
Career Calling 2024
Career Calling is the place to be when it comes to planning your career and joining the labour market. At this annual fair, our trainees and colleagues from the Human Resources department will be on hand to answer your questions.  More about Details on Career Calling.  
JUS Success
Fit4CSRD Intensivtraining
Wir bereiten Sie auf die kommenden Bericht­sp­f­licht­en gemäß CSRD & ESRS durch das exklusive Fit4CSRD Intensivtraining vor.   Dieses Programm bietet eine prax­isor­i­entierte Verknüpfung der Fraunhofer Austria Prozessexpertise mit dem rechtlichen Wissen von CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Recht­san­wälte.  Das Intensivtraining setzt sich aus einer 2-tägigen Präsen­zver­an­stal­tung im Mai und weitere Veranstaltung im Juni und September zusammen. 14. & 15. Mai 2024, Intensivtraining Tag 1 Fundament der Nach­haltigkeits­berichter­stat­tung – CSRD & ESRS, doppelte Wesentlichkeit und Identifikation von IROsTag 2 Vertiefung, EU-Taxonomie, Digitalsierung und der Pro­jekt­man­age­ment­plan zum fertigen Bericht Statusmeetings Juni: Update zu Doppelter Wesent­lich­keit­san­a­lyse und Stake­hold­er-En­gage­ment­Septem­ber: Update zu inhaltlichen ESG Themen inklusive Datenpunkten für den Nach­haltigkeits­bericht Individuelles Coaching In zwei 2-stündigen Coachings mit Fraunhofer Austria und CMS beantworten wir Ihnen Ihre individuellen Fragestellungen. Die individuellen Anforderungen Ihres Unternehmens (Standorte, Branchenschwer­punkte, etc.) werden hier genauso berücksichtigt wie Schnittstellen zu anderen Regularien wie dem Cross Border Adjustment Mechanism oder in Bezug auf Lieferketten.
At CEEntre Stage | The Impact of ESOP incentives on CEE's corporate culture
At CEEntre Stage 
Join Our Team – Arbeitsrecht & Personalaufnahme an Universitäten
Am 24.04.2024 findet unter dem Titel "Join our team" eine Tagung für Arbeitsrecht und Personalaufnahme an Universitäten am WU Campus in Wien statt. Pro­gramm­high­lights:   9.30 - 10.15 Uhr Grundfragen des Beru­fungs­ver­fahrens nach §§ 98, 99 UG Univ. Prof. Dr. Christoph Kietaibl10.15 - 10.25 Uhr Kommentar: Dr. Andrea Potz15.30 - 16.15 Uhr Ver­fahrens­recht und Rechtsschutz bei der Aufnahme von Uni­versität­sper­son­al Hon.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Wolf
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Laws in Austria
Article I   Article II  
Real Estate Road Map Austria
Your guide to real estate development in Austria
On the Pulse webinar series 2024
Welcome to the 2024 On the Pulse webinar series.  This webinar series brings you updates on the latest legal and commercial developments in the life sciences & healthcare sector from around the world. Over the coming period, we will be hosting two webinars on:Unified Patent Court (UPC) - 23 AprilEU Pharma Package - 18 JuneEach webinar will be one hour in length with a 15-minute Q&A session.
CMS advises Siemens Energy on sale of Trench
Press release - 22.04.2024
Tax: A CEE Level of Intricacy
CEE Legal Matters | published on 12 March 2024
Andreas Lichten­ber­ger’s promotion adds another lawyer to the CMS team
Press release - 19. April 2024Andreas Lichtenberger (30), who specialises in data protection law, was promoted to lawyer at CMS Vienna in February 2024. In addition, he has been appointed as the firm’s new data protection officer, filling a further important position at CMS Vienna. Andreas Lichtenberger completed his business law degree in Vienna and has worked at CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz for several years. After joining the firm in 2016 as a legal trainee and staying on as an associate in 2019, he now works as a lawyer and continues to strengthen the data protection law team, a market-leading expert team. His legal practice also focuses on the areas of IT/IP law and commercial law. “His portfolio is a great fit for us, since we advise numerous clients on issues such as international data exchange, cloud solutions, artificial intelligence, and further challenges of our interconnected world,” says CMS managing partner Johannes Juranek. “As businesses increasingly rely on our expertise in data protection law in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we are continuously growing our team.” With the new Cybersecurity Act due to enter into force in autumn, Andreas Lichten­ber­ger’s expertise will continue to be very much sought after. The Act imposes a duty of care on numerous business, authorities, and associations. They must enhance IT security measures and expand risk management in order to meet the upcoming stricter, EU-wide requirements. CMS data protection officer Andreas Lichtenberger will also apply his expertise and experience as the firm’s data protection officer (DPO). In an international law firm, GDPR compliance requires a substantial time commitment, especially considering the need for in-depth collaboration and coordination with management, the IT department, and the entire global CMS network.
Transforming the Legal Landscape? The Impact of LLMs
Large Language Models (LLMs) are a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that can generate human-like text based on deep learning techniques. LLMs are trained on massive amounts of textual data, such...