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Public action and regulation

The significance, your questions, our replies to the impact of Covid-19

The Covid-19 epidemic raises numerous questions of public law, including:

  • the framework of the exceptional aids granted to companies;
  • the effects of the confinement on public-sector order contracts and the continuity of ongoing works sites;
  • the public authority measures which can be imposed on companies.

Even if the considerations of public law are not those of which companies first thought when the Covid-19 crisis had to be confronted, numerous issues nonetheless affect the structures of the public sector and the people who are in business relationships with them. Moreover, containing the epidemic involves measures which have or will be taken by the government or its regional representatives. You may be confronted by them… or benefit from them.

On these points, we have made a toolbox available to you which will help you understand the significance of the situation and provide some responses to it.

Measures to support the economy in the face of Covid-19: compatibility with European State aid law

Although it is legitimate to want to support companies confronted with challenges never yet faced, the compatibility of the emergency economic measures with European State aid law must nevertheless be examined. The framework has been adapted but we should understand why.

State aid in response to the Covid-19 crisis


Covid-19 and public order contracts

The coronavirus is having numerous effects on company life, but also on that of the public persons responsible for orders. Confronted with the same difficulties as all of us, they must provide answers to the confinement constraints and to the sudden change in their priorities. Their contracts can but be affected.

Covid-19 and public contracts



Administrative and procedural acts in times of crisis

Like everyone else, administrations and jurisdictions had to organize themselves by working remotely. Their usual operating modes therefore need to be adapted. What happens to the time limits for investigation, complaints and appeals during this period? Our replies.

Covid-19 – Adjustment of the deadlines and procedures for examining mergers before the French Competition Authority


The measures of the public authorities to contain the epidemic and meet its consequences

The government is the guarantor of the protection of its population, and in this regard, it has public authority prerogatives. Aside from the limitations made on the free movement of people, various measures may be imposed on companies. Here are a few elements to help understand how to deal with them.

Covid-19: Requisition regime for respiratory masks


Regulated sectors: actors involved in solving the crisis

Companies in the energy, transport and telecommunications sectors are key players in times of crisis. They therefore have certain duties, in particular to ensure continuity of service. And maybe more…

Covid-19 and guarantee of the correct functioning of the electricity and gas systems



Report: impacts of Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

Our law firm offers you its legal assistance to address all the impacts of covid-19 (Coronavirus) on your business. Read our dedicated report below.

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Do you need advice? A lawyer? 

For questions about the potential impacts of Covid-19 (Coronavirus) in your business, contact our lawyers by filling out the form below.