Vienna/Stuttgart - The Munich-based Aurelius Group has acquired the European Crafts business of UK company Coats plc, the world's leading manufacturer of sewing threads, craft yarns and craft accessories. An international team of CMS lawyers advises Aurelius on all legal matters.
In 2013, the division generated sales of USD 150.8 million and employed around 900 people. The acquisition comprises companies and assets in 19 jurisdictions, including the German headquarters and warehouse facilities as well as the Hungarian production site.
An international CMS team led by Maximilian Grub (CMS Stuttgart) advised the in-house team at Aurelius on the transaction. The special features include the large number of jurisdictions involved, the associated complexity of the contract documentation and the ambitious timescale for signing. The transaction included a large number of jurisdictions in Central and Eastern Europe, with the following CMS lawyers in the region advising on the matter:
Johannes Trenkwalder, Lisa Oberlechner, and Caroline Schmidt (CMS Vienna), Peter Šimo (CMS Bratislava), Horea Popescu, Raluca Ionescu (CMS Bucharest), Martin Wodraschke, Gábor Czike, Zoltán Poronyi, József Várady (CMS Budapest), Döne Yalcin, Alaz Undar, Özgün Poyraz (CMS Istanbul), Helen Rodwell, Lucie Halloová (CMS Prague), Valentin Savov, Marin Drinov, Boyan Nakov (CMS Sofia).