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At CMS Carey & Allende we understand the crucial nature of environmental viability for all manner of projects. We provide you with legal services in order to bring projects into fruition, finding the balance of compatibility with the criteria set forth by authorities as well as the community in general.

We are aware of the importance of the environmental regulations and an adequate understanding of them from the initial stages of projects, in order to achieve full execution within the projected deadlines, providing investors with their projected return.

Our objective is to anticipate the effects and impacts of a given project, and we advise you in the preparation, review, correction and improvement of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA). We provide constant monitoring of all applicable environmental commitments.

Another one of CMS Chile´s strengths is our extensive experience in contentious administrative proceedings and claims before the various existing authorities.

Our commitment to you motivates us to take on new challenges, and we have confidence to provide you with on-site advice. 

"A multidisciplinary firm that offers dedicated customer care and a strong international focus"

The Legal 500

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Water Law
72% of Chile suffers from drought to some degree. 156 of the 345 municipalities in the country are at risk of desertification, a threat that could aff
CMS Soil and Groundwater Contamination Guide
From the 1970s onwards, soil and groundwater contamination has become an increasingly important regulatory issue. However, there are still no uniform regulations. Numerous sets of rules have been developed...


After EU Commission's first decision on Carbon Contracts for Difference,...
The European Commission approved the first Carbon Contracts for Difference (CCfD) scheme under the new Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy 2022 (CEEAG).Fol­low­ing the...
Environmental and social factors in mining: a spotlight on Colombia
Environmental and social considerations have been critical to the business of mining since long before the term ESG gained its current popularity. Mining activities are politically sensitive because they...
COP28: Global Health Under the Spotlight
Health took centre stage at the first ever ‘Health Day’ at COP28 on 3 December. The program focused the attention of world leaders on the profound public health-related issues stemming from climate...
Energy Transition, Minerals and the Circular Economy
The ongoing energy transition requires a large-scale and accelerated switch to renewable energy generation and the electrification of transportation and industry, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions...
Climate Risk report
Climate Risk is a broad term and covers a multitude of concepts. This report focuses in on three discrete risks. First, of financial institutions holding corporates to account over perceived climate risks...
CMS Infrastructure Index shows markets are buoyant
New report CMS Infrastructure Index: Accelerating transformation examines the trends impacting the infrastructure sector, ranks 50 countries by attractiveness for infrastructure investment and analyses...
The impact of a revolutionary climate change judgment on companies worldwide
Introduction: revolutionary judgment for multinationals in all sectors Last week a revolutionary climate change judgment was rendered with potentially great impact on companies worldwide, especially on...
Some leaks can't be fixed
“Confidential information is like an ice cube... give it to the party who has no refrigerator or will not agree to keep it in one, and by the time of the trial you have just a pool of water.” This...
The Road to COP26: Our 101 on COP26
COP26 is scheduled to take place from Monday 1st November – Friday 12th November 2021 in Glasgow. It was originally intended to take place last November but was postponed due to COVID-19. It brings...
The Global Sulphur Ban – One Year On
Since 1 March 2020 all marine vessels have been subject to a ban from carrying on board high sulphur marine fuel oil (“HSFO”) with sulphur content greater than 0.50% unless they have a ‘scrub­ber’...
The promise of hydrogen - CMS Expert Guide
In light of the Paris Agreement and national “net-zero” targets, hydrogen is fast emerging as a key vector in the ongoing energy transition. The development of hydrogen over the last decade has been...
Can taxes save the planet?
In the midst of a global pandemic and worldwide recession, it is somehow ironic to state that the world is facing a more far-reaching challenge in the coming years and decades. It is nothing less than...