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Tobias Somary, LL.M.

Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law

CMS von Erlach Partners Ltd
Dreikönigstrasse 7
P.O. Box
8022 Zurich
Languages German, English

Tobias Somary heads the private client team of the firm. He specialises in estate and succession planning, prenuptial agreements, estate administration (executorship), inheritance disputes, foundations & trusts, charities & art, private banking laws, and in- and outbound relocation. He has an excellent track record in representing clients in contentious estate disputes and trust litigation.

Tobias Somary joined CMS in 2000. In 2004 he completed post-graduate studies at Stanford University, California. Since 2008 he is a partner at the firm and heads the Private Client team.

Tobias is the leader of the Estate Practitioners' Chapter of the Zurich Bar Association. In addition, he is a tenured lecturer for inheritance law at the University of Zurich. 

He is a Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law, a member of Successio and STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) and recognized as TEP (Trust & Estates Practitioner). 

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Tobias Somary is outstanding and gives clear advice. There are very few lawyers who are able to give a recommendation with such clarity which is based on combination of technical expertise and practical experience. His ability to relate to clients is second to none.

The Legal 500, Switzerland, Private Client, 2022

Tobias Somary (CMS Zurich) is an excellent private clients lawyer. He has high competence in inheritance law, is a dealmaker and also excellent with people.

The Legal 500, Switzerland, Private Client, 2022

Tobias Somary gains praise across the market for his knowledge and technical skills. "Tobias is an excellent private wealth attorney with broad experience in all legal fields required," says a source, adding: "He tends to have the general overview of all questions that may occur and leads the client on a very personal basis. He also has long-lasting experience in cross-border wealth planning, especially with Germany, France and Austria." Another adds: "His knowledge, client manner and attention to detail are excellent. He raises all the relevant issues, but does so in a practical manner in order to find the best solution for the client, to address any problems, and to achieve the client’s intentions.

Chambers and Partners, HNW, Switzerland, Private Wealth Law, 2020

Tobias Somary leads the private client team in Switzerland and is praised as being "a highly qualified and experienced private client lawyer." A peer describes him as "very smart, reliable and pleasant to work with," adding that "he is a lawyer of skill and substance." His practice includes succession planning, prenuptial agreements and inheritance matters. "He is very strong on domestic and international estate planning matters. He is also very aware of tax topics and has very acute awareness for tax issues," explains one source.

Chambers and Partners, HNW, Switzerland, Private Wealth Law, 2019

Tobias Somary wins glowing praise as a "specialist in inheritance law" known for his ability to "combine technical expertise with common sense in a manner understandable for the addressee".

Who's Who Legal, Global Guide, Private Client, 2019

Tobias Somary is "efficient, smart and has very good cross-border knowledge, especially between Germany and Switzerland." An international lawyer adds that "he is cosmopolitan and has an understanding of worldwide issues and global affairs; this is particularly helpful in this area of law."

Chambers and Partners, HNW, Switzerland, Private Wealth Law, 2019

Memberships & Roles

  • Swiss and Zurich Bar Association
  • Successio (Association for the promotion of Swiss and international inheritance law)
  • Expert Group Inheritance Law of Zurich Bar Association
  • STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners)
  • Stanford Club of Switzerland and Stanford Business School Alumni Association, Swiss Chapter
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Awards & Rankings

  • Chambers and Partners | Private Client, Switzerland, 2023 | High Net Worth | Band 1
  • The Legal 500 | Private Client, Switzerland, 2023 | Ranked
  • Who‘s Who Legal | Private Client, Switzerland and Private Client, 2023 | Thought Leader
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Lectures list

  • 18 June 2024, Schulthess Forum on Matrimonial Property Law 2024, Metropol, Zurich, presentation on "Drafting pre- and postnuptial agreements: recommendations from an estate planning viewpoint"
  • 12 June 2024, CMS Annual Private Clients Conference 2024 Hamburg, The World in Motion: International Mobility and Adjusting to New Standards, panel discussion with Oliver Groenewold, Marta Puccini and Jasper Philippi
  • 4 June 2024, Zurich Bar Association - Estate Planning Chapter, Recent Legal Developments in Foundation Law and Their Impact on Inheritance Practice, Panel Discussion with Prof. Andrea Opel and Dr. Lukas von Orelli
  • 24 May 2024, University Zurich, Master Lecture on Estate Planning: Inheritance Taxes
  • 16 May 2024, University Zurich, Master Lecture on Estate Planning: Estate Litigation
  • 2 May 2024, University Zurich, Master Lecture on Estate Planning, Effects of the inheritance law reforms in the legal practice
  • 25 April 2024, University Zurich, Master Lecture on Estate Planning, Workshop on International Planning Practice (including European Succession Regulation and European Matrimonial Property Rights Regulation)
  • 8 November 2023, Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule STS, day seminar on "Successful Estate and Emergency Planning" (together with Roxana Bollinger-Bär)
  • 1 June 2023, University Zurich, Master Lecture on Estate Planning, "Litigation in inheritance law and inheritance and gift taxes" (together with Roxana Bollinger-Bär)
  • 25 May 2023, University Zurich, Master Lecture on Estate Planning, "Inheritance Lawsuits" (together with Roxana Bollinger-Bär)
  • 11 May 2023, University Zurich, Master Lecture on Estate Planning, Practical Implications of Inheritance Law Reforms (National and International)
  • 4 May 2023, University Zurich, Master Lecture on Estate Planning, International Asset and Estate Planning
  • 8 December 2022, Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule STS, day seminar on "Successful Estate and Emergency Planning" (together with Marjolein Bieri and Roxana Bollinger-Bär)
  • 29 November 2022, Schulthess Forum on Art & Law, Metropol, Zurich, presentation on Art in planning and management of estates
  • 2 November 2022, Europa Institut, Metropol, Zurich, The 19th Zurich Annual Conference on International Trust and Inheritance Law Practice, "Matrimonial property and inheritance planning: practical aspects of the forthcoming changes of law", co-presentation with Barbara Lautenschlager
  • 30 June 2022, Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule STS - Treuhand | Update, Hotel Schweizerhof Lucerne and webinar: "Revision of inheritance law: an increase planning liberty and responsibility"
  • 6 May 2022, Academy of European Law (ERA), Trier, Germany, "Cross-border emergency planning", panel discussion with Daniel Lehmann and Jaclyn Barnes
  • 11 March 2022, Stiftung Juristische Weiterbildung Zürich (SJWZ), "Durable Power of Attorney as planning instrument from a legal practitioner's viewpoint (including international aspects)"
  • 30 November 2021, St. Galler Erbrechtstagung 2021, Grand Casino Luzern, "Need for action in view of national and international changes in matrimonial property and inheritance law: checklists and hands-on recommendations"
  • 28 October 2021, Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule STS, day seminar on "Successful Estate and Emergency Planning" (together with Louise Lutz Sciamanna)
  • 7 September 2021, ZAV Fachgruppe Erbrecht: "Art. 216 ZGB (Überhälftige Vorschlagszuweisung) & Art. 120 ZGB (Erbrecht geschiedener Ehegatten), two hot topics of the inheritance law reform", together with Dr Lorenz Baumann (Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law)
  • 5 July 2021, Reichmuth & Co Privatbankiers, workshop on "New developments in domestic and international inheritance law"
  • 30 June 2021, Schulthess Forum Ehegüterrecht 2021, online event, panel discussion among experts on international planning practice
  • 5 November 2020, Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule STS, day seminar on "Successful Estate and Emergency Planning" (together with Louise Lutz Sciamanna)
  • 9 September 2020, Schulthess Forum Ehegüterrecht 2020, Lake Side, Zurich "Die lebendige Beziehung zwischen Güter- und Erbrecht im Brennpunkt aktueller Gesetzesneuerungen"
  • 30 January 2020, 5. Zürcher Stiftungsrechtstag, Center for Foundation Law, University Zurich, presentation on "Reforms in national and cross-border inheritance law and their impact on foundations" as well as panel on "Fit for the future? Current challenges for foundations"
  • 15 January 2020: Schulthess Forum Ehegüterrecht 2020, Metropol, Zurich, "Die lebendige Beziehung zwischen Güter- und Erbrecht im Brennpunkt aktueller Gesetzesneuerungen
  • 5 November 2019, Schulthess Forum Erbrecht 2019, Hotel Bellevue Palace, Bern, "International Estate Planning"
  • 31 October 2019, Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule STS, Hotel Marriott, Zurich, day seminar on successful estate and emergency planning (together with Louise Lutz Sciamanna)
  • 14 June 2019: UBS WP EMEA & CH, Offsite Meeting Thun, Impact of new EU Matrimonial Property Regulations on cross-border estate planning and refresher on EU Succession Regulation
  • 19 March 2019, Park Hyatt Zurich, Schulthess Forum Erbrecht 2019, "International Estate Planning, Introduction into EU Matrimonial Property Regulations"
  • 7 February 2019, Hotel Baur au Lac, Zurich, "Paradigm Change in Inheritance Matters" (lecture together with Louise Lutz Sciamanna and Jasper Stallmann, CMS von Erlach Poncet Ltd.)
  • 22 November 2018, Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule STS, Hotel Schweizerhof, Lucerne, TREUHAND / UPDATE 2018: "Werkstattbericht Notfall- und Nachlassplanung"
  • 14 November 2018, Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule STS, Hotel Marriott, Zurich, day seminar "Erfolgreiche Nachlass-, Notfall- und Güterplanung" (together with Louise Lutz Sciamanna and Jasper Stallmann, CMS von Erlach Poncet)
  • 6 November 2018, Zurich, Lunch and Learn Meeting at Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd., "Impact of new EU Matrimonial Property Regulations on cross-border estate planning" (together with Dr Jasper Stallmann, CMS Hasche Sigle)
  • 29 October 2018, Sonnweid AG, Lecture for the Relatives' Council on Emergency Planning (together with Louise Lutz Sciamanna)
  • 25 October 2018, Zurich, Internal training at Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG, "Die EU-Güterrechtsverordnung und weitere Aktualitäten aus der internationalen Güter- und Erbplanung" (together with Dr Jasper Stallmann, CMS Hasche Sigle)
  • 13 September 2018, Bildungszentrum KV Zürich Business School, Weiterbildung für Assistierende von Mitgliedern des Zürcher Anwaltsverbands, "Erbrecht – Was ich wissen wollte!" (together with the lawyers Gabrielle Mazurczak and Louise Lutz Sciamanna)
  • 31 May 2018, Zurich, University Zurich, Open Lecture in der Nachlassplanung, "Internationale Nachlassplanung – Werkstattbericht aus der Praxis"
  • 17 May 2018, Trier, Academy of European Law ERA: Conference on Cross-Border Succession Planning: "Interaction of succession regimes and matrimonial property: opportunities and pitfalls"
  • 16 March 2018, The EU Marital Property Regulation – Ramifications and risks for cross-border estate planning, Successio Forum Lucerne, Presentation by Tobias Somary and Kinga M. Weiss
  • 27 February 2018, ZAV Fachgruppe Erbrecht: "Impulse aus der Stiftungspraxis für die Nachlassplanung", Podiumsdiskussion mit Amina Chaudri (stv. Geschäftsführerin der ETH Zürich Foundation), François Geinoz (Geschäftsführer der Limmat Stiftung und Präsident von proFonds) und Dr. Markus W. Schaad (Geschäftsführer der UZH Foundation), Moderation Tobias Somary
  • 8 November 2017, Zürich, Vortrag bei Bank Rahn+Bodmer Co. zur internationalen Notfall-, Nachlass- und Steuerplanung
  • 19 October 2017, Schweizerische Treuhänder Schule STS, Hotel Marriott, Zürich, Tagesseminar Erfolgreiche Nachlass-, Notfall- und Güterplanung
  • 12 October 2017, Portas Capital, Emergency and Estate Planning, a workshop report from Legal Practice
  • 27 September 2017, American Citizens Abroad, Zurich, Townhall Evening on Last Will and Testament Issues for US Persons in Switzerland
  • 26 September 2017, American Citizens Abroad, Basel, Townhall Evening on Last Will and Testament Issues for US Persons in Switzerland
  • 10 March 2017, Trier, ERA Konferenz: Internationales Familienvermögens- und Erbrecht, „Praxiserfahrungen: Nachlassplanung mit Blick auf Drittstaaten – EU und die Schweiz“
  • 2 February 2017, Frankfurt am Main, STEP Konferenz Deutschland, „Internationale Planungsaspekte aus der schweizerischen Optik"
  • 24 November 2016, Konzerthauskonferenz Zürich, "Erbschaften & Vermächtnisse - Werkstattbericht aus der Anwaltspraxis" (zusammen mit RA David Hürlimann und RA Dr. Heino Büsching)
  • 29 September 2016, Frankfurt am Main, Wealth Management Tagung, Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft, "Risikomanagement und neue Möglichkeiten bei der Nachlassplanung"
  • 21 September 2016, American Citizens Abroad, Zürich, "Town Hall Evening on Banking, Financial and Retirement Issues - Last Will and Testament Issues for US Persons in Switzerland"
  • 16 June 2016, Dortmund, Wealth Management Tagung, Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft, "Risikomanagement und neue Möglichkeiten bei der Nachlassplanung"
  • 2 June 2016, Zürich, Universität Zürich, Open Lecture in der Nachlassplanung, "Internationale Nachlassplanung - ein Werkstattbericht aus der Praxis"
  • 17 March 2016, München, Wealth Management Tagung, Frankfurter Bankgesellschaft, "Risikomanagement und neue Möglichkeiten bei der Nachlassplanung"
  • 16 December 2015, Kaiser Partner Academy, Werkstattbericht internationale Nachlassplanung, Auswirkung und Einsatzmöglichkeiten der EU ErbVO in Drittstaaten
  • 4 December 2015, SIX ConventionPoint Zürich, Tagung des Instituts für Rechtswissenschaft und Rechtspraxis der Universität St. Gallen, „Erbverträge in internationalen Verhältnissen“
  • 17 November 2015, Kongresshaus Zürich, Weiterbildungsveranstaltung für den Zürcher Anwaltsverband, „Erbrecht – Was ich schon immer wissen wollte!“ (zusammen mit RA Gabrielle Mazurczak)
  • 14 November 2015, Zürich, Weiterbildung für Notarinnen und Notare, Notar-Stellvertreterinnen und Notar-Stellvertreter, „Repetitorium zur Europäischen Erbrechtsverordnung unter Berücksichtigung des Güterrechts“ und „Workshop Erbfälle unter Einbezug der EU Erbrechtsverordnung“ (zusammen mit Dr. Kinga M. Weiss)
  • 10. November 2015, Zürich, ZAV Fachgruppe Erbrecht, „Erste Praxiserfahrungen mit der EU ErbVO“ (zusammen mit Dr. Daniel Lehmann, Manuel Liatowitsch und Kinga M. Weiss)
  • 5 November 2015, Universität Innsbruck, STEP Österreich DACHLIE Konferenz, „Europäische Erbrechtsverordnung – Wettbewerb der nationalen Rechtsordnungen und neue Gestaltungsideen: Schweizer Blickwinkel – erbrechtliche und güterrechtliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten“
  • 29. September 2015, Wien, Klientenseminar bei UBS (Luxembourg) S.A., Niederlassung Österreich, „EU Erbrechtsverordnung – Auswirkungen auf die internationale Nachlassplanung“
  • 29 September 2015, Wien, Interne Weiterbildung bei Credit Suisse (Luxembourg) S.A., Zweigniederlassung Österreich, „EU Erbrechtsverordnung – Auswirkungen auf die internationale Nachlassplanung“
  • 9 September 2015, Zug, Treuhand Suisse, Weiterbildungsseminar zur Nachlassplanung – EU Erbrechtsverordnung
  • 18 June 2015, Wien, Business Breakfast bei CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz, „Die EU Erbrechtsverordnung – Auswirkungen auf die internationale Nachlassplanung“ (zusammen mit Hans Christian Blum, CMS Hasche Sigle)
  • 18 June 2015, Wien, Vortrag bei Bank Gutmann zum Thema Internationalen Nachlassplanung (zusammen mit Hans Christian Blum, CMS Hasche Sigle)
  • 11 May 2015, Ascona, Informationsveranstaltung bei Julius Bär & Co. AG, „Die EU Erbrechtsverordnung - Auswirkungen auf die deutsch-schweizerische Nachlassplanung“
  • 26/27 March 2015, Zürich, Seminar für Notare, Notar-Stellvertreterinnen und Notar-Stellvertreter, „Aktuelles aus der internationalen Nachlassplanung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Europäischen Erbrechtsverordnung“ (zusammen mit Dr. Kinga M. Weiss, Walder Wyss AG)
  • 18 March 2015, Zürich, Interne Weiterbildung bei Julius Bär & Co. Ltd., „Cross-border estate planning and the EU Succession Regulation“
  • 26 February 2015, Stuttgart, 13. STEP Deutschland Konferenz, „EU ErbVO: Länderbericht Schweiz – Sicht eines Drittstaats“
  • 17 December 2014, Zürich, Interne Ausbildung bei UBS AG zum Thema Internationale Nachlassplanung (together with Hans Christian Blum & Christoph Laechler, CMS Hasche Sigle)
  • 5 November 2014, Pfäffikon, Treuhand- und Revisionsgesellschaft Mattig-Suter & Partner, Hochfor mattig Seminar „Grenzenlos (ver)erben? “ – Internationale Nachlassplanung und grenzüberschreitendes Erbrecht: Nachlassplanung und Steuerfolgen bei deutsch-schweizerischen Erbfällen
  • 28 October 2014, Zug, Treuhand- und Revisionsgesellschaft Mattig-Suter & Partner, Hochfor mattig Seminar „Grenzenlos (ver)erben? “ – Internationale Nachlassplanung und grenzüberschreitendes Erbrecht: Nachlassplanung und Steuerfolgen bei deutsch-schweizerischen Erbfällen
  • 18 September 2014, Ascona, Informationsveranstaltung der Bank Julius Bär zum Thema Steuern und Gesetzgebung: Workshop zu internationaler Nachlassplanung, Generalvollmacht und Vorsorgeauftrag
  • 16 September 2014, Zurich, Fachgruppe Erbrecht des Zürcherischen Anwaltsverbands, Internationale Nachlassplanung – ein Werkstattbericht aus der Praxis
  • 27 August 2014, Zürich, Treuhand Suisse, Weiterbildungsseminar: Internationale Nachlassplanung – EU Erbrechtsverordnung
  • 13 May 2014, Stiftung juristische Weiterbildung Zürich, „Nachlassplanung in der Praxis – Internationale Verhältnisse“
  • 10 April 2014, Universität Zürich, Open Lecture in der Nachlassplanung, „Der deutsch-schweizerische Erbfall – Planung, Probleme, Perspektiven“
  • 7 November 2013, Kongresshaus Zürich, University St. Gallen, St. Galler Internationaler Erbrechtstag, "Erbschaftsplanung und damit zusammenhängende Steuerfragen mit Bezug auf deutsch-schweizerische Erbfälle"
  • 3 & 15 October 2013, Spezialisten-Weiterbildung bei Credit Suisse für Erbschafts- und Steuerplaner
  • 13 September 2013, Baur au Lac Zürich, Fachinstitute für Erbrecht/Steuerrecht, Internationale Nachfolgeplanung
  • 12/13 April 2013, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Seminar für Mediatorinnen und Mediatoren, „Konflikte mit und in Familienunternehmen“
  • 7 March 2013, Universität Zürich, Open Lecture in der Nachlassplanung, „Der deutsch-schweizerische Erbfall: Planung, Probleme, Perspektiven“
  • 22 November 2012, Baur au Lac Zürich, Leitung Mittagsveranstaltung „CMS Lunch zur EUR-Erbrechtsverordnung – Neuigkeiten für die grenzüberschreitende Nachfolgeplanung“
  • 20 November 2012, Kongresshaus Zürich, University St. Gallen, St. Galler Internationaler Erbrechtstag, „Der deutsch-schweizerische Erbfall“
  • 5 November 2012, CMS Hasche Sigle München, Wirtschaftsfrühstück „Aktuelle Entwicklungen der Unternehmens- und Vermögensnachfolge in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz“
  • 28 September 2012, SIX Swiss Exchange Zürich, Akademie der Treuhandkammer, Seminar „Wohnsitznahme von Ausländern in der Schweiz“
  • 10 May 2012, client seminar by Infidar Vermögensverwaltung, "Güter- und Nachfolgeplanung im Lichte der drohenden Erbschaftssteuer"
  • 4 April 2012, VSEI Verband Schweizerischer Elektro-Installationsfirmen Zürich, Seminar „Ehegüterrecht und Erbrecht“
  • 7 October 2011, SIX ConventionPoint Zurich, Educaris AG (Academy of the Fiduciary Chamber) "Wohnsitznahme von Ausländern in der Schweiz"
  • 28 May 2011, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, "Konflikte mit und in Familienunternehmen"
  • 28 April 2020, LBBW (Schweiz) AG, Internal Training on International Wealth Planning
  • 26 February 2010, Bank Wegelin, "Änderungen in der Europäischen Rechts- und Steuerlandschaft"
  • 10 October 2009, Churburger Wirtschaftsgespräche, Schluderns, "Die Zukunft des Familienunternehmens im Lichte des Generationenwechsels, Erbrechtliche und vertragsrechtliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten im internationalen Kontext"
  • 9 June 2009, Hotel Schweizerhof Zurich, "Generationenwechsel bei Familienunternehmen"
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  • 2011 – Recognition as Experienced Practitioner (TEP) with STEP
  • 2009 – Certified Specialist SBA Inheritance Law
  • 2004 – Master of Laws, LL.M., Stanford Law School, Stanford University, California (USA)
  • 2000 – Bar admission (partial remission)
  • 1998 – Law studies, lic. iur., magna cum laude, Universität Zürich
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Kunst im Recht 2022 | Hybrid Event
Kunst? Recht? Kunstrecht?Der Begriff «Kunstrecht» ist so vielfältig und schillernd wie die beiden Komponenten Kunst und Recht. Das Schulthess Forum Kunst im Recht bietet am 29. November 2022 in Zürich die Gelegenheit, Impulse aus verschiedensten Blic
Private Clients
Security for you, your family, your company and your assets We advise and represent entrepreneurs, managers, wealthy individuals and their families, as well as banks, asset managers and family offices...


CMS Switzerland recommended by The Legal 500 EMEA 2023
Rankings of CMS Switzerland in The Legal 500 EMEA 2023 Edition
CMS Switzerland recommended in the Chambers High Net Worth Guide 2022
Chambers and Partners has pub­lished its rankings of leading law firms and lawyers in the High Net Worth Guide 2022. Our firm and our lawyers are listed in both rankings for Switzerland.
Marriage for all
Since the Swiss Civil Code entered into force in 1912, Swiss marriage and family law has evolved during time due to the shifting views regarding equality between the parties involved. The introduction of the registered partnership in 2007 created a special civil status for registered same-sex couples. While this was a progress, it did not lead to an equal treatment compared to matrimony. Therefore, a parliamentary initiative was launched in 2013 and called on the legislator to open the marriage to all couples, regardless of their sexual orientation. On 26 September 2021, the marriage for all won thumping approval of the Swiss electorate. This makes Switzerland the 30th country worldwide – and one of the last in Western Europe – to extend civil marital status to male-male and female-female couples. As of 1 July 2022, matrimony is open to same-sex couples in Switzerland. It is no longer possible to establish new registered partnerships. Nevertheless, existing registered partnerships will continue to exist, provided they are not converted into a marriage by the couple's joint declaration at a civil registrar of their choice. As a default rule of law, registered partnerships were subject to the rules of separation of property (absent overriding contractual provisions agreed-upon by the couple). Under the new law, the regime of participation in acquired property shall apply to same-sex marriages as a standard rule of law. As a result, the position of the surviving spouse is strengthened. If a registered couple converts their partnership to marriage, the rules on participation in acquired property will apply retroactively unless the couple has previously entered into a nuptial agreement or, alternatively, changes the application of the statutory law by contract. Hence, an existing nuptial agreement remains valid beyond the conversion. With the possibility to marry, same-sex couples acquire full adoption rights. They may adopt the child of their partner and may also adopt jointly. Finally, the simplified naturalization procedure is now also open to married same-sex couples. 
CMS Switzerland recognised by The Legal 500
Rankings of CMS Switzerland in The Legal 500 EMEA 2022 edition
CMS Switzerland ranked by The Legal 500
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Private Clients
Security for you, your family, your company and your assets We advise and represent entrepreneurs, managers, wealthy individuals and their families, as well as banks, asset managers and family offices...
New rankings from "The Legal 500" for CMS Switzerland
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CMS Switzerland further improves its ranking with The Legal 500
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Neue Regeln im internationalen Ehegueterrecht
Swiss non-dis­crim­in­a­tion principles may prevent recognition of Sharia-based...
A. Introduction In a recent decision (BGE 143 III 51, 21 November 2016), the Swiss Federal Tribunal refused the recognition of a certificate of inheritance ("acte d'hoirie") established by an Egyptian...
Employee representation and co-determination rights in Europe
At EC level, collective labour law is undeveloped compared to individual employment law at EC level. In addition to the historical differences between the member states, there is a lack of a legal basis...