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Portrait ofJulie Chatelain

Julie Chatelain


CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre Lyon
174 Rue de Créqui
CS 23516
69 422 Lyon
cedex 03
Languages French, English

Julie Chatelain is an associate within the Corporate / Mergers & Acquisitions Department of CMS Francis Lefebvre Lyon. Her work focuses primarily on corporate law, mergers & acquisitions transactions, including LBO operations, group restructuring operations, the implementation of joint ventures and project operations (conducting legal audits for acquisitions and sales, advice on the implementation of project companies and the negotiation of shareholder agreements).

She works with national and international clients in the industrial, service, real estate, high-tech and life sciences sectors (pharmaceutical laboratories, medical devices, chemicals, etc.).

A lawyer since 2000, Julie Chatelain joined the firm in 2013. At the beginning of her career, she worked for a law firm in the United States.

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Relevant experience

  • CMS Francis Lefebvre Lyon (since 2013)
  • Mdl - Lyon (2007–2013)
  • Lecturer in corporate law at the IAE (Institute of Business Administration), Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, for Master 1 and Master 2 “MAE - General Management” Degrees (since 2012)
  • Landwell & Associés – Lyon (2003–2006)
  • Cabinet TAJ – Lyon (2002)
  • Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan – Los Angeles (USA) (2001)
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Memberships & Roles

  • Lyon Bar Association, since 2000
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  • Bar exam (CAPA) Lyon (2000)
  • DESS in Business  and Tax Law (French degree in advanced specialized studiesFrench degree in advanced specialized studiesFrench degree in advanced specialized studies), Université Lyon III
  • Corporate Jurist Diploma (DJCE), Université Lyon III
  • Master’s degree (Magistère) in tax law, business law and accounting, Université Lyon III
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