Home / CMS Lawyers in Austria / Johannes Reich-Rohrwig
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Johannes Reich-Rohrwig


CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz
Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Gauermanngasse 2
1010 Vienna
Languages German, English

Johannes Reich-Rohrwig is an attorney-at-law for corporate law/M&A. He is one of the leading lawyers in Austria in the fields of corporate law and commercial law. As such, he is continuously entrusted with the establishment and acquisition of companies, the drafting of contracts, legal opinions in commercial law and representation in contract negotiations.

Further activities of Johannes Reich-Rohrwig is also active in the drafting of articles of association and the representation of shareholders and partners in general meetings and in actions for rescission. He also successfully represents clients in civil litigation and arbitration proceedings in commercial and corporate disputes. Johannes Reich-Rohrwig himself repeatedly acts as arbitrator or chairman of arbitration tribunals.

As a university professor, Johannes Reich-Rohrwig teaches at the Institute for Corporate and Business Law at the University of Vienna and regularly gives lectures on topics such as the drafting of contracts in business law, company agreements, duties and liability of managing directors, members of the management board and supervisory board, compliance, syndicate agreements, corporate law, law and business in China, inheritance law as well as inheritance succession in property and family businesses.

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"Johannes is an excellent litigator with a thorough understanding of commercial matters."

Chambers Europe, 2024

„Johannes is an excellent litigator with a thorough understanding of commercial matters.“

Client feedback, Chambers Global 2024

"His experience in civil and commercial law and in economics is very strong and his creativity in finding solutions in favour of his clients is enormous."

Chambers Global, 2023

"Professor Reich-Rohrwig has inexhaustible specialist knowledge and is an excellent process strategist."

Chambers & Partners, 2022

Recipient of the "Advocatus 2013" client award in corporate law.

Die Presse 2013

Memberships & Roles

  • Partner of CMS in Vienna,
  • Austrian Bar Association
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • University professor, Institute for Corporate Law and Business Law, University of Vienna and
  • Examiner for the judge examination
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Awards & Rankings

  • Johannes Reich-Rohrwig received the “Advocatus'13: - Client Award for Corporate Law, which is presented by the daily newspaper Die Presse, for the most client nominations.
  • Johannes Reich-Rohrwig has been nominated for the award Acritas Stars 2021.
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Books (a selection)

  • J. Reich-Rohrwig/A. Reich-Rohrwig/Kinsky/Kurz, Flexible Kapitalgesellschaft, Manz Verlag Wien 2024.
  • Succession: A guide to planning your succession and avoiding mistakes (Erbrecht. Richtig vererben, richtig schenken, Fehler vermeiden), 2nd Edition (2020)
  • Succession Law 2017: A guide to planning your succession and avoiding mistakes (Erbrecht 2017: Richtig vererben, Fehler vermeiden), 1st Edition (2016)
  • Austrian limited liability company law (Das Österreichische GmbH-Recht), Volume I, 2nd Edition (1997)
  • Handbook for the general meetings of limited liability companies (Das Handbuch Generalversammlung der GmbH), together with Dr Ginthör and Dr Gratzl as the publisher (2014)
  • Key questions with regards the maintenance of capital for joint stock companies, public limited companies, and partnership entities (Grundsatzfragen der Kapitalerhaltung bei AG, GmbH sowie GmbH & Co KG), (2004)
  • Increases in rent for the head lease of business premises (Mietzinserhöhung bei Geschäftsraum-Hauptmiete), (1994)
  • Antitrust law I (Austria, European Union) (Kartellrecht I (Österreich, Europäische Union)), together with Dr Zehetner (2000)
  • Establishing a business in Austria (Unternehmensgründung in Österreich), for the Austria Business Agency (2016)

Contributions and other publications (a selection)

  • 30 Jahre Privatstiftung, ecolex 04/2023, 270.
  • Glossar: Privatstiftung, ecolex 04/2023, 277.
  • Empirische Untersuchung der Stiftungsurkunden österreichischer Privatstiftungen, ecolex 05/2023, 396.
  • Alternative corporate financing, crowdfunding and other forms of financing, ecolex 2020, 4ff.
  • Important changes to succession law, SWK 2016, 1333ff.
  • Transferring companies and shares in company successions, from a civil and corporate law perspective (Unternehmens- und Anteilsübertragung aus zivil- und gesellschaftsrechtlicher Sicht), in Unternehmensnachfolge, published by Bank Austria, 1999, 10ff.
  • M&A: Interpreting purchase price adjustment clauses, earn out clauses and better fortunes clauses (M&A: Auslegung von Kaufpreisanpassungs-, Earn-out- und Besserungsklauseln), Festschrift for Friedrich Rödler (2010), 763ff.
  • Interpretation and scope of accounts warranty (Auslegung und Reichweite von Bilanzgarantien), in ‘Althuber/Schopper (Publishers), Handbook of business acquisitions, 2nd Edition (2015)’ 391ff.
  • The liability of limited liability company directors, commentary to Paragraph 25 of the Austrian Limited Liability Company Act (Haftung des GmbH-Geschäftsführers, Kommentierung des § 25 GmbHG), in ‘Straube/Ratka/Rauter (Publishers), Vienna Commentary to the Austrian Limited Liability Company Act, 2nd Edition (2015)’
  • Criminal Code Amendment Act of 2015 implements the Business Judgment Rule (Strafrechtsänderungsgesetz 2015 setzt die Business-Judgement-Rule um), ecolex 2015, 677f. (together with Arno Zimmermann)
  • Legal succession in contracts and contractual legal successor clauses (Rechtsnachfolge in Verträgen und vertragliche Rechtsnachfolgeklauseln), GesRZ 2016, 126ff, GesRZ magazine 2016, 126ff.
  • Excluding limited liability company shareholders for good cause, according to the reform of the corporate civil-law partnership (Ausschluss von Gmbh-Gesellschaftern aus wichtigem Grund nach der GesBR-Reform), in ‘Festschrift Koppensteiner II (2016), 235ff.’
  • Liability disclaimers in real estate contracts (Haftungsausschluss bei Liegenschaftskaufverträgen), NZ 2015, 441ff.
  • Unclear contractual clauses in real estate contracts (Unklare Vertragsklauseln in Liegenschaftskaufverträgen), NZ 2016, 41ff.
  • Checklist for business acquisitions (Checkliste Unternehmenskauf), ecolex 2006, 632 ff., together with Dr Hanslik
  • Checklist for establishing a limited liability company (Checkliste GmbH-Gründung), ecolex 1993, 26
  • Specific questions on formulating articles of association for limited liability companies (Einzelne Fragen der Satzungsgestaltung bei der GmbH), in ‘Kalss/Rüffler (Publishers), formulating articles of association for limited liability companies, possibilities and limits, 2005, 17ff.’
  • Analysis of article of association for joint-stock companies in Austria (Analyse der Satzungen von Aktiengesellschaften in Österreich), Festschrift for Josef Aicher (2012), 605ff.
  • Reform of the corporate civil-law partnership, in force since 01/01/2015 (Reform der GesBR seit 1.1.2015 in Kraft), ecolex 2015, 43ff. (together with Arno Zimmermann)
  • Capital increases for listed joint-stock companies in Austria (Kapitalerhöhung bei der börsenotierten AG in Österreich), Festschrift for Günther H. Roth (2011) 635 ff.
  • Participation rights and bonds in mergers and demergers (I + II) (Genussrechte und Schuldverschreibungen in Verschmelzung und Spaltung (I + II)), ecolex 2013, 133ff. and 243ff.
  • The new Equity Substitute Act (Das neue Eigenkapitalersatzgesetz), ecolex 2004, 106 ff.
  • Equity substitution law and hidden profit distribution (Eigenkapitalersatzrecht und verdeckte Gewinnausschüttung), Festschrift for Werner Wiesner, 2004, 375 ff.)
  • Prohibition on the repayment of contributions by incorporated entities (Verbotene Einlagenrückgewähr bei Kapitalgesellschaften), ecolex 2003, 152 ff.
  • Improving the rights of private foundation benefactors and beneficiaries (Verbesserung der Rechte von Stiftern und Begünstigten einer Privatstiftung), ecolex 2005, 536 ff., together with Mag. Wallner
  • Dismissing the board of a foundation, pursuant to amendments to the Private Foundations Act (Abberufung des Stiftungsvorstands nach der Novellierung des PSG), ecolex 2011, 419 ff.
  • Regarding the incompatibility of being a member of the board of directors in a private foundation whilst also representing the benefactor (Zur Unvereinbarkeit der Vorstandstätigkeit in der Privatstiftung bei gleichzeitiger Vertretung eines Stifters), ecolex 2010, 59/20
  • Rights of a private foundation’s final beneficiary (Rechte der Letztbegünstigten einer Privatstiftung), ecolex 2006, 765
  • The pledging and seizure of shares from general partnerships and limited partnerships (Verpfändung und Pfändung von OG- und KG-Anteilen), ecolex 2011, 4ff.
  • Pitfalls in the arbitration clauses of partnership agreements (Tücken gesellschaftsvertraglicher Schiedsklauseln), Festschrift for Hellwig Torggler (2013), 985 ff.
  • Arbitration agreements with a limited liability company director classified as an employee or consumer (Schiedsvereinbarungen mit einem als Arbeitnehmer oder Verbraucher zu qualifizierenden GmbH-Geschäftsführer), ecolex 2008, 740 ff., together with Mag. Lahnsteiner
  • Renting business premises in shopping centres and the business lease agreements and contractual relationships connected to this (Geschäftsraummiete, Unternehmenspacht und Bestandverhältnisse in Einkaufszentren), Festschrift for Hans-Georg Koppensteiner 2001, 629 ff.
List of Publications
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Lectures list

  • Flexible Kapitalgesellschaft und GmbH [Flexible Company and Company with limited liability] lecture, University of Vienna, summer term 2024
  • Lecturer at the University of Vienna Law School (corporate and commercial law) on designing practical corporate and commercial law contract, corporation law and designing and negotiating company acquisition contracts (M&A)
  • Speaker at more than 500 seminars
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  • 2008 – Granted the title of University Professor
  • 2004 – Habilitation as university lecturer, University of Vienna
  • 1977 – Dr. iur., University of Vienna
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Dispute Resolution

Johannes Reich-Rohrwig is attorney-at-law for dispute resolution (litigation & arbitration). He is one of the leading lawyers in the fields of commercial and corporate law in Austria and the specialist Department for Corporate Law, Litigation and Arbitration at CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz.

Johannes Reich-Rohrwig represents clients in civil litigation and arbitration proceedings with commercial and corporate law content and in damages actions. He is often appointed arbitrator or chairman of arbitral tribunals.


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"Johannes is an excellent litigator with a thorough understanding of commercial matters."

Chambers Europe, 2024

„Johannes is an excellent litigator with a thorough understanding of commercial matters.“

Client feedback, Chambers Global 2024

"Professor Reich-Rohrwig has inexhaustible specialist knowledge and is an excellent process strategist."

Chambers & Partners, 2022

Recipient of the "Advocatus 2013" client award in corporate law.

Die Presse 2013

Memberships & Roles

  • Partner of CMS in Vienna
  • Austrian Bar Association
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • University professor, Institute for Corporate Law and Business Law, University of Vienna and
  • Examiner for the judge examination
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Awards & Rankings

  • Johannes Reich-Rohrwig received the “Advocatus'13: - Client Award for Corporate Law, which is presented by the daily newspaper Die Presse, for the most client nominations.
  • Johannes Reich-Rohrwig has been nominated for the award Acritas Stars 2021.
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Books (a selection)

  • J. Reich-Rohrwig/A. Reich-Rohrwig/Kinsky/Kurz, Flexible Kapitalgesellschaft, Manz Verlag Wien 2024.
  • Succession: A guide to planning your succession and avoiding mistakes (Erbrecht. Richtig vererben, richtig schenken, Fehler vermeiden), 2nd Edition (2020)
  • Succession Law 2017: A guide to planning your succession and avoiding mistakes (Erbrecht 2017: Richtig vererben, Fehler vermeiden), 1st Edition (2016)
  • Austrian limited liability company law (Das Österreichische GmbH-Recht), Volume I, 2nd Edition (1997)
  • Handbook for the general meetings of limited liability companies (Das Handbuch Generalversammlung der GmbH), together with Dr Ginthör and Dr Gratzl as the publisher (2014)
  • Key questions with regards the maintenance of capital for joint stock companies, public limited companies, and partnership entities (Grundsatzfragen der Kapitalerhaltung bei AG, GmbH sowie GmbH & Co KG), (2004)
  • Increases in rent for the head lease of business premises (Mietzinserhöhung bei Geschäftsraum-Hauptmiete), (1994)
  • Antitrust law I (Austria, European Union) (Kartellrecht I (Österreich, Europäische Union)), together with Dr Zehetner (2000)
  • Establishing a business in Austria (Unternehmensgründung in Österreich), for the Austria Business Agency (2016)

Contributions and other publications (a selection)

  • 30 Jahre Privatstiftung, ecolex 04/2023, 270.
  • Glossar: Privatstiftung, ecolex 04/2023, 277.
  • Empirische Untersuchung der Stiftungsurkunden österreichischer Privatstiftungen, ecolex 05/2023, 396.
  • Alternative corporate financing, crowdfunding and other forms of financing, ecolex 2020, 4ff.
  • Important changes to succession law (Wichtige Änderungen im Erbrecht), SWK 2016, 1333ff.
  • Transferring companies and shares in company successions, from a civil and corporate law perspective (Unternehmens- und Anteilsübertragung aus zivil- und gesellschaftsrechtlicher Sicht), in Unternehmensnachfolge, published by Bank Austria, 1999, 10ff.
  • M&A: Interpreting purchase price adjustment clauses, earn out clauses and better fortunes clauses (M&A: Auslegung von Kaufpreisanpassungs-, Earn-out- und Besserungsklauseln), Festschrift for Friedrich Rödler (2010), 763ff.
  • Interpretation and scope of accounts warranty (Auslegung und Reichweite von Bilanzgarantien), in ‘Althuber/Schopper (Publishers), Handbook of business acquisitions, 2nd Edition (2015)’ 391ff.
  • The liability of limited liability company directors, commentary to Paragraph 25 of the Austrian Limited Liability Company Act (Haftung des GmbH-Geschäftsführers, Kommentierung des § 25 GmbHG), in ‘Straube/Ratka/Rauter (Publishers), Vienna Commentary to the Austrian Limited Liability Company Act, 2nd Edition (2015)’
  • Criminal Code Amendment Act of 2015 implements the Business Judgment Rule (Strafrechtsänderungsgesetz 2015 setzt die Business-Judgement-Rule um), ecolex 2015, 677f. (together with Arno Zimmermann)
  • Legal succession in contracts and contractual legal successor clauses (Rechtsnachfolge in Verträgen und vertragliche Rechtsnachfolgeklauseln), GesRZ 2016, 126ff, GesRZ magazine 2016, 126ff.
  • Excluding limited liability company shareholders for good cause, according to the reform of the corporate civil-law partnership (Ausschluss von Gmbh-Gesellschaftern aus wichtigem Grund nach der GesBR-Reform), in ‘Festschrift Koppensteiner II (2016), 235ff.’
  • Liability disclaimers in real estate contracts (Haftungsausschluss bei Liegenschaftskaufverträgen), NZ 2015, 441ff.
  • Unclear contractual clauses in real estate contracts (Unklare Vertragsklauseln in Liegenschaftskaufverträgen), NZ 2016, 41ff.
  • Checklist for business acquisitions (Checkliste Unternehmenskauf), ecolex 2006, 632 ff., together with Dr Hanslik
  • Checklist for establishing a limited liability company (Checkliste GmbH-Gründung), ecolex 1993, 26
  • Specific questions on formulating articles of association for limited liability companies (Einzelne Fragen der Satzungsgestaltung bei der GmbH), in ‘Kalss/Rüffler (Publishers), formulating articles of association for limited liability companies, possibilities and limits, 2005, 17ff.’
  • Analysis of article of association for joint-stock companies in Austria (Analyse der Satzungen von Aktiengesellschaften in Österreich), Festschrift for Josef Aicher (2012), 605ff.
  • Reform of the corporate civil-law partnership, in force since 01/01/2015 (Reform der GesBR seit 1.1.2015 in Kraft), ecolex 2015, 43ff. (together with Arno Zimmermann)
  • Capital increases for listed joint-stock companies in Austria (Kapitalerhöhung bei der börsenotierten AG in Österreich), Festschrift for Günther H. Roth (2011) 635 ff.
  • Participation rights and bonds in mergers and demergers (I + II) (Genussrechte und Schuldverschreibungen in Verschmelzung und Spaltung (I + II)), ecolex 2013, 133ff. and 243ff.
  • The new Equity Substitute Act (Das neue Eigenkapitalersatzgesetz), ecolex 2004, 106 ff.
  • Equity substitution law and hidden profit distribution (Eigenkapitalersatzrecht und verdeckte Gewinnausschüttung), Festschrift for Werner Wiesner, 2004, 375 ff.)
  • Prohibition on the repayment of contributions by incorporated entities (Verbotene Einlagenrückgewähr bei Kapitalgesellschaften), ecolex 2003, 152 ff.
  • Improving the rights of private foundation benefactors and beneficiaries (Verbesserung der Rechte von Stiftern und Begünstigten einer Privatstiftung), ecolex 2005, 536 ff., together with Mag. Wallner
  • Dismissing the board of a foundation, pursuant to amendments to the Private Foundations Act (Abberufung des Stiftungsvorstands nach der Novellierung des PSG), ecolex 2011, 419 ff.
  • Regarding the incompatibility of being a member of the board of directors in a private foundation whilst also representing the benefactor (Zur Unvereinbarkeit der Vorstandstätigkeit in der Privatstiftung bei gleichzeitiger Vertretung eines Stifters), ecolex 2010, 59/20
  • Rights of a private foundation’s final beneficiary (Rechte der Letztbegünstigten einer Privatstiftung), ecolex 2006, 765
  • The pledging and seizure of shares from general partnerships and limited partnerships (Verpfändung und Pfändung von OG- und KG-Anteilen), ecolex 2011, 4ff.
  • Pitfalls in the arbitration clauses of partnership agreements (Tücken gesellschaftsvertraglicher Schiedsklauseln), Festschrift for Hellwig Torggler (2013), 985 ff.
  • Arbitration agreements with a limited liability company director classified as an employee or consumer (Schiedsvereinbarungen mit einem als Arbeitnehmer oder Verbraucher zu qualifizierenden GmbH-Geschäftsführer), ecolex 2008, 740 ff., together with Mag. Lahnsteiner
  • Renting business premises in shopping centres and the business lease agreements and contractual relationships connected to this (Geschäftsraummiete, Unternehmenspacht und Bestandverhältnisse in Einkaufszentren), Festschrift for Hans-Georg Koppensteiner 2001, 629 ff.
List of Publications
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Lectures list

  • Flexible Kapitalgesellschaft und GmbH [Flexible Company and Company with limited liability] lecture, University of Vienna, summer term 2024
  • Johannes Reich-Rohrwig gives lectures on disputes between companies and shareholders and on professional litigation options: Actions for rescission, positive declaratory judgment, nullity, injunctive relief—as well as for the enforcement of company and syndicate agreements and minority damages. He was a speaker at more than 500 seminars.
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  • 2008 – Granted the title of University Professor
  • 2004 – Habilitation as university lecturer, University of Vienna
  • 1977 – Dr. iur., University of Vienna
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Private Clients

Johannes Reich-Rohrwig is attorney-at-law for inheritance law and private clients. He is one of the leading lawyers in Austria in the fields of corporate law, commercial law and inheritance law. He has extensive experience in the field of private and business succession, gifts and wills. His profound knowledge of civil law, commercial law and corporate law enables him to support private clients to plan asset succession (especially in family businesses), in the transfer of company shares and shares, establish and structure of private foundations, trusts and the execute of wills, as well as to establish marriage contracts, inheritance contracts, gifts on death, and succession and maintenance agreements.

Johannes Reich-Rohrwig advises clients on the establishment of private foundations and the revision of foundation deeds. He himself is chairman of several private foundations. For his clients, he draws up testamentary dispositions and succession arrangements among living persons and advises on asset transfers. Johannes Reich-Rohrwig represents clients in inheritance disputes and in legitime (forced share) actions.

Johannes Reich-Rohrwig gave numerous lectures on the planning of asset succession, in particular on companies, companies and the constitution of gifts, gifts with conditions, wills and succession (including the right to a legitime [forced share]).

Johannes Reich-Rohrwig has published for CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz GmbH the book Erbrecht 2017 - richtig vererben, Fehler vermeiden (Inheritance Law 2017 - Bequeath lawfully, avoiding mistakes) and in 2019 an essay on the topic “Planung der Vermögensnachfolge” (“Planning Asset Succession”) in 2019.  He also wrote the civil law and inheritance law part of the book Unternehmensnachfolge (Company Succession) for Bank Austria.

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"Johannes is an excellent litigator with a thorough understanding of commercial matters."

Chambers Europe, 2024

„Johannes is an excellent litigator with a thorough understanding of commercial matters.“

Client feedback, Chambers Global 2024

"Professor Reich-Rohrwig has inexhaustible specialist knowledge and is an excellent process strategist."

Chambers & Partners, 2022

Recipient of the "Advocatus 2013" client award in corporate law.

Die Presse 2013

Memberships & Roles

  • Partner of CMS in Vienna,
  • Austrian Bar Association
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • University professor, Institute for Corporate Law and Business Law, University of Vienna and
  • Examiner for the judge examination
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Awards & Rankings

  • Johannes Reich-Rohrwig received the “Advocatus'13: - Client Award for Corporate Law, which is presented by the daily newspaper Die Presse, for the most client nominations.
  • Johannes Reich-Rohrwig has been nominated for the award Acritas Stars 2021.
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Books (a selection)

  • J. Reich-Rohrwig/A. Reich-Rohrwig/Kinsky/Kurz, Flexible Kapitalgesellschaft, Manz Verlag Wien 2024.
  • Succession: A guide to planning your succession and avoiding mistakes (Erbrecht. Richtig vererben, richtig schenken, Fehler vermeiden), 2nd Edition (2020)
  • Succession Law 2017: A guide to planning your succession and avoiding mistakes (Erbrecht 2017: Richtig vererben, Fehler vermeiden), 1st Edition (2016)
  • Austrian limited liability company law (Das Österreichische GmbH-Recht), Volume I, 2nd Edition (1997)
  • Handbook for the general meetings of limited liability companies (Das Handbuch Generalversammlung der GmbH), together with Dr Ginthör and Dr Gratzl as the publisher (2014)
  • Key questions with regards the maintenance of capital for joint stock companies, public limited companies, and partnership entities (Grundsatzfragen der Kapitalerhaltung bei AG, GmbH sowie GmbH & Co KG), (2004)
  • Increases in rent for the head lease of business premises (Mietzinserhöhung bei Geschäftsraum-Hauptmiete), (1994)
  • Antitrust law I (Austria, European Union) (Kartellrecht I (Österreich, Europäische Union)), together with Dr Zehetner (2000)
  • Establishing a business in Austria (Unternehmensgründung in Österreich), for the Austria Business Agency (2016)

Contributions and other publications (a selection)

  • 30 Jahre Privatstiftung, ecolex 04/2023, 270.
  • Glossar: Privatstiftung, ecolex 04/2023, 277.
  • Empirische Untersuchung der Stiftungsurkunden österreichischer Privatstiftungen, ecolex 05/2023, 396.
  • Alternative corporate financing, crowdfunding and other forms of financing, ecolex 2020, 4ff.
  • Important changes to succession law (Wichtige Änderungen im Erbrecht), SWK 2016, 1333ff.
  • Transferring companies and shares in company successions, from a civil and corporate law perspective (Unternehmens- und Anteilsübertragung aus zivil- und gesellschaftsrechtlicher Sicht), in Unternehmensnachfolge, published by Bank Austria, 1999, 10ff.
  • M&A: Interpreting purchase price adjustment clauses, earn out clauses and better fortunes clauses (M&A: Auslegung von Kaufpreisanpassungs-, Earn-out- und Besserungsklauseln), Festschrift for Friedrich Rödler (2010), 763ff.
  • Interpretation and scope of accounts warranty (Auslegung und Reichweite von Bilanzgarantien), in ‘Althuber/Schopper (Publishers), Handbook of business acquisitions, 2nd Edition (2015)’ 391ff.
  • The liability of limited liability company directors, commentary to Paragraph 25 of the Austrian Limited Liability Company Act (Haftung des GmbH-Geschäftsführers, Kommentierung des § 25 GmbHG), in ‘Straube/Ratka/Rauter (Publishers), Vienna Commentary to the Austrian Limited Liability Company Act, 2nd Edition (2015)’
  • Criminal Code Amendment Act of 2015 implements the Business Judgment Rule (Strafrechtsänderungsgesetz 2015 setzt die Business-Judgement-Rule um), ecolex 2015, 677f. (together with Arno Zimmermann)
  • Legal succession in contracts and contractual legal successor clauses (Rechtsnachfolge in Verträgen und vertragliche Rechtsnachfolgeklauseln), GesRZ 2016, 126ff, GesRZ magazine 2016, 126ff.
  • Excluding limited liability company shareholders for good cause, according to the reform of the corporate civil-law partnership (Ausschluss von Gmbh-Gesellschaftern aus wichtigem Grund nach der GesBR-Reform), in ‘Festschrift Koppensteiner II (2016), 235ff.’
  • Liability disclaimers in real estate contracts (Haftungsausschluss bei Liegenschaftskaufverträgen), NZ 2015, 441ff.
  • Unclear contractual clauses in real estate contracts (Unklare Vertragsklauseln in Liegenschaftskaufverträgen), NZ 2016, 41ff.
  • Checklist for business acquisitions (Checkliste Unternehmenskauf), ecolex 2006, 632 ff., together with Dr Hanslik
  • Checklist for establishing a limited liability company (Checkliste GmbH-Gründung), ecolex 1993, 26
  • Specific questions on formulating articles of association for limited liability companies (Einzelne Fragen der Satzungsgestaltung bei der GmbH), in ‘Kalss/Rüffler (Publishers), formulating articles of association for limited liability companies, possibilities and limits, 2005, 17ff.’
  • Analysis of article of association for joint-stock companies in Austria (Analyse der Satzungen von Aktiengesellschaften in Österreich), Festschrift for Josef Aicher (2012), 605ff.
  • Reform of the corporate civil-law partnership, in force since 01/01/2015 (Reform der GesBR seit 1.1.2015 in Kraft), ecolex 2015, 43ff. (together with Arno Zimmermann)
  • Capital increases for listed joint-stock companies in Austria (Kapitalerhöhung bei der börsenotierten AG in Österreich), Festschrift for Günther H. Roth (2011) 635 ff.
  • Participation rights and bonds in mergers and demergers (I + II) (Genussrechte und Schuldverschreibungen in Verschmelzung und Spaltung (I + II)), ecolex 2013, 133ff. and 243ff.
  • The new Equity Substitute Act (Das neue Eigenkapitalersatzgesetz), ecolex 2004, 106 ff.
  • Equity substitution law and hidden profit distribution (Eigenkapitalersatzrecht und verdeckte Gewinnausschüttung), Festschrift for Werner Wiesner, 2004, 375 ff.)
  • Prohibition on the repayment of contributions by incorporated entities (Verbotene Einlagenrückgewähr bei Kapitalgesellschaften), ecolex 2003, 152 ff.
  • Improving the rights of private foundation benefactors and beneficiaries (Verbesserung der Rechte von Stiftern und Begünstigten einer Privatstiftung), ecolex 2005, 536 ff., together with Mag. Wallner
  • Dismissing the board of a foundation, pursuant to amendments to the Private Foundations Act (Abberufung des Stiftungsvorstands nach der Novellierung des PSG), ecolex 2011, 419 ff.
  • Regarding the incompatibility of being a member of the board of directors in a private foundation whilst also representing the benefactor (Zur Unvereinbarkeit der Vorstandstätigkeit in der Privatstiftung bei gleichzeitiger Vertretung eines Stifters), ecolex 2010, 59/20
  • Rights of a private foundation’s final beneficiary (Rechte der Letztbegünstigten einer Privatstiftung), ecolex 2006, 765
  • The pledging and seizure of shares from general partnerships and limited partnerships (Verpfändung und Pfändung von OG- und KG-Anteilen), ecolex 2011, 4ff.
  • Pitfalls in the arbitration clauses of partnership agreements (Tücken gesellschaftsvertraglicher Schiedsklauseln), Festschrift for Hellwig Torggler (2013), 985 ff.
  • Arbitration agreements with a limited liability company director classified as an employee or consumer (Schiedsvereinbarungen mit einem als Arbeitnehmer oder Verbraucher zu qualifizierenden GmbH-Geschäftsführer), ecolex 2008, 740 ff., together with Mag. Lahnsteiner
  • Renting business premises in shopping centres and the business lease agreements and contractual relationships connected to this (Geschäftsraummiete, Unternehmenspacht und Bestandverhältnisse in Einkaufszentren), Festschrift for Hans-Georg Koppensteiner 2001, 629 ff.
List of Publications
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Lectures list

  • Flexible Kapitalgesellschaft und GmbH [Flexible Company and Company with limited liability] lecture, University of Vienna, summer term 2024
  • Johannes Reich-Rohrwig gave numerous lectures on the planning of asset succession, in particular on companies, companies and the constitution of gifts, gifts with conditions, wills and succession (including the right to a legitime [forced share]).
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  • 2008 – Granted the title of University Professor
  • 2004 – Habilitation as university lecturer, University of Vienna
  • 1977 – Dr. iur., University of Vienna
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Flexible Kapit­al­gesell­schaft | Publikationen von Johannes Reich-Rohrwig
Publikationen von Johannes Reich-Rohrwig


STEP Lunch | Wie komme ich an mein Erbe?
STEP Lunch 
Flexible Kapit­al­gesell­schafts-Ge­setz - Un­ternehmenswert-Anteile
Flexible Kapit­al­gesell­schaft | Publikationen von Johannes Reich-Rohrwig
Publikationen von Johannes Reich-Rohrwig
Johannes Reich-Rohrwig kommentiert Neuerungen in der Geschäfts­führ­er­haf­tung
Pres­sein­form­a­tion - 23. Januar 2023In Krisenzeiten wachsen die Heraus­for­der­ungen für Geschäfts­führ­er von Unternehmen und ihr Haftungsrisiko steigt. Rechtsanwalt und Uni­versität­s­pro­fess­or Johannes Reich-Rohrwig gibt mit seiner aktualisierten Kommentierung der Geschäfts­führ­er­haf­tung im „Wiener Kommentar“ zum GmbH-Gesetz wichtige Hilfestellungen bei komplexen rechtlichen Fra­gen.   Jo­hannes Reich-Rohrwig: „Gerade in bewegten Zeiten stehen GmbH-Geschäfts­führ­er vor großen Heraus­for­der­ungen. Mit jeder Entscheidung ist ein persönliches Haftungsrisiko verbunden. In meiner aktuellen Kommentierung des § 25 im Wiener Kommentar zum GmbHG erörtere ich praxisnahe Fragestellungen wie Sorgfalt­sp­f­licht­en, Business Judgement Rule sowie die (Nicht-)Zurech­nung von Fehlern von Mitarbeitern und Beratern. Selb­stver­ständ­lich werden auch Verstöße gegen das Verbot der Ein­la­gen­rück­gewähr und Pflichten von Geschäfts­führ­ern in insolvenznahen Situationen kommentiert. Die neueste Rechtsprechung ist eingearbeitet.“   Jo­hannes Reich-Rohrwig schöpft als Rechtsanwalt und Uni­versität­s­pro­fess­or für Gesell­schaft­s­recht aus seiner reichen Praxiserfahrung. Er ist Namenspartner der international tätigen Anwaltssozietät CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz und im Bereich Wirtschaftsrecht einer der führenden Rechtsanwälte in Ös­ter­reich.   Der im Manz Verlag erschienene „Wiener Kommentar“ erörtert das gesamte GmbH-Recht und wichtige Nebengesetze. Experten aus Universität, Anwaltschaft, Notariat und dem BMJ behandeln die Recht­sentwicklung, Judikatur und unterschiedliche Meinungen darin klar strukturiert.
Business Breakfast | Auslegung und Anpassung von Verträgen
Business Breakfast
Haftung von Geschäfts­führ­ern und Vor­standsmit­gliedern
Business Breakfast
RuST 2022: Jahresforum für Recht und Steuern
Business Circle
Quorum at the General Meeting, Exclusion of Voting Rights and Head of the...
The present professional article by Johannes Reich-Rohrwig, CMS Vienna, highlights three areas in which illicitly acting shareholders can undermine the legislative organisational concept of how the GmbH...
Contract Design for Purchasing an Appartment Building
In this study, legal expert Johannes Reich Rohrwig examines the current contractual practice in the purchase of apartment buildings. His team analysed 350 purchase contracts for apartment buildings and...
Virtual general and shareholders' meetings, virtual supervisory board meetings...
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing economic turmoil for many companies. Are GmbH shareholders and shareholders still entitled to a distribution of the balance sheet profit if business slumps in the new...
Corporate COVID-19 Act
The measures to contain COVID-19 (keywords: ban on meetings and travel restrictions) often make it impossible for shareholders and board members to meet physically. The legislator is now reacting to this...
Alternative corporate financing - crowdfunding and other forms of financing
Both an amendment to the Alternative Financing Act (AltFG) in 2018 and the enactment of the Capital Markets Act (KMG 2019) as well as the reorganisation of the Prospectus Regulation at the European level...