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CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre advises Courtepaille in connection with the dispute between Fondations Capital and ICG for control of the group


Since the beginning of April, the major shareholders of the restaurant chain Courtepaille have been in dispute with its sole creditor for control of the group.

UK fund ICG, the sole creditor and a shareholder (10%) of Courtepaille, claims to have acquired the shares of Fondations Capital (53%) based in Luxembourg. On 1 April, ICG informed the French Competition Authority of its plans and obtained therefrom a dispensation to acquire the shares before it approved this change of control. Courtepaille called a General Meeting of Shareholders on 16 April and appointed a new Supervisory Board.

Fondations Capital disputes both the reality of the transfer of the securities and the lawfulness of the decisions taken by the General Meeting and has taken legal action in Luxembourg and in France.

The CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre team advising Courtepaille is made up of Philippe Rosenpick, Isabelle Buffard-Bastide, associate partners, with the support of Célia Mayran, Jean-Fabrice Brun and Antoine Landon, associates.

For more information:

* Nicolas Merigeau, NewCap
+33 1 44 71 94 98

* CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre
Florence Jouffroy, Marketing and Communication Director
Fanny Ducornetz, Communication
florence.jouffroy@cms-bfl.com, fanny.ducornetz@cms-bfl.com  
+33 1 47 38 40 32 / 57 00

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Portrait ofJean-Fabrice Brun
Jean-Fabrice Brun
Celia Mayran
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