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Mariana Saldanha


CMS Portugal
Rua Castilho 50
1250-071 Lisbon
Languages Portuguese, English

Mariana Saldanha is a Trainee in the Lusophone Africa team.

Joined CMS Portugal in 2023.

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  • Law degree, Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Master of Laws (LL.M.) in International Business Law, University of Tilburg
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Mission Structure for the Licensing of Renewable Energy Projects 2030
On 26 March, Council of Ministers Resolution no. 50/2024 was published, creating the Mission Structure for the Licensing of Renewable Energy Projects 2030 (EMER 2030), presented in line with the goals...
EU Strategy - PV Plant: call for contributions until April 2nd
On March 5, 2024, the European Commission launched a call for contributions to the drafting of a "Guide for Member States to promote innovative ways of using solar energy" and a set of re­com­mend­a­tions...
Extension of exceptional measures to simplify procedures for producing...
Decree-Law no. 22/2024 of March 19 was published today, extending the validity of Decree-Law no. 30-A/2022 of 18 April. It is important to recall that Decree-Law 30-A/2022 approved a set of exceptional...
Clawback - Amount of the advance payment to be applied in 2024 to the electricity...
Order no. 3034/2024 of the Office of the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate was published today, setting the amount of the advance payment to be applied in 2024 to electricity producers covered...
Biomethane Action Plan 2024-2040
On 15 March 2024, Council of Ministers Resolution no. 41/2024 was published, approving the Biomethane Action Plan 2024-2040. The plan was put for public consultation on 25 January and its final version...
Licensing of vehicle natural gas filling stations - introduction of low-carbon...
Ministerial Order no. 115/2024/1 of 25 March was published today, making the first amendment to Ministerial Order no. 366/2013 of 23 December, which establishes the procedure for granting licences for...
Clarification of the prior control procedure applicable to repowering
The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate published Order No. 18/SEENC/2024 yesterday, which clarifies the prior control procedure applicable to repowering. Article 62(1) of Decree-Law no. 15/2022...
Public tender for the concession of private use of plots in the Port of...
On February 16th, an announcement of the public tender procedure for the concession of the private use of three plots of land (with an area of around 192,090m2) in the Logistics and Industrial Activities...
Suspension of cancellation of registrations for the production of gases...
On 23 February, 2024, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate issued an order determining that, for 3 months from the date of signature - until 23 May, 2024 - the competent bodies of the Dir­ect­or­ate-Gen­er­al...
Joint Order extending exceptional licensing deadlines for renewable energy...
The offices of the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate and the Secretary of State for the Environment issued today a Joint Order extending several key deadlines in the licensing procedures for projects...
Approval of tariffs and prices for electricity and other services in 2024
On 7 February 2024, the Portuguese Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE) published Directive 10/2024, which sets the tariffs and prices for electricity and other services for the year 2024. The...
Energy sector news
Approval of a new mechanism to compensate municipalities Decree-Law no 18/2024, of 2 February was published creating a mechanism for compensating municipalities in cases where they are crossed by the...