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Innovation underlies everything that we do at CMS. In a rapidly changing world, all law firms talk about reinventing legal service delivery, embracing technology and having an innovative culture. We focus on making it real for you, now and in the future.
Our mantra - Is this innovation or technology solving a real problem and generating value for our clients and/or our business? We are not interested in novelty or disruption if it doesn’t deliver results.
Innovation at CMS means offering new high quality services to clients, new ways of delivering and accessing those services and an evolving business structure and global strategy to deliver on those requirements.
Online services
In today's fast-paced business environment, you need to stay up to date on the latest industry regulation to anticipate and handle any potential issues that could impact your business. Through our online services, we offer you access to relevant legal know-how, quickly and easily.
Legal tech tools and teams
We have built out a variety of apps to support your specific legal needs. Many of our clients are now mobile first so we strive to deliver “just in time” advice in a channel that suits them.
CMS offers a wide spectrum of portals and platforms for clients, some bespoke and others sector or jurisdiction specific. Let us know if you would like to know more about accessing any of them or co-creating something new.
Our Smart Services are designed to provide clients with flexible and efficient support. We have developed various tools which allow us to tackle complex matters in a cost-effective way while maintaining the highest quality standards.
Local market knowledge. Global outlook
We provide future-facing legal advice to help your organisation thrive. Combining local market knowledge and a global perspective, and with lawyers in locations worldwide, your organisation benefits from the expertise it needs, even across borders.
About CMS