State Aid

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What is State aid?

State aid is a highly technical area of EU law and has generated a wide range of evolving case law. Compliance with State aid rules is therefore an issue in any public intervention that involves State resources. State aid issues are usually quite complex, requiring a high level of expertise, in-depth knowledge and pragmatism.

CMS Lawyers: World-class State aid specialists

CMS has a dedicated team of legal specialists to advise on State aid-related matters. Our State aid specialist lawyers take a thorough approach to legal detail and can also stand back and take a wider view to deliver the best results.

Our experience covers all aspects of State aid:

  • fiscal incentives
  • rescue and restructuring aid
  • aid for infrastructures
  • services of general economic interest
  • regional aid
  • RDI aid
  • aid for environmental
  • aid for energy, etc. 

State Aid Law: Our Services

CMS lawyers represent both public authorities and private companies on all aspects of the State aid rules. This includes: 

  • Legal assessment of the existence of an aid and its compatibility 
  • Set up of aid schemes
  • Assistance to public authorities in the notification of State aid
  • Assistance to public authorities or beneficiaries in State aid investigations by the European Commission Drafting and lodging complaints before the European Commission 
  • Litigation before national and EU Courts 

CMS State aid specialists have particular expertise in following industry sectors: 

  • Air, maritime and rail transport sectors 
  • Energy
  • Financial Services 
  • Postal sector 
  • Telecoms 
  • Multifunctional and sport infrastructure 
  • Manufacturing 

Well advised with CMS - nationally and internationally

The CMS State Aid Practice Area Group comprises 40 State aid law specialists practicing State aid law in 17 jurisdictions being located in 20 cities in Europe and beyond – all committed to assist you. 

Find your local contact person in our brochure CMS State Aid Group.


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CMS State Aid Group
World-class State aid specialists State aid is a highly technical area of EU law and has generated a wide range of evolving case law. Compliance with State aid rules is therefore an issue in any public intervention that involves State resources. State aid can indeed occur whenever a public authority or undertaking grants a selective advantage to undertakings to the detriment of others. It can distort competition and affect trade between Member States, which is harmful to consumers and undertakings in the EU. State aid issues are usually quite complex, requiring a high level of expertise, in-depth knowledge and pragmatism. CMS has a dedicated team of legal specialists to advise on State aid-related matters. Our State aid specialist lawyers take a thorough approach to legal detail and can also stand back and take a wider view to deliver the best results. Our experience covers all aspects of State aid: fiscal incentives, rescue and restructuring aid, aid for infrastructures, services of general economic interest, regional aid, RDI aid, aid for environmental, aid for energy, etc. CMS State Aid Group The CMS State Aid Practice Area Group comprises 45 State aid law specialists practicing State aid law in 20 jurisdictions being located in 23 cities in Europe and beyond – all committed to assist you. Broad Sector Experience CMS State aid specialists have particular expertise in following industry sectors:Air, maritime and rail transport sec­torsEn­ergy­Fin­an­cial ServicesPostal sec­tor­Tele­coms­Mul­ti­func­tion­al and sport in­fra­struc­ture­Man­u­fac­tur­ing Our services in State aid matters CMS lawyers represent both public authorities and private companies on all aspects of the State aid rules. This includes:Legal assessment of the existence of an aid and its compatibilitySet up of aid schemesAs­sist­ance to public authorities in the notification of State aidAssistance to public authorities or beneficiaries in State aid investigations by the European Com­mis­sion­Draft­ing and lodging complaints before the European Com­mis­sion­Lit­ig­a­tion before national and EU Courts Leading individuals CMS lawyers in many countries have shaped the State aid legal development through numerous publications, lectures and representations as well as involvement in studies on State aid for the European Commission. This in-depth know-how and experience is accessible in all CMS jurisdictions because the CMS team is used to interacting seamlessly across all the countries in which we operate.
GCR Know-how - State Aid: Belgium
State aid expert, Annabelle Lepièce, provides answers to legal questions about State aid in this Q&A by GCR (Global Competition Review). Read the Q&A here
COVID-19: how to support companies under State aid rules?
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Webinar recordings - Covid-19 (Coronavirus) in Belgium
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