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Lucinda Hinxman

Lucinda Hinxman

Head of Employment & Labour

  • English
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Lucinda Hinxman is a lawyer specialising in litigious and non-litigious employment law. 

Lucinda advises both local and multinational clients within various industries, including the pharmaceutical, mining, aviation, financial, professional services and the construction industry.  

She advises and represents clients in all employment law related litigation, including internal enquiries, private arbitration and dispute resolution, statutory arbitration tribunals as well as in the Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court and Constitutional Court.  Lucinda also advises and assists clients with internal investigations involving, inter alia, general employee misconduct, sexual harassment and/or discrimination. 

In addition to employment law litigation, Lucinda advises clients in relation to restructuring, transfers of employment as well as drafting all employment related agreements and policies and procedures. 

Relevant experience

  • African Parks Network - assisted as the lead legal advisors with a last-minute ‘lifeline’ in a major purchase and rhino rewilding project for 2,000 African rhinos. 
  • A multinational power generation and automation company with a full employment law service, which included but was not limited to conducting local and international forensic investigations into their various business units, preparing and representing the client in disciplinary and incapacity enquiries, employment equity disputes, sexual harassment disputes and trials in the Labour and Labour Appeal Courts
  • A multinational food and beverage company in a multinational merger in terms of which there was an international merger of two entities and a large transfer of employees from the old employer to the new employer
  • A mining company with large scale strike dismissal, in terms of which over 3000 employees were dismissed and who referred a dispute to the Labour Court and ultimately the Constitutional Court
  • A multinational pharmaceutical company with the sale of various of its businesses as well as the acquisition of certain businesses, including but not limited to, animal health
  • A multinational professional services company with a full employment law service, which included but was not limited to preparing and representing the client in disciplinary and incapacity enquiries, retrenchment exercises, harassment disputes and trials in the Labour Courts
  • An aviation company with a full employment law service, which included but was not limited to preparing and representing the client in disciplinary and incapacity enquiries, retrenchment exercises, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation industry and its employees 
  • A large local pharmaceutical company and its subsidiaries with a full employment law service, which included but was not limited to preparing and representing the client in disciplinary and incapacity enquiries, multiple large scale equal pay for equal disputes in the CCMA and Labour Court, as well as trials within the Labour and Labour Appeal Court




Memberships & Roles

  • Member of the Legal Practice Council, Gauteng Office


  • 2012 – LLM, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa 
  • 2011 – LLB (Cum Laude), University of the Witwatersrand,  Johannesburg, South Africa 
  • 2009 – BCom (Financial Accounting and Law), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa