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On your radar | Issue 20

Key employment issues to be aware of internationally

Welcome to the first edition of On your radar for 2023, which highlights expected employment law developments over the year ahead.

Changes range from big picture concepts around future ways of working, to the finer details of leave entitlements and statutory protections. Both Belgium and Portugal discuss moves towards a 4-day working week, showing a consistent trend, while demonstrating different domestic approaches to achieving that – interesting to see whether other countries will follow either.

Another theme we continue to see coming through is ESG, and there are interesting sustainability aspects to that. The Netherlands report that large employers will need to register their employees’ CO2 emissions from 1 July 2023 and file a report annually. Undoubtedly this is an area where we expect to see more regulation of this type in the future.

Social security contributions, pension provisions and unemployment allowances are also covered in this edition, as countries around the world deal with challenging economic circumstances.

On a more optimistic note, the extent of global workforce mobility is apparent as countries change their visa requirements and rules around the employment of foreign nationals. Singapore’s new rules are aimed at highly talented foreign nationals with the Spanish changes including provisions aimed at international “digital nomads”. The United Arab Emirates also discusses the expansion of categories of work visa, which includes a remote working visa.

Plenty to think about and prepare for!

Please reach out to your usual CMS contact or send an email to employment@cmslegal.com for advice and solutions specific to the situation of your organization.

The CMS Employment Team

CMS On Your Radar Issue 20 | January 2023
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Key contact

Alison Woods
Co-Head of Employment
T +44 1224 267 176

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