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CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre supports charitable organisation Room to Read as part of international women's day

CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre, and more broadly the entire CMS network, decided to support the association Room to Read, which aims to improve access to education for children all around the world, and especially for young girls.

As part of International Women’s Day, the CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre firm ran a fund-raising operation with its employees.

Other initiatives will be organised in the coming months to support this association.

Room to Read has only existed for the last 15 years and is mainly active in Africa and Asia, working with young girls. This is because, according to UNESCO, 89% of illiterate adults live in these parts of the world and 63% of them are women. Furthermore, Room to Read also plans to work in Jordan this year, where it aims to support refugee children.

To find out more about Room to Read, go to: https://www.roomtoread.org/