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Consumer Products

Advocatenkantoor in Nederland gespecialiseerd in Consumer Products

Als speler in de consumentenproducten-industrie loopt u tegen allerlei uitdagingen aan: grote concurrentie, globalisering en digitalisering, veranderende regelgeving, de roep om duurzame en milieuvriendelijke producten, de roep om producten die de gezondheid niet schaden, schommelingen van grondstofprijzen, supply chain management, druk van consumenten en de media, de groeiende macht van retailers, de gigantische opmars van e-commerce en de vertroebeling van de markt door namaakproducten. Al deze zaken vragen van u een duidelijke strategie en maken goede juridische advisering onontbeerlijk. Ons Consumer Products-team is vertegenwoordigd in heel Europa en heeft alle kennis in huis over consumentenproducten als cosmetica, kleding, elektronica, health & beauty, voedsel en drank en huishoudartikelen, alsmede over retailers en producenten. Of u nu een leverancier, investeerder, toezichthouder of andere stakeholder bent, wij beschikken over alle kennis en ervaring om u te kunnen assisteren.

Om u het juridische advies te kunnen bieden waar uw onderneming om vraagt zijn onze teams samengesteld uit experts op elk juridisch gebied dat uw sector raakt. Wij begeleiden u bij financieringen, acquisities, mededinging, de omgang met media, voedings- en gezondheidsclaims, adverteren en marketing, bescherming van intellectueel eigendom, databescherming, outsourcing, distributieovereenkomsten, vastgoedtransacties en product recalls. We houden u op de hoogte van de laatste juridische ontwikkelingen binnen uw sector en adviseren u over de mogelijkheden die niet alleen juridisch de beste zijn, maar die ook het best aansluiten bij uw commerciële doelstellingen.

"The team has broad experience and can adapt to your company’s business from a legal perspective."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"It is a dedicated team, which gives confidence and often requires less explanation because they know the company well. The method is fast and to the point."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"Business oriented, experienced on the specificities of the sector."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2023

"Deep sectorial knowledge, very solution oriented, very responsive team."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2023

"Good knowledge of the Dutch retail market. Reasonable billing. Easy collaboration."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2023

"They are truly experts in the automotive and consumer products sector."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2022

"They know the franchising practice very well."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2021

"The group's experience encompasses a variety of corporate and private equity transactions combined with expertise in IP matters, product launches, packaging work and the related regulations. Ranked Tier 2 for Food in The Legal 500 EMEA 2020"

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2020

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Broken Egg, CMS
Het overkomt iedere ondernemer vroeg of laat: een wederpartij die zijn verplichtingen niet nakomt. Indien u er in slaagt er voor te zorgen dat hij dit
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Technology Transformation - Consumer Products & Retail
Digitalisation has transformed how consumer products are manufactured, distributed and sold. The push to maintain a competitive advantage, drives increased investment in new technologies. This investment may reduce operational cost and ease the retention of legacy systems, but what challenges arise and how do businesses approach the changing risk profile?This report is a deep dive into data first produced for the re­port Tech­no­lo­gy Transformation: Managing Risks in a Changing Landscape. In the original report we surveyed over 500 corporate counsel and risk managers from multiple industries across the world. Here, we look in detail at the 75 respondents surveyed in the consumer and retail sector, and their perspectives on the risks associated with bu­si­ness-cri­ti­cal technologies, including emerging technologies. Our survey shows that businesses across the sector, whether retailers or manufacturers, have the same concerns but the influences on the adoption of technology, the resulting risks, and the approaches taken to mitigate or resolve those risks vary depending on whether or not the business involves a direct sales relationship with the consumer. Download the consumer and retail sector report now to read about: Drivers of technology adoption in the consumer and retail sectorNew risks emerging and traditional barriers to risk ma­na­ge­ment­Cur­rent technology risks in the consumer and retail sectorFuture risks and measures to deal with themPreferred approaches to technology dispute resolution for the consumer and retail sector
Disruption 2.0 – here we go again
Whether you are concerned or exhilarated, the age of AI is here – from virtual assistants, to driverless vehicles and frictionless shops. CMS’ latest report uses extensive consumer research and a...


Designs practice update: EU Court of Justice upholds Advocate General’s...
BackgroundIn our previous article (here), we discussed the opinion of Advocate General Capeta in EUIPO v The KaiKai Company Jaeger Wichmann. That opinion was provided following an appeal against the General...
The sum of parts: Registered design for segments of towers found valid...
BackgroundTA Towers ApS (“TA Towers”), a company based in Denmark, is the holder of the below registered Community design relating to goods for building materials, specifically, ‘building materials...
Plastics and packaging laws in The Netherlands
1. What is the general legislative framework regulating packaging and plastic waste? The general aim of the Dutch legislative framework is to reduce litter and to protect the public interest and the...
Cannabis law and legislation in the Netherlands
Medical use The Dutch Opium Act distinguishes drugs with a low risk of harm (‘soft drugs’) from drugs with a high risk of harm (‘hard drugs’). Cannabis is listed under the soft drugs category...
EU Court ruling upholds invalidity action against PUMA shoe design
The EU General Court ruled on the invalidation of a community design by the EUIPO and an appeal against that decision (judgement of the General Court in Case T-647/22, Puma v EUIPO - Han­dels­maat­schap­pij...
“Pre-brand­ed” spare parts: CJEU has its say in Audi trade mark case
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has given its ruling following a referral from the Regional Court of Warsaw, in a trade mark infringement claim brought by Audi (Audi AG v GQ, Case C-334/22)...
A messy affair – IP law meets a cat litter tray in Belgian design court...
Introduction In recent weeks, the CMS Design team has been delving into pan-EU enforcement of Community design rights, as well as the scope of copyright “ori­gi­na­li­ty” under EU law. In a timely development...
Greenwashing: Stricter EU rules on environmental marketing ban misleading...
On 17 January 2024, the European Parliament voted to adopt the Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition (the ECGT Directive), which seeks to protect consumers from various misleading...
CBAM: Just over a week to comply
As the deadline for the first Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) report approaches on January 31st, it is crucial for undertakings engaged in importing relevant goods into the European Union to...
A new tool in the fight against online infringement
Online infringements and domain squatting are challenges often faced by businesses and tackling such issues has been made all the more difficult in a post-GDPR world where most publicly available domain...
Grate news for Grana Padano: logo granted cumulative protection in EU
Collective marks and protected designations of origin (PDOs) have different functions and confer different levels of protection. While the function of a collective mark is to indicate membership of an...
ESG Power Hour: Ontdek de trends voor 2024
Wij nodigen u van harte uit voor het webinar "ESG Power Hour: Ontdek de trends voor 2024" op donderdag 14 december 2023, van 08:30 tot 09:30 uur, live via GoTo Webinar.