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Anne Buan


CMS Kluge Advokatfirma AS
Bryggegata 6
NO-0250 Oslo
PO Box 1548 Vika
NO-0117 Oslo
Languages Norwegian, English

Anne Buan has extensive experience with IT and technology procurement projects and public procurement law on both buy and sell side. She advises clients on complex technology projects, including large digital transformation programmes involving new technologies such as cloud computing, analytics, Big Data and AI. She also assists in cyber security procurements such as managed security service provider (MSSP) and managed detection and response (MDR).

Anne has been advising the Norwegian government in some of the most complex public procurement processes in Norway. The combination of experience within IT and technology contracts and public procurement law makes her able to bring a real understanding of the factors which make a successful procurement.

As well as expertise in negotiation and strategical advise, her practice involves advising suppliers who are bidding for or delivering Norwegian government contracts, including advise on their bidding strategy from pre-market engagement to contract award and to challenge procurement processes.

Anne is ranked as “Next Generation Partner” in European Legal500 and “Up & Coming” in the Norwegian Newspaper Financial Daily.

Anne is one of the authors of the commentary on the Norwegian Public Procurement Act and Regulation published by Gyldendal 2018.

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Relevant experience

  • 2023 - Partner, CMS Kluge Advokatfirma AS
  • 2008 - 2023 Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS 
    Associate Partner 
    Senior Lawyer 
    Senior Associate 
  • 2010 - 2011 Deputy Judge, Fosen District Court
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Awards & Rankings

Buan is highly recommended by Chambers within Public Procurement, and ranked Next Generation Partner by the Legal 500.

Her competence in public procurement is of the highest class. She has steely control over the regulations. She is adaptable. You don’t lose with Anne Buan on your team.
The Legal 500, testimonials, 2023

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  • 2002 - 2007 Master of Law, University of Bergen
  • 2006 University of Southampton
    L.L.B. subjects; EU law, Company Law, Conflict of Laws, Public International Law
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