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Dr. Carsten Menebröcker, LL.M. (NYU)

Rechtsanwalt | Co-Head of the CMS Intellectual Property Group

CMS Hasche Sigle
Kranhaus 1
Im Zollhafen 18
50678 Cologne
Languages German, English, Spanish

Carsten Menebröcker specialises in enforcing intellectual property rights in and out of court, including cross-border litigation. He is an expert for trademark and competition law as well as design rights and has extensive experience in combatting counterfeiting and piracy in a German and international context as well as in developing and optimising protection strategies, advertising concepts and marketing activities.

After having worked for a US firm in San Francisco, Carsten joined CMS in 2003 and became a partner in 2011. Following his studies in Mainz and Valencia, he completed a PhD (comparative law dissertation on copyright law). In 2003, he studied at New York University (NYU) as a German National Merit Foundation scholar and earned his LL.M., focussing on intellectual property and trade regulation.

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„Oft empfohlen“ für Marken- und Wettbewerbsrecht

JUVE Handbuch, 2023/2024

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JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2021 (GCLF)

"Recommended" for Trademarks and Unfair Competition

JUVE German Commercial Law Firms 2021 (GCLF)

Memberships & Roles

  • German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
  • International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI)
  • MARQUES (Association of European Trade Mark Owners)
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  • "Haustürwerbung derzeit nicht schlechthin lauterkeitsrechtlich unzulässig", GRUR-Prax MS-Nr. 20210177, Erschienen in Heft: 7/2021, S. 213
  • "Ärztliche Angabe "Es gibt keine hoffnungslosen Fälle" ist unzulässiges Erfolgsversprechen", Anm. zum LG Bochum, GRUR-Prax, 22/2014, S. 510
  • "Inkassodienstleistung keine Nebenleistung iSd § 5 RDG", Anm. zum OLG München, GRUR Prax, 18/2014, S. 424
  • "Gutschein über 30 EUR für Versicherungsnehmer", Anm. zum OLG Naumburg, GRUR Prax, 14/2014, S. 336
  • "Zwischen Berufspflicht und Parteiverrat – Das Zustellungs-Dilemma", NJW, NJW-aktuell 25/2014, S. 14
  • "Anlehnen an bekannte Produktverpackungen", Anm. zum OLG Köln, GRUR-Prax 5/2014, S. 114
  • "Gutscheine von Kfz-Werkstätten für Folgeaufträge", Anm. zum OLG Hamm, GRUR-Prax 3/2014, S. 63
  • "Streitwertberechnung für hilfsweise geltend gemacht Ansprüche", Anm. zum BGH, GRUR-Prax 1/2014, S. 21
  • "Beweislast bei Eigenschaftsbehauptung "ins Blaue hinein"", Anm. zu LG Hamburg, GRUR-Prax 22/2013, S. 501
  • "Mitbewerber sind bei Verstößen gegen § 7 II Nr. 2 UWG aktivlegitimiert", Anm. zum BGH, GRUR-Prax 20/2013, S. 451
  • "Zugelassen an allen deutschen LGs und OLGs sowie am KG Berlin" nicht zwingend irreführend, Anm. zum KG, GRUR-Prax 16/2013, S. 366
  • Treuwidrige Geltendmachung von Abmahnkosten bei Abwehrklausel?, Anm. zu OLG Celle, GRUR-Prax 10/2013, S. 233
  • Einwilligung in Werbeanrufe gegenüber Meinungsumfrageinstitut, Anm. zu OLG München, GRUR-Prax 6/2013, S. 147
  • Gemeinschaftsweite Bekämpfung von Marken- und Produktpiraterie (gemeinsam mit Sabine Stier) WRP 2012, S. 885
  • Öffentlichkeitswerbung nach der Reform des HWG, GRUR-Prax 2012, S. 297
  • Anwaltshonorar von 5.150 Euro für drei Schriftsätze nicht überzogen, Anm. zu EuGH, GRUR-Prax 2012, S. 200
  • Sittenwidrige Kommerzialisierung der Anspruchsbefugnis, Anm. zu OLG München, GRUR-Prax 2012, S. 119
  • Taxi-Fahrt ohne Konzession für Gemeinde, aus der der Fahrgastauftrag stammt, verstößt nicht zwingend gegen § 47 II 1 PBefG, Anm. zu OLG Frankfurt a.M., GRUR-Prax 2011, S. 562
  • Hinsichtlich der Einwilligung modifizierter Verbotsantrag bei Telefonwerbung ist hinreichend bestimmt, GRUR-Prax 2011, p. 176
  • Gläubiger eines Unterlassungsanspruchs muss sich bei erneuter, ähnlicher Verletzungshandlung nicht auf Ordnungsmittelverfahren einlassen, GRUR-Prax 2011, S. 278
  • Abgeklebtes Fenster eines Sportclubs ist kein "Schaufenster", GRUR-Prax 2011, p. 90
  • Markeneintragung berechtigt nicht zu irreführender Benutzung - "Praxis Aktuell", GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 561
  • Tätowierer muss kein Preisverzeichnis aushängen, GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 493
  • Grenzen erlaubter Anwaltswerbung, Anmerkung zum Beschluss des KG vom 31.08.2010 - 5 W 198/10, GRUR-RR 2010, p. 437
  • "Meine Nr. 1" enthält nicht zwingend eine unzulässige Alleinstellungsbehauptung, GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 467
  • Keine irreführende Bewerbung der Dienstleistungen eines Betreuers bei Verwendung der zutreffenden Bezeichnung "Rechtliche Betreuung", GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 401
  • "Thalia verführt zum Lesen", genießt aber keinen Schutz, GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 346
  • Händler darf auch ohne erläuternden Zusatz mit DIN-Norm werben, GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 276
  • Anwaltswerbung - Was ist erlaubt?, GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 189
  • "In Kölle doheim" ist als Marke für Souvenirartikel wie T-Shirts und Taschen eintragungsfähig, GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 174
  • Haftung eines Online-Portals für eigene Trefferlisten-Inhalte einer integrierten Google-Suche, GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 104
  • Keine "Fiesta" für "Pasta Fiesta"? - Elementeschutz für schwach kennzeichnende Markenbestandteile?, GRUR-Prax 2010, p. 12
  • Erweiterte Möglichkeiten für Freiberufler im Bereich der Aufmerksamkeitswerbung, GRUR-Prax 2009, p. 42
  • UWG Reform, Neue Spielregeln im Wettbewerb, GmbHChef 6/7 2009, p. 14, (gemeinsam mit Dr. Heike Blank)
  • E-mails, Faxe & Co. - Auswirkungen der UWG-Reform auf das Direktmarketing, CMS Hasche Sigle, Update- Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, Spezialausgabe zur UWG Reform 2009, p. 6
  • BGH: Kinder dürfen Treuepunkte sammeln, CMS Hasche Sigle, Update Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz 2009, p. 8
  • Kommentierung von § 7 UWG (unzumutbare Belästigung), § 11 UWG (Verjährung), § 20 UWG (Ordnungswidrigkeit unerlaubter Telefonwerbung gegenüber Verbrauchern), Mitautor im Kommentar Nordemann/ Götting zum UWG 2009
  • CMS Brands Review: Bubble trouble: Comparative advertising; Nothing to declare, Trade marks, customs and transit, Länderberichte Deutschland 2009
  • "Markenimport zulässig? BGH entscheidet über die böswillige Anmeldung einer im Inland nicht registrierten Auslandsmarke, CMS Hasche Sigle, Update Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz Juni 2008 2008, p. 3, (gemeinsam mit Alexander Späth)
  • "Verkehrspflichten im Wettbewerbsrecht ? Das Ende der Störerhaftung?", CMS Hasche Sigle, Update Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz 2008, p. 6
  • Grenzbeschlagnahme: Vereinfachtes Vernichtungsverfahren bei Produktpiraterie eingeführt, CMS Hasche Sigle Update Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz Juni 2008 2008, p. 4
  • "BGH trennt sich von Gaby und zieht zu Nicola - Eine Scheidung mit Folgen!", CMS Hasche Sigle, Update Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz 2008, p. 3
  • CMS IP Group Publication, "Protection of Trade Marks: Online Use and Anticybersquatting", Länderbericht Deutschland 2008
  • "Piraterieware im Transit - Gibt es Schutzlücken bei der Grenzbeschlagnahme?" (gemeinsam mit Dr. Manuel Steinhilber, LL.M.) , Der Markenartikel 2007, p. 100
  • "Gefälschte Ware im freien Transit" (gemeinsam mit Dr. Manuel Steinhilber, LL.M.) , FAZ 2007, p. 23
  • "Is het Eurpoese merkenrecht geharmoniseerd?"; Länderbericht Deutschland (gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Hasselblatt, LL.M.), BMM Bulletin 2005, p. 116 ff
  • Mitautor im Münchner Anwaltshandbuch des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes, 2. Auflage, Gordian N. Hasselblatt, C. H. Beck Verlag 2005
  • Musikpiraterie im Internet, Peter Lang Verlag 2003
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Lectures list

  • Emerging IP Professionals, Update Markenrecht, am 26.03.2011 in Köln
  • Emerging IP Professionals, Update Markenrecht, am 25.02.2010 in Köln
  • Emerging IP Professionals, Update Wettbewerbsrecht, am 25.02.2010 in Köln
  • Das Grenzbeschlagnahmeverfahren und die Durchsetzung gewerblicher Schutzrechte, am 16.09.2009 in Köln
  • Cold Calls, Emails, Faxe & Co. – Was ist beim Direktmarketing künftig zu beachten, am 23.04.2009 in Köln (gemeinsam mit Dr. Heike Blank)
  • Die Klinge geschärft – Durchsetzung von IP-Rechten (Das Grenzbeschlagnahmeverfahren am 24.06.2008 in Düsseldorf)
  • Das neue UWG in der Praxis – Aktuelle Rechtsprechung und Streitfragen (Das Verhältnis von § 3 UWG zu § 4 UWG) am 27.03.2007 in Köln
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  • PhD: comparative law dissertation on copyright law
  • LL.M. as a German National Merit Foundation scholar at New York University
  • Law studies in Mainz and Valencia (Spain)
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ACC Annual Meeting 2023
Meet our experts at booth #712
CMS - Meet our experts at The International Bar Association (IBA) Annual...
More than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is located outside of the United States. So for US companies, establishing or growing their business and investments with their main trade partners – whether in the UK, the European Union, China, Africa or the Middle East – is essential for their success. However, doing business in diverse markets, each with its unique legal environment and ways of practicing law, requires specialist knowledge. Our more than 5,000 lawyers worldwide provide business-focused advice, whether in a single market or across multiple jurisdictions. Our focus is on building long-term partnerships to keep our clients ahead in their chosen markets. CMS lawyers are pleased to be attending the International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Conference from 30th October to 04th November 2022. Below you can find an overview of our partners attending the IBA Annual Conference, representing a range of jurisdictions, practice areas and sector specialisms. To arrange a meeting, please contact melania. kozyra@cmslegal. com. CMS lawyers will be participating in the following panel dis­cus­sions:France based Partner Annabelle Bail­leul-Mira­baud will be chairing Roundtables discussions of global tax trends, Wednesday 2 November (1430 - 1730)France based Partner Frédéric Roux and Michel Collet will participate in Roundtables discussions of global tax trends, Wednesday 2 November (1430 - 1730)Italy based Partner Paolo Bonolis will participate in the panel on Contracting of IT assets (digitalisation 2.0) in an increasingly complex regulatory environment, Monday 31 October (1430 - 1545)Italy based Partner Laura Opilio will take part in 3 panels:chairing Addressing dis­tri­bu­tion-re­lated shortages of medicines and medical devices from a multi-jur­is­dic­tion­al perspective meeting, Tuesday 1 November (1615 - 1730);Hot topics in international commerce, trade, franchising and product law, Monday 31 October (0930 - 1230);and Best practices in supply chain in the post (or continuing) Covid environment, the war in Ukraine and the impact of digitization, Wednesday 2 November (1615 - 1730)Germany based Partner Bjoern Gaul and Orly Gerbi of Herzog Fox Neeman, Israel will moderate a panel on New developments on Al in the workplace on 02.11.2022 (Wednesday) 9.30 h – 10.45 a. mEmployment and Industrial Relations Law Committee (Lead for moderators and speak­ers)Tech­no­logy Law Committee (one speaker) with the attending experts below:Patricia Barboza, CGM Advogados, BrazilSteven T. Hunt, Technology & Work, SAP Innovation Office, USACliff Jurkiewicz, Vice President, Strategy at Phenom, USAInge de Laat, Rutgers & Posch, Neth­er­landsAnthony J. Oncidi, Proskauer, USAVikram Shroff, Nishith Desai, IndiaYardenne Assa, Co-Founder and CEO, Unboxable, IsraelTo find out more about CMS, visit the About CMS section. For further information, please see our partners attending the conference in the gallery below and an overview of all our expertise areas.
ACC Annual Meeting
CMS - Meet our experts at booth #233 More than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is located outside of the United States. So for US companies, establishing or growing their business and investments with their main trade partners – whether in the UK, the European Union, China, Africa or the Middle East – is essential for their success. However, doing business in diverse markets, each with its unique legal environment and ways of practicing law, requires specialist knowledge. Our more than 5,000 lawyers worldwide provide business-focused advice, whether in a single market or across multiple jurisdictions. Our focus is on building long-term partnerships to keep our clients ahead in their chosen markets. CMS is pleased to be sponsoring the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Annual Meeting from 23 - 26 October in Las Vegas (NV). Below you can find an overview of our partners attending the ACC annual meeting, representing a range of jurisdictions, practice areas and sector specialisms . To arrange a meeting, please contact events@cmslegal. com or visit us at booth #233. CMS lawyers will be participating in the following panel dis­cus­sions:UK-based Partner and Head of the CMS Energy & Climate Change Group Munir Hassan -  “Are you an Energy Lawyer? How Energy touches Every Business”CMS Belgium Partner Sophie Berg -  “In­ter­pret­ing the EU Whistleblower Directive: Key Steps to Ensure Compliance”. For more information about the ACC Annual meeting and the programme, please visit their website here. To find out more about CMS, visit the About CMS section. For further information, please see our partners attending the conference in the gallery below and an overview of all our expertise areas.
Open secrets? Guarding value in the intangible economy
Some leaks can’t be fixed “Confidential information is like an ice cube... give it to the party who has no refrigerator or will not agree to keep it in one, and by the time of the trial you have just a pool of water.” This, from the so-called Spycatcher case (1987), applies well to corporate assets: fail to store them correctly and all you might have left is an expensive mess. The consequences of even a minor exposure of a trade secret can be huge. As this report reveals, the protection of trade secrets is rightly recognised by most senior executives as a priority issue. But the research also reveals gaps that leave companies unnecessarily exposed to risks. The top named threats – cybersecurity attacks and employee leaks – resonate with what we see impacting our clients. Increased home and remote working is straining security measures and employee loyalty. Added to this, an ‘innovate or die’ attitude in highly-com­pet­it­ive sectors can motivate new joiners to arrive with questionable material from their previous employer, or worse: outright theft between competitors. But while it is easy to focus on the lurking threats from weakened cyber security and disgruntled employees – and they are important – there are more routine actions a company can take to safeguard its secrets than just updating its IT systems or the employee handbook. Commonly, those who most need our help already have a trade secrets policy but have not properly implemented it in relation to the secret in question. Or the policy has not been updated to reflect the intangible assets the business now owns. Or protection was taken for granted. With trade secrets – which for many businesses are strategically more important than a public patent portfolio – it is always costlier and messier to find solutions after a theft or a leak. Identifying the trade secrets and the threats posed to them, combined with rigorous internal processes and well-drafted contracts, can help prevent such problems from happening. Harder, but just as necessary, is engaging hearts and minds in corporate culture, to know why trade secrets are important, why we are all are responsible for protecting them, and what may happen if we do not (to both the company and the individual). In our experience, the businesses with the strongest defences have not only thought strategically about their intangible assets and how best to protect them but are also prepared for the worst. The trick to avoiding an asset becoming a crisis is to be wise before the event.
Updated CMS Expert Guide to Trade Secrets
From patents to programmes, designs to data, your most valuable business assets can be the things you can’t put under lock and key. But what legal recourse do you have to protect these intangible assets...
CMS Expert Guide to trade secrets
As a business, your most valued assets can be the things you can’t touch or see. Intangible assets such as patents, formulas, software, designs and data are now driving corporate performance. And in...
ACC Europe Annual Conference 2022
Doing business in diverse markets, each with its unique legal environment and ways of practicing law, requires specialist knowledge. Our more than 5,000 lawyers in 44 countries worldwide provide busi­ness-fo­cused...
CMS Expert Guide to transferring IP rights
In recent years, IP rights have become an increasingly important asset not only for R&D and technology based companies but also for consumer product manufacturers and life sciences companies, for example...
Open secrets? Guarding value in the intangible economy
We are delighted to share with you the report commissioned by CMS and written by The Economist Intelligence Unit. It explores the extent to which firms identify intangible assets as trade secrets and...
CMS Intellectual Property Global Brochure
The pandemic that will define 2020 has put many types of intellectual property in the spotlight – particularly, of course, in life sciences. Who will develop an effective vaccine or vaccines for Covid-19...
Some leaks can't be fixed
“Confidential information is like an ice cube... give it to the party who has no refrigerator or will not agree to keep it in one, and by the time of the trial you have just a pool of water.” This...
CMS Expert Guide to compulsory licensing
Intellectual property rights are critical for any economy that wants to foster a culture of innovation, risk taking, and en­tre­pren­eur­ship. Particularly in a medical context, pharmaceutical companies invest...