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Newsletter 2 I Spotlight: Changes in the legal landscape that affect your business


The 2021 amendment to the Slovak Labour Code
The amendment establishes better working conditions for so-called digital nomads. The legal definitions of working at home, telework, and occasional home office are now more flexible. It is now possible to work anywhere outside the employer’s premises. 

The New World of Work in Slovakia 
The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures put in place in response in countries around the world – including Slovakia – have compelled employers and employees to adopt a new vision for work. Countless businesses have survived during the crisis by having employees conduct their work from home.

The introduction of short-time working (Kurzarbeit) 
The proposed Act on Support for Short-Time Working (Kurzarbeit) has been approved by the government and entered the parliamentary legislative process in March 2021. 

State subsidies to help employers maintain jobs
One of the “Covid 19 state measures” is designed to help employers to maintain jobs: employers can still receive subsidies to preserve jobs if they request them.
In addition to employers, self-employed people and single person LLCs (in Slovak: jednoosobové s.r.o.) can also apply for state subsidies.

Mandatory registration of employers receiving aid in the Register of Public Sector Partners
Employers who currently receive or have in the past received financial contributions under pandemic measures for the support of employment must register in the Public Sector Partners Register (“the Register”) if certain thresholds are met (i.e. EUR 100,000 or EUR 250,000 in case of repeatedly paid contributions).  


Portrait ofNatália Jánošková
Natália Jánošková
Senior Associate
Portrait ofSoňa Hanková
Soňa Hanková