shall implement Directive 2014/104/EU on the rules governing actions for damages under national law for competition law infringements (the "Antitrust Damages Actions Directive").

The amendments are expected to ease facilitation of damages actions for all - direct and indirect - victims of infringements under EU and/or Bulgarian competition law. The scope of the draft amendments goes beyond the obligations imposed by the Antitrust Damages Actions Directive, as it covers all infringements provided for by the APC, including unfair competition practices and abuse of superior bargaining position.

The text of the draft amendments is available in Bulgarian only via the Bulgarian Council of Ministers' site for Public Consultations.


Gabriela Edreva