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Vito Verna is a partner and leads the environmental area of CMS Grau. He is highly specialized in environmental contingency prevention, environmental management, policy and regulation, as well as in the management of social conflicts related to environmental matters.
Vito has worked in the development and evaluation of Peruvian environmental public policies, especially those related to environmental quality, solid waste, social conflicts and native communities.
He holds a Master's degree in Economics and Environmental Management from the Universitá Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in Italy.
His previous experience stands out as a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank - in legislation on solid waste management (September 2016 - April 2017), in the Ombudsman's Office - Advisor to the first Deputy; Deputy Ombudsman for Social Conflicts and Governance (e); Deputy Ombudsman for Environment, Public Services and Indigenous Peoples (e); Head of the Indigenous Peoples Program; and, Head of the Environment Area, in CONAM he was consultant for the FTA negotiations with the USA; Elaboration of draft regulations: Preliminary draft of the Clean Air Law; Directive for the application of the Regulation of the National Alert States for Air Pollutants and analysis of the legal procedure for the approval of environmental standards (April 2004 - July 2005).
Vito is currently a postgraduate professor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC).