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CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre, Fidal and Cheuvreux on the transfer of Foncière Logement's assets to the AGIRC-ARRCO Federations

On 27 April 2017, the social partners of Foncière Logement and the Agirc-Arrco federations signed an agreement transferring Foncière Logement’s assets.

This transfer is in line with Foncière Logement’s mission since its creation in 2002 and contributes to the financing of supplementary pension regimes.

Thus, the bare ownership of 30,212 rental dwellings (for a total 2,832,123 m²) was transferred, without payment, to Agirc-Arrco, while Foncière Logement retains usufruct of the housing stock for a period of 30 years.

Cheuvreux, FIDAL and CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre were all involved, working alongside the parties to:

  • provide strategic support for implementation of the project;
  • issue all of the 749 deeds required for the property transfer on the required dates.

Legal counsel:

Foncière Logement was accompanied by the FIDAL law practice, represented by Bruno Wertenschlag, partner and lawyer, and Thibaut Geib, lawyer, and the notarial practice Cheuvreux, represented by Michèle Raunet and Bruno Cheuvreux, partners and notaries, and Nathalie Athimon-Rouaud and Coralie Leveneur, notaries.

Agirc-Arrco was accompanied by CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre, represented by Jean-Luc Tixier, partner, and Julia Pelpel-Moynot, lawyer, and the notarial practice Cheuvreux, represented by Michèle Raunet and Bruno Cheuvreux, partners and notaries, and Nathalie Athimon-Rouaud and Coralie Leveneur, notaries.

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Jean-Luc Tixier
Julia Pelpel-Moynot