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Decreto Dignità: uno strumento contro il precariato


The Law Decree (so-called “Dignity Decree”) approved on 2 July 2018 by the Council of Ministers, has intervened by partially amending the previous employment law regulation (Jobs Act), mainly with respect to compensation for unjustified dismissals, fixed-term contracts and staff leasing.
In particular, as regards unjustified dismissals, the new text provides rules and sanctions for dismissals without just cause and/or justified reasons of white and blue-collar workers and middle managers hired after 7 March 2015, by establishing that, where such employees have the right to obtain an indemnity, the relative compensation cannot be less than 6 months’ salary and cannot exceed 36 months’ salary.

CMS Newsletter Italia | 2 agosto 2018
PDF 178.3 kB


Portrait ofFabrizio Spagnolo
Fabrizio Spagnolo
Giulia Camilli
Federico Pisani
Senior Associate