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On your radar | Issue 19

Key employment issues to be aware of internationally

The new EU Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions is mentioned frequently in this edition of On your radar. Belgium, Germany, Italy and Slovakia all share the key points of their national laws implementing the directive. The common theme for employers is the need to update contracts of employment, and the process for doing so. For more information on the implementation of this directive across the EU please refer to the CMS Employment team overview. Like all directives, while the themes are common across EU borders, each country has variations in the way in which the directive has been transposed, which will need to be considered at a national level.

Several countries also discuss the new directive on work-life balance which was also supposed to be implemented across the EU this summer; another legislative measure reflecting the challenges of modern ways of working and increased desire to manage this.

France shares workplace measures to help support the purchasing power of French households as countries across the world face rising inflation. In the UK inflationary pressure is one key factor that has resulted in an increase in industrial action in recent months. To minimise disruption caused by strikes, new legislation has been brought in to allow UK employers to hire agency workers to replace striking workers.

Both China and Singapore explain their proposals to improve diversity and inclusion. Singapore is planning to change guidelines on discrimination into legislation, with China planning new legislation on eliminating discrimination against women and preventing sexual harassment. This is a topic we explore in depth in our recent CMS Expert Guide on Discrimination. Finally, Belgium outline an interesting way of detecting discrimination; by allowing labour inspectors to carry out mystery calls or anonymous practical tests.

Best regards,

The CMS Employment Team

On your Radar – Issue 19 | September 2022
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Key contact

Alison Woods
Co-Head of Employment
T +44 1224 267 176

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