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Habitats Regulations Toolkit 2020

23 July 2020

The EU nature directives (the Birds and Habitats Directives) underpin the network of European protected sites known as Natura 2000. The Habitats Directive manages the plans and projects that may impact these sites through the process known as Habitats Regulations Assessment, or in Scotland, Habitats Regulations Appraisal. Significant changes to the Habitats Regulations Assessment/ Appraisal (HRA) process have resulted in numerous challenges to planning decisions and quashing of permissions with HRA becoming a key consenting risk to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and other major developments.

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Habitats Regulations Toolkit 2020
PDF 555.6 kB


Portrait ofRobert Garden
Robert Garden
Of Counsel
Portrait ofKaty Abrahams
Katy Abrahams
Senior Associate
Alice Puritz-Evans