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Past events
On the Pulse webinar series 2024 - Autumn
Welcome to the Autumn part of the 2024 On the Pulse webinar series.  This webinar series brings you updates on the latest legal and commercial developments in the life sciences & healthcare sector from around the world. We will be hosting webinars on:EU Health Data Space - 24 OctoberCyber Breach Preparedness and Response for the Life Sciences & Healthcare Sector - 26 NovemberThe webinars will be one hour in length with a 15-minute Q&A session.
CMS and Pedersen & Partners 2024 Southeast Asia Private Equity Breakfast
CMS Singapore and Pedersen & Partners will be hosting the 2024 Southeast Asia Private Equity Breakfast: "Navigating the Southeast Asia Investment Landscape:  Opportunities, Trends, and Strategies" on Thursday 14 November 2024.
10 years of the CMS Network Sharing Study
Join us as we launch the latest update to the CMS Network Sharing Study where we will reflect on 10 years of the study and the key changes which have taken place during this time.  The fifth edition of this study looks at over 75 network shares in 46 markets since May 2021.  We have seen how policy, regulation, competition, structures and financing are evolving across jurisdictions. Many of the network sharing opportunities available have now been taken and there has been a reduction in regulatory scrutiny across Western Europe which is potentially a result of greater investment in network in­fra­struc­ture.  Dur­ing our launch webinar, we will hear from special guest speakers, Oliver Bradley from Macquarie Group, Karim Taga from Arthur D. Little and Luiz Felippe Zoghbi from from GSMA who will share insights into their roles within the digital infrastructure ecosystem.   Oliver Bradley is Global Head of Digital Infrastructure Investments at Macquarie Capital, responsible for Digital Infrastructure Investments within the Infrastructure and Energy Capital division of Macquarie Cap­it­al.  Karim Taga is the Managing Partner of Arthur D. Little Austria and Global Head of Functional Practices at ADL. He has 25+ years of experience with ADL in the tele­com­mu­nic­a­tion area, including leading the Global TIME practice for over 12 years. The discussion will be chaired by Dora Petranyi, Co-Head of the TMC group and Chris Watson, Chairman of the TMC group. We will also hear insights on anticipated developments in the Network Sharing space from Anne Chitan, Partner at CMS UK and Javier Torre de Silva, Partner at CMS Spain and Anne and Javier are also Co-Heads of the global Communications Subgroup at CMS.  We look forward to you joining us to hear the latest in Network Sharing deals and upcoming trends. There will be an opportunity to put your questions to the speakers so please do bring these to the session.
Investing in APAC: Boom times ahead?
This is an invitation only event. However, if you can’t make it and think it would be of interest to one of your col­leagues, please con­tact us.
Reading the Arbitration Tea Leaves: A Fireside Chat with Leading Asia-Pacific...
Join us at 1880 Members Club for an exclusive Fireside Chat with prominent Asia-Pacific arbitrators, Sapna Jhangiani KC and Professor Benjamin Hughes, moderated by Dr. Mariel Dimsey, Partner at CMS Hong Kong and former Sec­ret­ary-Gen­er­al of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC). We'll explore first-hand accounts, dissect pivotal emerging trends, and spotlight the crucial role of diversity and inclusion in this ever-evolving field. The fireside chat will be followed by networking drinks and light canapes. Limited seats are avail­able. Please RSVP as soon as possible to secure a spot. 
CMS x FTI | From Breach to Resolution: Effective Cyber Incident and Crisis...
We are delighted to invite you to a seminar on 'From Breach to Resolution: Effective Cyber Incident and Crisis Management' co-organised by CMS Singapore and FTI Consulting,  on Wednesday 21 August in Singapore. In an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated and prevalent, organisations must be prepared to manage cyber incidents with precision and clarity. This panel will delve into the best practices for effective cyber incident management and the critical role of crisis communications. Experts from cybersecurity, legal, compliance, public relations, and corporate leadership will discuss strategies for rapid response, minimising risk, managing legal and regulatory obligations, and maintaining stakeholder trust during a cyber crisis. Topics include incident detection and response, internal and external communication plans, legal considerations, regulatory compliance, post-incident recovery and insurance policy coverage considerations.
Navigating the ESG Landscape in Asia: Risks, Progress, and Talent
We are delighted to invite you to a seminar on “Nav­ig­at­ing the ESG Landscape in Asia: Risks, Progress, and Talent” co-organised by CMS Singapore and Randstad, on Thursday 25 April 2024 in Singapore. As ESG considerations increasingly influence corporate strategies and regulatory requirements, it is essential for corporate leaders and legal professionals to stay ahead with the latest developments, risks and best practices. Listen, engage and connect with our distinguished panel of leading in-house experts and ESG partners who will provide valuable and practical insights into the following topics: Panellists Moderator: Asya Jamaludin, Partner at CMS Singa­pore Open­ing Remarks: Gerald Licnachan, Partner, CMS Singa­pore Clos­ing remarks: Marc Rathbone, Partner and Head of Energy and Energy Transition (APAC), CMS SingaporeSecure your spot today and click here to RSVP to the event.
On the Pulse webinar series 2024 - Spring/Summer
Welcome to the 2024 On the Pulse webinar series.  This webinar series brings you updates on the latest legal and commercial developments in the life sciences & healthcare sector from around the world. Over the coming period, we will be hosting two webinars on:Unified Patent Court (UPC) - 23 AprilEU Pharma Package - 18 JuneEach webinar will be one hour in length with a 15-minute Q&A session.
COP28: how the law can unite, act and deliver the UN SDGs
The law, and the work of lawyers, should enable countries, communities and companies to deliver the changes needed to achieve the UN SDGs and the Paris Agreement. As COP28 urges us to unite, act and...
Roundtable: urbanisation and transport
Join the CMS Infrastructure and Projects team in person at CMS Dubai for a breakfast roundtable discussion. Our conversation will be driven by the announcements and negotiations at COP28, and will be...
Global Stocktake: Energy Security, Net Zero and Sustainability
CMS will host a high level discussion on the challenges of energy security, net zero and sus­tain­ab­il­ity.  Agenda Special Address | Edward Hobart CMG, British Ambassador to the United Arab Emir­ates­Key­note...
Roundtable: enabling reduced carbon emissions
Join the CMS energy team in person at CMS Dubai for a breakfast roundtable discussion. Our conversation will be driven by the announcements and negotiations at COP28, and will be an opportunity to discuss...