"Smart contracts: een toegankelijk overzicht vanuit juridische perspectief" ("Smart Contracts: an overview from a legal perspective") offers legal professionals a critical insight into one of the potentially most disruptive applications of this decade (available in Dutch). It comprehensibly examines the concepts of blockchain and smart contracts, the impact on financial law, company law, insurance law, consumer law and notarial law, and the consequences for private international law.
- Guide to blockchain (Koen Vingerhoets)
- Introduction to smart contracts (Pieter-Jan Aerts)
- Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (DAO): an introduction (Frank Hoogendijk)
- Applications in financial law (Niels Vandezande)
The book contains contributions by Koen Vingerhoets, Pieter-Jan Aerts, Niels Vandezande, Frank Hoogendijk, Benjamin Verheye, Christof Koolen, Deven Dobbelaere & Jean-Christophe Vercauteren, Jozefien Vanherpe & Marie-Christine Janssens and Anouk Vancraeynest & Matthijs Huysentruyt (edited by Kim Vanthoor).
See link below for more information and for online orders.