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Taking the Pulse of the Global Lifesciences Industry

December 2014

The CMS Lifesciences sector group is delighted to provide you with our report on the Global Lifesciences Forum held in Amsterdam on 10 November 2014.

The CMS Lifesciences publication is an excellent piece of thought leadership summarising the legal issues facing businesses in the sector discussed at the forum, as the regulatory and fundraising landscape continues to change, and as development opportunities in new markets and technologies add to the complexity of legal issues for global lifesciences. The report includes an outlook on the medical devices industry, digital health, and the biotech industry.

CMS is a leading organisation providing law and tax advice in 33 jurisdictions with 59 offices in Europe, Asia-Pacific and beyond.

We believe that the attached PDF of the report itself offers you a general overview. However, we would be delighted to expand on any issue raised by the report and to introduce you to an appropriate CMS lawyer in any jurisdiction of particular interest to you.

time lapse of train
Taking the Pulse of the Global Lifesciences Industry
PDF 303.8 kB