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Publication 06 Jul 2020 · Ukraine
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Here’s a selection of our energy sector credentials in Chile:

Solarpack, the multinational specialised in solar power plants, on the financing transaction for the construction and development of the photovoltaic Project named “La Granja”, to be located in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. The project is a milestone in terms of solar energy pricing worldwide for breaking the record as the lowest price per MWh tendered (USD 29.1 per MWh). 

Celeo Redes on the bidding process for new energy transmission works, awarding concessions for the construction, operation and maintenance of two projects related to Chile’s main power grid; said project is for the National Energy Commission.  One project will include the construction of two substations in central Chile with a combined line length of over 200 km, while the other – a 360 km-long line - will be located in southern Chile.

SAIPEM on a legal opinion for our client, an Italian company of the oil and gas sector, that analyzes a potential changer order for an EPC contract, given difficulties arising from the connection of the project’s power lines to the national power grid.

Acciona Energía on its bid for a public tender to build, operate and manage a new Codelco desalination plant in Antofagasta, northern Chile.  Said bid was awarded under a BOOT (build-own-operate-transfer) arrangement. The contract included the design, financing, construction, operation, maintenance, and transfer of the aforementioned plant.

Enagás on the acquisition of Endesa’s total stake in GNL Quintero S.A, which operates a three-tank regasification plant and docking facilities for methane tankers.

Subsequently, CMS Chile advised Enagás on the acquisition of an additional 20% of GNL Quintero from a local affiliate of Gas Natural Fenosa. Total consideration of both transactions worth USD 400 million.

In 2017, advised Enagás in GNL Quintero S.A. stock restructuring for USD 532 million.

Promigás on the potential tender process to acquire the complete shareholding of Gasvalpo S.A., one of the main residential natural gas supply distributors in Chile, which has concessions in three regions of Chile.

Eléctricas de Medellín Ingeniería y Servicios - EDEMSA (Colombia) - Advised EDEMSA as the construction company (EPC contractor) for the Interchile interregional line, on construction and subcontracting agreements, the installation of high voltage towers, overseeing the negotiation process for electrical easements, the procurement of building permits, work facilities, warehouses and land use change. Also, on the procurement of all environmental permits.

This project aims to build the most important high voltage power line in Chile, which will allow the interconnection of the two main transmission systems in the country.

SolarReserve Chile Limitada on the procurement of concessions for contracts that permit the onerous use of land (approx 9,000 hectares) to develop three solar projects in northern Chile. In addition, on the procurement of title deeds and proceedings before the Ministry of National Assets.

wpd - Advised the client to secure contracts for three wind farms with a total capacity of 350 MW in the tender conducted by Chile for renewable energy projects. In the process, wpd won power purchase agreements for 786.8 GWh per year with a term of 20 years beginning in 2021.

Saeta Yield - Advised on the competitive process for the acquisition of our client’s operations in Chile, consisting of its 81-MW owned interest in the 115-MW El Arrayán Wind project to its affiliates.