
On the Pulse webinar series 2024 - Autumn
Welcome to the Autumn part of the 2024 On the Pulse webinar series.  This webinar series brings you updates on the latest legal and commercial developments in the life sciences & healthcare sector from around the world. We will be hosting webinars on:EU Health Data Space - 24 OctoberCyber Breach Preparedness and Response for the Life Sciences & Healthcare Sector - 26 NovemberThe webinars will be one hour in length with a 15-minute Q&A session.
A week in the world of ESG
A lot can happen over the course of a week in the world of ESG. Since Wednesday 25 September 2024, there have been several important developments in Europe and the US and, while we don’t claim to cover...
The EU Deforestation Regulation: deferred application, updated guidance...
On 2 October 2024, the European Commission published a proposal for a new legislative act which would defer the application of the recently adopted EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) by 12 months, citing...
CMS Wistrand advises Vertiseit AB (publ) on its strategic acquisition of...
CMS Wistrand is pleased to have acted as legal advisor to Vertiseit, a rapidly growing digital signage provider, in its acquisition of Visual Art, a prominent player in the digital communications industry, for a total consideration of 457 million SEK. This acquisition strengthens Vertiseit’s market presence across Europe and accelerates its growth in the digital signage and communications space. As part of the transaction, Bonnier Capital becomes the largest shareholder of the company through a directed share issue, contributing 200 million SEK to bolster Vertiseit's financial base and support its strategic growth ambitions. CMS Wistrand's team, led by Johannes Wårdman, provided comprehensive legal counsel throughout the transaction, including corporate/M&A, capital markets, private placing, due diligence, transaction structuring and contract negotiations."We take great pride in having supported Vertiseit through multiple strategic acquisitions over the years, and it has been thrilling to witness their growth journey. This significant acquisition, along with Bonnier Capital's investment, positions Vertiseit to sustain its impressive growth trajectory in the European market” said Johannes Wårdman, Partner at CMS Wistrand. Read Vertiseit’s press release: hereThe CMS Wistrand team: Johannes Wårdman, Partner M&A/Corporate Jeanette Jönsson, Project Manager M&A / Counsel Anton Bengtsson, Project Manager M&A / As­so­ci­a­te­Cor­po­ra­te: Caroline Wensberg (Associate), Laura Shwan (Associate)Tax: Justus Pettersson (Counsel), Christoffer Tolf (As­so­ci­a­te)Employment law: Alexandra Svensson (Senior Associate)Real estate: Thea Holst Westrum (As­so­ci­a­te)IP/TMC: Anton Graffman (As­so­ci­a­te)En­vi­ron­ment: Nina Knobloch Blomqvist (Associate)For further information, please con­tact: Jo­han­nes Wårdman CMS Wistrand Email: Johannes. Ward­man@cms-wistrand. com Tel: +46 31 771 21 60 Website: https://cms. law/sv/swe/
Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures launched
On 23 September 2024, the Taskforce on Inequality and Social-related Financial Disclosures (“TISFD”) was launched.The TISFD, which has been launched to bring attention to the financial risks presented...
CMS Wistrand rankade #1 i Fas­tig­hets­värl­den
CMS Wistrand rankas som nummer 1 på Fas­tig­hets­värl­dens lista över ledande advokatbyråer inom fas­tig­hets­trans­ak­tio­ner. Detta följer efter flera år med placeringar bland topp 3 i samma rankning.  Tidningen Fas­tig­hets­värl­den publicerar årligen en lista över de advokatbyråer som är störst inom detta område och trots en utmanande marknad har vi haft förmånen att biträda våra klienter i större transaktioner. Sedan vi blev en del av CMS har vår internationella räckvidd ökat, samtidigt som vi behåller vår starka lokala för­ank­ring. ''Vi är stolta över att ha intagit en ledande position, vilket är ett starkt bevis på våra klienters förtroende och på det engagerade arbete vårt fastighetsteam lägger ner varje dag.’’ Säger Fredrik Råsberg, sty­rel­se­ord­fö­ran­de i Stock­holm.’’Fas­tig­hets­mark­na­den har varit utmanande under 2024, men vi ser nu en återhämtning och ett ökat intresse, både nationellt och internationellt. Med sjunkande inflation, lägre räntor och förbättrade fi­nan­sie­rings­möj­lig­he­ter ser vi med tillförsikt fram emot 2025. Vi förväntar oss en ökad in­ve­ste­rings­ap­tit från både svenska och internationella aktörer, vilket ger goda möjligheter för framtida trans­ak­tio­ner.’’
Sweden: A key hub for holding companies
Many would say that the landscape for cross-border tax planning has shifted during the last couple of years. With the persistent flow of new regulations, directives and rulings from the EU courts, businesses...
10 years of the CMS Network Sharing Study
Join us as we launch the latest update to the CMS Network Sharing Study where we will reflect on 10 years of the study and the key changes which have taken place during this time.  The fifth edition of this study looks at over 75 network shares in 46 markets since May 2021.  We have seen how policy, regulation, competition, structures and financing are evolving across jurisdictions. Many of the network sharing opportunities available have now been taken and there has been a reduction in regulatory scrutiny across Western Europe which is potentially a result of greater investment in network in­frastructu­re.  Du­ring our launch webinar, we will hear from special guest speakers, Oliver Bradley from Macquarie Group, Karim Taga from Arthur D. Little and Luiz Felippe Zoghbi from from GSMA who will share insights into their roles within the digital infrastructure ecosystem.   Oliver Bradley is Global Head of Digital Infrastructure Investments at Macquarie Capital, responsible for Digital Infrastructure Investments within the Infrastructure and Energy Capital division of Macquarie Ca­pi­tal.  Ka­rim Taga is the Managing Partner of Arthur D. Little Austria and Global Head of Functional Practices at ADL. He has 25+ years of experience with ADL in the te­le­com­mu­ni­ca­tion area, including leading the Global TIME practice for over 12 years. The discussion will be chaired by Dora Petranyi, Co-Head of the TMC group and Chris Watson, Chairman of the TMC group. We will also hear insights on anticipated developments in the Network Sharing space from Anne Chitan, Partner at CMS UK and Javier Torre de Silva, Partner at CMS Spain and Anne and Javier are also Co-Heads of the global Communications Subgroup at CMS.  We look forward to you joining us to hear the latest in Network Sharing deals and upcoming trends. There will be an opportunity to put your questions to the speakers so please do bring these to the session.
CMS Network Sharing 5: Celebrating 10 years of the Network Sharing Study
For the last 10 years we have been following the evolution of network sharing in the telecom industry. This fifth edition continues our study of how companies in the sector use network sharing to save costs and rationalise services. For this edition, the CMS Network Sharing Study not only gathers all factual information about 76 network sharing deals that have been closed from May 2021 in 46 different jurisdictions worldwide, and the differences among them: it also includes interviews with some of the main actors, such as American Tower, Macquarie Capital and Totem Towers, as well as papers from experts regarding topics such as te­le­com­mu­ni­ca­tions network financing, foreign direct investment, competition Law, 5G, towers and fibre. As a testament to the creativity of the industry, network sharing has slowly shifted.  Sharing through agreements have given place -in some cases- to sharing through incorporated companies.  B-lateral deals do still exist but neutral host networks, serving all operators in the market, are now the main protagonists through which networks are effectively shared by multiple operators. The digital revolution during the last 20 years has required and is still requiring vast investment in access networks including optical fibre, towers and other assets (now satellites): this comes at a cost.  In some cases the traditional telcos couldn’t monetise their investments (perhaps due, in Europe, to excessive regulation). As a result, indebted companies were in need to sell and/or share their infrastructures, sometimes to investment funds that had no ambition to compete in the provision of services and created independent NetCos  offering wholesale services - the US towers market being one example, with 90% of towers controlled by independent TowerCos while in Europe we have seen FibreCos coming to shake up the FTTH build. The time when each operator owned (and financed) the network it used has long passed. Competition in services remains, but now competition in infrastructures (in parallel with competition between different infrastructures) may be the next future. Globalisation has also arrived in network sharing, with growing protagonism in Latin America (the topic of special focus in the Study) and Africa as well as South-East Asia.  South America has seen a large amount of activity and the 5th edition of the study is doing a spotlight on the deals seen in the region. Interestingly, the existence of network slicing in 5G could give the lead again to telecom operators, as it will allow them to create virtual networks, to be offered either to smaller operators or to companies wanting to have their own independent, private and dedicated slice of a network, in a cloud-style network-as-a-ser­vice new pattern. The rise of satellite services in the coming years will also create the need for an enhanced spectrum sharing. Satellite will also be a growing infrastructure competing with towers and other access networks. So whilst we reflect on changes and trends since the last few years, our eyes are also turned towards the future and how the industry will adapt and find news ways to share.
Whistleblower protection and reporting channels in Sweden
1. Is there a law on whistleblowing in your country?  Yes, the Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Irregularities (Sw. Lag (2021:890) om skydd för personer som rapporterar om miss­för­hål­lan­den)...
Priority entitlement: the EPO implements the new “rebuttable pre­sump­tion”...
In recent Technical Board of Appeal decision T 2360/19, the Board considered the validity of priority claims following the Enlarged Board of Appeal consolidated decision G 1/22 and G 2/22.The opposed...
Back in Gear: CMS European M&A Outlook 2025
We are pleased to share with you the 2025 edition of the European M&A Outlook, published by CMS in association with Mergermarket.