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Legal Events & Webinars in Austria

Explore exciting upcoming events, both digital and in-person, around the issues and topics that matter to you. Join us in our conversations and find out what the experts are talking about in your industry. 

Past events
Enforcing Designs Internationally
Or­gan­izer: In­ter­na­tion­al Trademark Or­gan­iz­a­tion There are notable differences between design remedies in different jurisdictions, which are particularly relevant for those who need to enforce design...
Pharmaceutical Trademarks Group Autumn Conference
95th Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group Con­fer­ence Phar­ma­ceut­ic­al Trade Marks Today- As Tough as a Hockey GameIs the industry ready for the EU-Delegated Act? Speaker: Egon En­gin-Den­iz17/10/6 14.20 -...
Chinese Megatrends - An Austrian Perspective
Treffen Sie die ös­ter­reichis­chen Wirtschafts­dele­gier­ten aus Peking, Shanghai, Guangzhou und Hong Kong sowie Experten mit langjähriger China-Erfahrung und diskutieren Sie mit ihnen aktuelle Trends in...