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What will be the result of the planned changes to the Labour Code?


Although the amendments to the Labour Code are still in the early stages of the legislative process at the time of writing, their entry into force is already set for 1 August 2022. By this date, the Slovak Republic must adopt the measures, which are necessary to comply with the EU directives. It is therefore certain that the amendments to the Labour Code will be implemented. This article aims to inform you about the changes employers will probably need to make now in order to put them in place in good time. This is because many employers will need to change their current processes and model employment law documentation. The draft amendment to the Labour Code aims to transpose into Slovak law the Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union and the Directive on work-life balance for parents and persons with caring responsibilities. Although these directives were already issued in 2019, by transposing them the Slovakian government also reflects the current changes in society accelerated by the pandemic.

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Portrait ofSoňa Hanková
Soňa Hanková