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Consumer Products

As a player in the consumer products sector, you may face challenges such as globalization, digitalisation, environmental and health concerns, consumer and media pressure, growing retailer buyer power, the rise of online selling and counterfeiting. All place new demands on your management and business strategy but also drive the need for legal advice, regardless of whether you operate in Italy or abroad.

Our team is structured around the key sectors of consumer products, hence whether you are a supplier, investor, regulator or other stakeholder, we have experts in Italy, who can help you.

In order to give you the targeted legal advice your business needs, our teams have experts from every legal area affecting your sector. This means we can guide you on all legal and regulatory aspects - from the financing and acquisition of companies, through to antitrust and unfair competition law, media management, nutritional and health claims, advertising and marketing, strategies for the protection of intellectual property rights, data protection, outsourcing, distribution agreements, real estate transactions, product recalls and much more. Our experts will keep you abreast of the latest sector insight and developments, giving you a commercial, as well as a legal, edge.


Cannabis law and legislation in Italy
Medical use Growing, selling and importing medical cannabis is allowed on the condition that the authorisation of the Ministry of Health is obtained. Cultivation, sale and import are currently mainly...
Ruling no. 148/2024: tax exemption for dividends and capital gains realized...
The Italian Tax Authority (“ITA”), with the ruling no. 148/2024 published on July 11, 2024, confirms the application of the exemption regime - introduced by Article 1, paragraph 633, Law No. 178/2020...
EU anti-dumping investigations of Chinese glyoxylic acid imports
On 25 July 2024, the EU opened an anti-dumping in­vest­ig­a­tion con­cern­ing EU imports of glyoxylic acid originating in the People’s Republic of China, which could lead to substantial anti-dumping duties...
Overcooked, but with a slight bite – CJEU considers relevance of pre-Brexit...
Are UK trade mark rights still relevant for EU trade mark oppositions that were started before – but are appealed after – the end of the Brexit transition period? And, more importantly, should UK...
Updated CMS Expert Guide to Cannabis law and legislation
CMS Expert Guide on cannabis law and legislation gives stakeholders detailed and updated information on the latest developments in cannabis regulation in key markets.  The Guide now covers 33 jurisdictions...
Italian Supreme Court Upholds OECD Transfer Pricing Rules
The decisions of the Italian Supreme Court nos. 10577/2024 and 10499/2024 (concerning the same case for corporate income tax and regional income tax purposes) confirm important principles regarding transfer...
EU anti-dumping investigations for Chinese lysine and vanillin imports
On 23 May 2024, the EU opened an anti-dumping in­vest­ig­a­tion con­cern­ing EU imports of lysine originating in the People’s Republic of China, which could lead to substantial anti-dumping duties on future...
Digital nomad tax insights
The new visa for digital nomads might become a particularly interesting option for workers who may benefit from the so called “impatriate” tax regime following their relocation to Italy. The Decree...
Flushed and failed: General Court shuts the lid on invalidity attack against...
In­tro­duc­tion­Earli­er this year, we reported on a Belgian court ruling relating to the validity and infringement of designs for cat litter trays (read about it here). This time, in a decision which will...
On your radar | Key employment issues to be aware of internationally
We are delighted to share with you our latest and largest edition of On Your Radar, with contributions from 35 coun­tries.   As ever, you will find employment law updates covering a diverse range of...
Design decision on ‘Sole technical function’ packs a punch – The CJEU breaks...
SummaryIn a case which has been recognised as among the most impactful European design cases of the past year, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) has clarified the principles of ‘sole...
Cheers! New EU rules to strengthen GI protection for wine, spirit drinks...
On 23 April 2024, a new EU regulation aimed at enhancing the protection of geographical indications (GIs) for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products, and other quality schemes for agricultural...