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Novel Food (incl. Cannabis/CBD)

Law Firm in the Netherlands specialised in Novel Food (incl. Cannabis/CBD)

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An ever increasing awareness of climate change and the need to modify our behaviour to address it, is leading to a huge demand for more sustainable – novel - food sources.  A wide range of innovative approaches are being developed to address this demand and are predicted to change the face of food and agriculture over the next decade.

Examples of novel foods are products from new sources or made using new processes. Think of modern biotechnology or a new breeding technique. For example, DHA-rich oil from algae, CBD oil from cannabis, lab-cultured meat and insects.

To be successful in this strongly regulated industry, you need to be able to rely on a specialised legal team. We advise our clients across all relevant legal disciplines involved in the novel food industry. This includes industry specific regulatory compliance work,  intellectual property matters contracting and  funding (whether that be for a seed round or series A,B,C).

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