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Digital Assets

Financial Institutions, Service Providers, Funds and their managers are increasingly looking ahead to the future and how technology can be applied to their business and operations. This includes digitalisation of the data they use, the use of blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) for supporting their activities, and innovation for existing and new products such as Digital Assets.

The digitalisation of real-world assets through tokenisation and the creation of security tokens offer great benefits for the financial industry such as operational and cost efficiency, transferability or broader investment base to name a few.

Although there are still numerous challenges to be solved, notably with respect to regulation and market players, we have seen the use of tokenization increase significantly over the past years. On this page, you will find out more about our views and hot topics related to Digital Assets. We hope that you find it useful.

A tailored Digital Assets expertise

The CMS Digital Assets team brings together the strengths of market-leading legal practices (including Investment Funds, Capital Markets, Regulatory and Tax) with industry knowledge. This enables the team to serve the full spectrum of players in the Digital Assets market, including the largest retail and investment banks, Fintech companies, Funds and their managers, investors, and the smaller start-ups.

CMS has been on the forefront of discussing this digital evolution with regulators, leading fund managers, technology specialists, financial institutions and owners of assets, playing a pivotal part in many market developments internationally thanks to cutting edge advice.

CMS’s global approach combined with deep local roots means that our team also benefits from the experience of numerous experts working in key jurisdictions as well as the strong relationships they have with international and local regulators.

Our Digital Assets expertise notably covers:

  • Security token offerings (STOs)
  • Crowdfunding platforms
  • Virtual Asset service providers
  • Licensing/registration procedures
  • Distribution and exchange platforms
  • Investment strategies


 If you are looking for more information or help from our CMS Luxembourg Digital Assets Team please contact us.
Get in contact with us!


Portrait ofAurélien Hollard
Aurélien Hollard
Portrait ofAurélia Viémont
Aurélia Viémont


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Chat GPT Conference
We are pleased to invite you to a Chat GPT Con­fer­ence or­gan­ised by Reshape Legal on 19 October at CMS Luxembourg's premises. During the event we are going to discuss how lawyers can use chat GPT in their work. Please note the discussion will be held in French.  Programme Welcome | Stanislas van Wassenhove, Re­shape­Justice | 17:00 | Flori­an Ernotte, avroy avocats; Kalliopi Terz­idou, Uni­versité de Lux­em­bourg; Nic­olas Cas­sart, Lar­ci­erKnow­ledge| 18:00 | Gaël Mahé, haas avocats; Louis Larret Chahine, Pre­dict­ice, Audrey Scarpa, Allen & Overy; Nicole Moujon, CMS Lux­em­bour­gAd­vice |19:00 | Ant­oine Henry de Frahan, FRAHAN Bruxelles; Gilles Beenkens, hench­man; Quentin Warscotte, KPMG Lux­em­bour­gCon­clu­sion| Frédéric Feyten, CMS Luxembourg
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