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Portrait ofChantal Bouquet

Chantal Bouquet


CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats
2 rue Ancelle
92522 Neuilly-sur-Seine
Languages French, Spanish, English

Chantal Bouquet joined CMS Francis Lefebvre in 1989. She was seconded to the Madrid offices of Bureau Francis Lefebvre from 1993 to 1995.

Chantal is mainly involved in working for major French and international groups. Her expertise includes restructuring operations (tax treatment of mergers and acquisitions), day-to-day running of group taxation and assistance with tax inspections and disputes.

Chantal contributed to the writing of the Mémento intégration fiscale 2024 / 2025.

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Relevant experience

  • Francis Lefebvre Madrid office (1993-1995)
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  • HEC business school (1989)
  • Under-graduate degree in Law, University of Paris X - Nanterre (1990)
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