The goal of our newsletter is to keep you abreast of recent legal and tax developments in the various areas where our firm has recognised expertise. If you want to subscribe to the CMS DeBacker newsletter, please send an e-mail to
Dear reader,
I am delighted to announce that Portuguese law firm Rui Pena, Arnaut & Associados (RPA) will become a member of CMS from 1 January 2012.
RPA is one of the top law firms in Portugal. CMS and RPA have a long tradition of successfully working on joint matters. So together with RPA, we know we can offer you the high-quality seamless law and tax advice, that you have come to expect from us. For more information click here.
In this issue, we cover current hot topics in commercial practices, environment matters, public procurement and employment. For the first time, a specific focus is set on insurance matters.
Stanislas van Wassenhove
Managing Partner