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Corporate Governance

Law Firm in the Netherlands specialised in Corporate Governance

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Corporate Governance is a hot issue at present. Good governance is extremely important for every business and institution. It involves knowledge and expertise, the quality of management and entrepreneur, independence and transparency, under the supervision of an independent body. The accounting scandals in the United States but also in Europe have contributed to a rapid codification of this concept.
In 2002, the Tabaksblat Committee in the Netherlands laid down the rules and conditions for good corporate governance in a Code. These rules focus, for example, on the remuneration of board members, the position of shareholders and the structure and functioning of the board (possibly a one-tier board comprising both executive and supervisory directors). The Tabaksblat Code is only applicable to listed companies. In practice, however, after the introduction of the Code there was quickly a knock-on effect for non-listed companies too. That very same year CMS, in cooperation with a large family firm, drew up a code for non-listed companies, particularly family firms. Many sectors have meanwhile followed this lead and are developing sector-specific codes. These include the insurance sector, pension funds and the health care sector.
CMS can advise companies on the legal components of good corporate governance. In addition, our multidisciplinary teams of lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax lawyers can assist you with the implementation of the relevant code in the legal structure.

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Response to the consultation document to update the Dutch Corporate Governance...
On 21 February 2022, the Monitoring Committee (the 'Committee') published a consultation document containing proposals for updating the Dutch Corporate Governance Code (the 'Code'). The Code applies to...
Dutch Senate approves civil code change for balanced corporate male-female...
On September 2021, the Netherland's Senate approved an amendment to the Dutch Civil Code concerning a more balanced male-female ratio in corporate sector management. The legislative proposal contains...
Netherlands to launch UBO register
On 27 September 2020, a UBO register, to be maintained by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce and forming part of the Dutch trade register, will be operational in the Netherlands. Dutch companies and other...
UBO-register into force as of 27 September 2020
On 27 September 2020 the law regarding the implementation of the registration of ultimate beneficial owners of companies and other legal entities will enter into force. This law implements the obligation...
Update regarding timing implementation UBO-register
On 10 December 2019 the House of Representatives adopted the legislative proposal regarding the registration of ultimate beneficial owners of companies and other legal entities (the "Proposal"). The Proposal...
UBO-register into force as from January 2020
IntroductionOn 4 April 2019 the Dutch Minister of Finance sent the Legislative proposal implementation registration ultimate beneficial owners of companies and other legal entities to the House of Rep­res­ent­at­ives...
Sunrise’s CHF 500m Swiss Towers sale lights up M & A market
In one of the most prestigious deals in the Swiss M&A market last year, a cross-border CMS team advised Sunrise, the number two Swiss tele­com­mu­nic­a­tions operator, on the sale of Swiss Towers AG for...
Monitoring Committee Corporate Governance
New disclosure requirements in the Netherlands On 27 November 2012 a bill was published introducing new disclosure requirements. These requirements are expected to take effect on 1 January 2013. The requirements...
Fact Sheet Corporate
Our specialist lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax consultants will promote your interests in all aspects of corporate law. CMS Derks Star Busmann provides advice that is both practical and solu­tion-ori­ented...
Acquisitions in Germany in the current crisis
On Thursday 8 October CMS Derks Star Busmann and CMS Hasche Sigle, together with the Dutch-German Chamber of Commerce (DNHK) and Klein&Coll., will be organizing the seminar “Acquisitions in Germany...