Press release - 15 April 2024
In the contest for top talent, CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz is wowing candidates with a new look and feel, as well as an inclusive work environment that sets future-facing industry standards for maximum flexibility, international career opportunities, and great working conditions. Its employer promise is clear: We individuals win.
CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz, one of the largest and most renowned law firms in Austria and the CEE region, is positioning itself as an employer with a strong brand identity in the contest for top talent. The firm developed its future-facing employer branding collaboratively on the basis of cross-departmental and transnational interviews and workshops. The resulting relaunch is an authentic reflection of CMS both internally and externally, giving candidates a clear idea of what CMS stands for as an employer, what makes it special, and what sets it apart from competitors.
Diversity as the basis of shared success
The new employer branding aligns with the new employer promise “We individuals win” (#windividuals) and the employer values “grow, flow, show”, chosen to underline the sustainable values that form the foundation of CMS. These include:
- Creating an optimal environment for innovation and plenty of space for personal development (grow)
- Fostering an open firm culture, an inclusive work environment, and appreciative interactions (flow)
- Showcasing the cutting-edge expertise of its people (show)
As Esther Brandner-Richter, Head of Human Resources at CMS in Vienna, explains, “The unique team behind our success unites diverse individuals with distinctive development trajectories – but always directed towards a common goal. That is the path we want to continue to pursue and to also make visible in our new employer branding. Our firm’s culture is the core of our employer brand. Going forward, we want to do even more to specifically foster our people’s individual talents. Because even in a traditional law firm environment, work should be fulfilling, fun, and offer enough flexibility for everyone.”
Günther Hanslik, Managing Partner at CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz, adds, “Our firm takes its social responsibility very seriously, building a sustainable culture through targeted initiatives that encompass all aspects of our work. It is a culture that allows everyone to fulfil their potential and grow, no matter what their background is – we champion diversity, solidarity, and inclusivity.”
Flexibility and space to adapt
With its new employer branding, CMS also reinforces its image as a modern employer that practises New Work, and as a law firm that masters the challenges of today’s dynamic world of work. “In an age where the way we work is constantly changing, we recognise the importance of structuring your work individually,” says Esther Brandner-Richter. “Our people can set their working hours flexibly and benefit from a modern work environment that encourages creativity and cooperation. We embrace the concept of New Work. We value results, not working around the clock.”