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Paola Nunziata


CMS Adonnino Ascoli & Cavasola Scamoni
Via A. Depretis 86
00184 Rome
Languages Italian, English, French

Paola Nunziata is Head of the Intellectual Property department. In 2004 she began her collaboration with the Firm in the Rome office and in 2017 she was appointed Partner.

Paola Nunziata has matured experience in relation to the protection of intellectual property rights and unfair competition, in the management of administrative procedures related to IP rights, in the drafting and negotiation of sectoral agreements and in due diligence involving companies holding patent and trademarks portfolios.

In her career, Paola has matured a vast experience in both civil and commercial litigation and in national and international arbitrations. Paola has also a strong know-how of commercial contracts. 

During her collaboration with CMS, Paola has gained in-house experience also working abroad in the multinational food & beverage and pharmaceutical industries.

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Memberships & Roles

  • Rome Bar Association
  • IBA - International Bar Association
  • Commission on Intellectual Property of the ICC - International Chamber of Commerce
  • LES - Licensing Executives Society Italia
  • AIPPI - International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
  • INTA - International Trademark Association
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  • 2012 – Authorized to act before the High Courts (Supreme Court and Council of State)
  • 1999 – Admitted to the Rome Bar Association
  • 1995 – University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy), Law degree, cum laude
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Green/sus­tain­ab­il­ity claims and advertising and consumer greenwashing
In the era of increased environmental awareness, the spotlight on green claims has never been more intense. As consumers are concerned about global heating and ecological sustainability, they are scrutinizing products like never before, seeking eco-friendly options that align with their values. In response, businesses have responded to this concern and consumers’ purchase interest, with brand-owners increasingly highlighting the benign or even beneficial effects their products and services have on the environment fostering a surge in green marketing initiatives. Yet, amidst this push for sustainability, the risk of being accused of greenwashing is omnipresent. As environmental characteristics of products and services are highly technical and the understanding of the various concepts involved is continuously changing, en­vir­on­ment­al/sus­tain­ab­il­ity claims raise a significant risk of confusing and misleading consumers. Many companies have fallen foul of advertising standards in this area recently. Given the high sensitivity of environmental claims and the reputational damage that can result from allegations of greenwashing, it is particularly important to make sure environmental claims are compliant. By ensuring truthful, accurate and unambiguous information is always given to the consumers, companies can avoid the risks and build a reputation for authenticity in their sustainability advertising and communications. CMS guides companies through the maze of regulations and case law and advise on the steps a company can take to ensure their advertising is not only compliant but also authentic and impactful. The priority questions we address are: Which green claims are likely to raise litigation or regulatory enforcement risks?What can businesses do to mitigate these risks?What are the likely claims/en­force­ment that could arise?Who is likely to make a claim?What are the risks in the event of a violation or a complaint? What future regulatory measures are expected and what companies have to do now to be prepared? We offer various solutions to help you be compliant and avoid accusations of greenwashing: Sustainability claim checks including regulatory risk matrix as well as litigation: evaluating the planned claims and mapping their risk as well as developing compliant marketing strategies and claims custom-tailored to your business's unique pro­file;Sus­tain­ab­il­ity-re­lated litigation: providing comprehensive support in legal disputes in the area of advertising with environmental claims;Training sessions: to empower your legal, compliance and sustainability as well as advertising teams with in-depth knowledge of sustainability risks and mitigation strategies; andBoard packs: to equip your directors/board members with actionable insights into greenwashing risks, ensuring they steer the company toward sustainable strategies with confidence and integrity.  For an initial conversation on how we can support you on greenwashing risk, please reach out to the lawyers listed on this page or to your usual CMS contact.
Early days of the UPC - key issues and take-aways
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Il 24 ottobre scorso si è riunita per la prima volta la c.d. “ Commissione algoritmi ”, istituita presso il Dipartimento per l’Informazione e l’Editoria della Presidenza del Consiglio dei...
CMS International Patent Litigation Guide
Patented technology often ranks among a company's most valued as­sets. Pro­tect­ing your business from patent in­fringe­ment – or defending yourself against patent infringement claims of third parties – can be a complex and intensive process. CMS International Patent Litigation Guide (4th edition) is your essential tool to get an overview of the options and pathways to enforce patents in the courts of 18 major jurisdictions. Drawing on the expertise of CMS patent law specialists, this essential and fully-updated guide provides clear and concise coverage of patent infringement proceedings and practice. For each jurisdiction, you can quickly assess and compare critical issues such as:Standing - Who is entitled to sue for patent infringement, the number of parties that can be included in proceedings and time limits in which infringement claims must be boughtTiming and Forum – Where proceedings are brought, typical duration of trials and the handling of FRAND/compulsory licenses in court pro­ceed­ing­sEvid­ence – Use of expert witnesses, disclosure requirements and rules on seizure of evid­ence/doc­u­ment­s­Ap­peals – Routes, grounds and timings for appeal – and the potential interim enforcement of first instance de­cisionsCosts – Estimated legal costs, appeal costs and recoverability of litigation costsIn addition, the CMS International Patent Litigation Guide covers topics like Alternative Dispute Resolution, Remedies and Injunctions – and your CMS Patent Law team in each market. For dedicated information on the enforcement of European Patents before the Unified Patent Court please also visit our CMS UPC Insight  webpage.
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Transfer of IP rights in Italy
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