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Salaries, Remunerations and Compensations in light of the Coronavirus outbreak

Current Slovenian legislation and anticipated changes


Times like this, when we are faced with exceptional circumstances due to the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic, call for extraordinary measures, and  Slovenia is no exception to this. In the current situation we would like to remind you what our existing legislation says about the reimbursement of salary compensations. We have also added information on changes that will be introduced with the Act on the Intervention Measures of Partial Reimbursement of Wage, which is still in the process of adoption by the National Assembly but is expected to be passed very soon.

Situations in which the Employer bears the cost


Situations in which costs are born by other Institutions

Corona outbreak Graphic


Anticipated changes with the adoption of the so-called Intervention Act

Corona outbreak Graphic 3

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Portrait ofAmela Žrt
Amela Žrt