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Apart from offering expert legal consultancy for local jurisdictions, CMS partners up with you to effectively navigate the complexities of global business and legal environments.

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About CMS – Portugal

CMS lawyers can provide future-facing advice for your business across a variety of specialisms and industries, worldwide.

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Global Reach

Apart from offering expert legal consultancy for local jurisdictions, CMS partners up with you to effectively navigate the complexities of global business and legal environments.

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About Us

Preparing for tomorrow's challenges starts today. That's why CMS adopts a Future Facing approach, ensuring our clients stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape. Global expertise, local insights, always with your commercial goals in mind.

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Industries can rapidly change, business models can be disrupted, and regulation can force organisations to change course almost overnight. By continually scanning the horizon, CMS helps its clients to anticipate both the challenges and the opportunities headed this way. This is Future Facing Law.

In a world where innovation is business as usual, our mission is to deliver practical, business-focused advice that helps clients of every size to face the future with confidence. 

Our lawyers immerse themselves in our clients' worlds, and as genuine experts in their fields, offer a grasp of detail that is second to none. We combine this with a next-generation mindset that means we can deliver innovative processes and solutions at speed, and at scale.

Our mission is to foster long-lasting relationships of trust with our Clients and partners, combining simultaneously tradition and modernity, with experience and innovation and knowledge and creativity.

Picture of Jose Luis Arnaud
José Luís Arnaut, Managing Partner, CMS Portugal

Law . Tax . Future is our signature that reflects sour experience in the legal field and our focus on the future.

Future Facing is our positioning, an attitude and a way of being. It is the motto that guides everything we do - from the way we work with our Clients to the way we collaborate internally and how we innovate.

The three pillars of Future Facing Law

  • Portugal

    Striving to change environment and society for the better.

  • colorful lines, paint

    Contribute to a more just and humanist society.

  • fish, ocean, blue

    Innovation is at the heart of CMS culture.

What this means in practice

Being Future Facing means staying one step ahead of industry trends and legal developments, allowing our lawyers to provide legal advice that is rooted in deep sector expertise and rich legal knowledge. It means agility is hardwired into the way we work and the way we think, delivering bespoke, innovative solutions to tackle the biggest legal and commercial challenges.

It means being a true business partner, keeping an eye out for both threats and opportunities. It means incorporating ethical and sustainable business practices that include diversity, inclusion and compliance as well as viewing all our operations from an ESG perspective.

It means creating a culture and work environment that encourages new ways of thinking and welcomes the perspectives and contributions of all.

Being Future Facing means caring about the future of our clients, our people, and the world around us.

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