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Faillissement & Herstructurering

Advocatenkantoor in Nederland gespecialiseerd in Faillissement & Herstructurering

Het insolventierecht wordt steeds complexer. Ontwikkelingen volgen elkaar in snel tempo op en Nederlandse insolventieprocedures worden steeds meer beïnvloed door de Europese wet- en regelgeving.

Ondernemingen en hun bestuurders, crediteuren, financiële instellingen en andere financiers kunnen voor al hun vragen op het gebied van insolventie & herstructurering terecht bij CMS. Zonodig werken wij samen met andere wereldwijd gevestigde CMS-kantoren en voorzien wij u ook op internationaal niveau van grensoverschrijdende adviezen.

Onze insolventie- & herstructureringsspecialisten kunnen bogen op een langdurige en brede expertise en zijn aangesloten bij verschillende lokale en internationale verenigingen voor insolventierecht. Zij worden benoemd als curator in faillissementen en als bewindvoerder bij surséances van betaling en schuldsaneringen.

CMS is betrokken bij grote nationale en internationale faillissementen. Wij denken met u mee vanuit een ondernemersvisie, waarbij gewerkt wordt naar de meest praktische oplossing voor uw zaak.

"Good quality, responsive, and a pleasure to work with – they perform well and have a good attitude in court."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"A hands-on team."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"In summary, CMS’ strengths lie not only in their deep legal expertise but also in their dedication to understanding their clients’ specific needs. Potential clients can trust CMS to provide unparalleled legal solutions and truly care about their success."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"The CMS team members and partners are sincerely involved in the deal. They are always available, but above all proactively present. Without taking over the wheel, they smoothly steer the process in the right direction. This ability comes from being truly present as people."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"CMS are a pleasure to work with. The team has an unwavering commitment to getting the job done. Besides their outstanding market knowledge, legal expertise and creativity, they were a real support in difficult times. Their ability to act with confidence was powered by their ideas and honest advice – advice that was attuned to the context and made a real difference to the overall outcome."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2024

"CMS is able to handle large bankruptcies with ease as they have the breadth and depth required to do this with a capable team."

Chambers Europe, 2024

"CMS is ready at any time and is a driving force to pull the deal through the process. The lawyers are always positive and constructive."

Chambers Europe, 2024

"Overall, a strong team with excellent hands-on insolvency experience and noted for responsiveness towards its clients."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2023

"Personal, professional, competent and friendly."

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2023

"The bench strength and breadth of CMS is a force to be reckoned with, supported by an international network that can be efficiently deployed."

Chambers Europe, 2023

CMS has an important team in this field in the Netherlands.

The Legal500 EMEA, 2022

Working with the team is a "very pleasant and sensible experience."

Chambers Europe, 2022

Quick and well-organised recovery advice and follow-up.

IFLR1000, 2021

Very professional team with a long track record of successful recoveries.

The Legal 500 EMEA, 2021

Knowledgeable, experienced and pragmatic approach.

Chambers Europe 2021

Delicate and sensitive way of dealing with tension.

Chambers Europe, 2020

"Combines skilled teams across its CEE branches with strong capabilities in the UK, Spain, Germany, Netherlands and Portugal."

Chambers Global, 2020

"They are extremely proactive and they are a very strong team from partner to associate level."

Chambers Global, 2020

"The lawyers are very experienced and far-sighted."

Chambers Global, 2020

"The firm is well positioned for debtor restructuring work in the Netherlands. They maintain a bankruptcy trustee practise which is an asset as a relatively large firm."

IFLR1000, 2020

"Very reliable and very clear. They know their work, and can explain in clear and simple language what the situation entails."

IFLR1000, 2020

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In the process of simplifying and standardizing Dutch insolvency law, the proposed EU Directive for harmonizing insolvency law introduces a shift from subjective to objective criteria in avoidance ac­ti­ons.Shif­ting...
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Pre-Pack reorganisation in Serbia and Montenegro: An overview
In response to the proposal by the EU Commission on 7 December 2022 that an EU Directive be issued to harmonise certain aspects of insolvency law, this article provides a look into one of the main topics...
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In response to the proposal by the EU Commission on 7 December 2022 that an EU Directive be issued to harmonise certain aspects of insolvency law, this article provides a look into one of the main topics...
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In late 2022, the European Commission proposed a new Directive with a view to harmonise certain aspects of insolvency law. One of the most important innovations to be introduced in this Draft Directive...
Pre-pack proceedings Slovak law: challenge to avoid speculations?
Only a year ago, Slovakia transposed EU Directive 2019/2023 on preventive restructuring frameworks with an intention to reform insolvency proceedings and make them more effective. (See CMS | Law-Now...
The Pre-pack Directive proposal: a guide to possible pre-pack proceedings...
On 7 December 2022, the European Commission published a proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council harmonising certain aspects of the insolvency law. The intention of this...
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Pre-pack sales procedures in Hungary
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