Offices – France
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Apart from offering expert legal consultancy for local jurisdictions, CMS Francis Lefebvre partners up with you to effectively navigate the complexities of global business and legal environments.

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CMS lawyers can provide future-facing advice for your business across a variety of specialisms and industries, worldwide.

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Global Reach
Global Reach

Apart from offering expert legal consultancy for local jurisdictions, CMS Francis Lefebvre partners up with you to effectively navigate the complexities of global business and legal environments.

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CMS France
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Public Procurement

In a constantly growing field, which represents around 20% of the GDP of EU Member States on average, the evolving legal framework for public procurement, with the transposition of European directives on public procurement and concession contracts, is a key renewal factor.

Whether you are a French or foreign construction company or operator, working in any economic field, whether you are a financial institution or public sector entity, we can advise and defend you in all aspects of public procurement.

Our team will offer you pragmatic and insightful guidance for any legal or tax issues that may arise in your public procurement contracts.

With 5 lawyers, including 1 partner, we can assist you in your submissions to tender procedures launched by public or parapublic entities and, if necessary, in your legal cases before administrative or ordinary courts. Whether you are a public sector or private buyer, we can support you in establishing the contractual structure that best meets your needs and constraints, and in the setting up of your tender procedures. We also carry out contractual due diligence within the framework of proposed sales or acquisitions of public sector partner companies. We can guide you throughout the life of public procurement projects, from signature to delivery, including the prevention and management of potential disputes before national or arbitration courts as required.


  • France
    26 Mar 2025

    CMS Annual Tax Con­fer­ence 2025

Local market knowledge. Global outlook

We provide future-facing legal advice to help your organisation thrive. Combining local market knowledge and a global perspective, and with lawyers in locations worldwide, your organisation benefits from the expertise it needs, even across borders.

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