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Dr. Christopher Jordan

Rechtsanwalt | Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht (Certified lawyer for labor and employment law) | Co-Head of the CMS Employment & Pensions Group

CMS Hasche Sigle
Kranhaus 1
Im Zollhafen 18
50678 Cologne
Languages German, English

Christopher Jordan advises German and international companies on all labor and employment law matters that arise in the context of restructurings, outsourcing projects and operational changes, such as adjusting staffing levels. He is an expert for works constitution as well as collective bargaining law matters and has long-standing experiences negotiating with works councils and unions. He advises clients on how to implement codes of conduct, on CSR (corporate social responsibility), employee data protection and on performance issues.

Christopher joined CMS in 2002 and became a partner in 2010. Prior to that, he worked for a labor and employment law boutique and for a US firm.

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Listed for Employment

Deutschlands beste Anwälte 2023 – Handelsblatt in Kooperation mit Best Lawyers

Memberships & Roles

  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • American Bar Association (ABA)
  • European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
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  • "Hilft die Chancenkarte gegen den Fachkräftemangel?", Human Resources Manager, 10.10.2022, gemeinsam mit Julia Tänzler-Motzek
  • "Post Corona": Fortgesetzter Verbleib im Home Office", Arbeitsrecht Aktuell (ArbRAktuell) 2022, 306, gemeinsam mit Christina Schwinn
  • "Corona und Arbeitsrecht im internationalen Kontext " with Carsten Domke, CMS Webinar, 06.04.2020
  • "Büropersonal für den Betriebsrat in den Arbeitswelt 4.0?", Der Betrieb (DB), Heft 48, 2690, 12/2019, gemeinsam mit Frau Hannah Heitfeld und Frau Dr. Christine Löw
  • Kundennähe als Grund für die Ablehnung eines Teilzeitbegehrens im Außendienst, gemeinsam mit Dr. Isabel Meyer-Michaelis und Kira Falter, BetriebsBerater 2016, 1205
  • Mitbestimmung des Betriebsrats bei Projektwechsel im Call-Center, Betriebs-Berater 42/2015, S. 2549-2554
  • Why employers should watch out when watching employees erschienen in Strategic RISK (www.strategic-risk-global.com) am 13.04.2015; Mitautoren Anke Kuhn und Pauline Moritz
  • "Brennpunkt Fremdpersonaleinsatz - Echter Werkvertrag oder verdeckte Arbeitnehmerüberlassung?", Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, Nr. 11/2013, S. 636 - 639
  • "Vorteilhafte Abschlüsse erzielen", Verhandlungen mit dem Betriebsrat, Personalmagazin 07/12, S 78-79
  • Draft EU Data Protection Regulation, ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee Newsletter, February 2012
  • Women May Receive Preference in Allocation of Parking Spaces, Even Over Disabled Males, ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee Newsletter, February 2012
  • "Whistleblowing" and Freedom of Expression: A Restriction of Employer's Right of Termination?, ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee Newsletter, December 2011
  • Arbeitnehmerdatenschutz, PuR 11-12 2011, p. 3-6
  • Transfer of Undertakings Against Employment Contract Terminations in German Law Apply When Transferring Entity is Outside of EU Just As They Do When Both Entities Are Inside EU, ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee Newsletter, Aug. 2011
  • BMF-Verordnung: Neue Regeln für die Vergütungssysteme von Banken, Bank Praktiker 16 2011
  • Restrictive Covenants in Germany, in: Restrictive Covenants and Trade Secrets in Employment Law - An International Survey, BNA Books, 2010
  • New Regulation Says Cut Changes to Remunerations for Employees of Financial Institutions", ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee Newsletter, November 2010
  • "Ist der Betriebsrat zur Speicherung von Arbeitnehmerdaten berechtigt?", BB 2010, p. 2889-2894
  • "New Legislation to Expand Employee Data Privacy Protections", ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee Newsletter September 2010
  • "Statutory Restoration of Judicially Created/Negated Principle of Exclusivity of Collective Bargaining Agreements", ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee Newsletter, July 2010
  • "Gilt "der jeweils anwendbare Tarifvertrag in der jeweils gültigen Fassung" noch?", NZA 2010, p. 71-75
  • "Duration of Government Subsidy for Reduces Working Hours Arrangements Cut Back for 2010", ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee Newsletter December 2009
  • "Sozialverträglicher Personalabbau durch den Einsatz von Transfergesellschaften", NZI 2009, p. 865-870
  • "Amendments to Stock Corporation Act Regarding Supervisory Board Members? Compensation Codifies Existing Practices", ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee Newsletter 2009
  • "Impact of the Economic Crisis on Employment Issues in Germany and Options Available to Reduce Personnel Costs, State Bar of Michigan - Labor and Employment Section", Labor and Employment Lawnotes, Volume 19, No. 3 2009, p. 18-19
  • "Same Sex Partners Must Receive Same Treatment as Spouses for Company Pensions Provided to Surviving Dependants, Court Rules", American Bar Association International Labor & Employment Law Newsletter Spring 2009
  • "Werkzeuge in der Wirtschaftskrise", Bitkom Newsline I 2009, p. 20-22
  • "Economic Stimulus Package II: New Regulation Re: Reduced Working Hours (Kurzarbeit)", American Bar Association Labor & Employment Newsletter 2009
  • "Arbeitnehmerkontrolle im Call-Center durch Silent Monitoring und Voice Recording", Betriebsberater (BB) 48/2008 2008, p. 2626
  • "Grenzüberschreitende Übermittlung von Arbeitnehmerdaten", Lohn + Gehalt 5/2008, p. 34-36
  • "Transfer von Arbeitnehmerdaten ins Ausland", HR Performance (Computer und Personal) 03 2008, p. 50-52
  • "Problem "Low Performer": Umgang mit Minderleistern", PuR 1/2008, p. 3-6
  • "Transfer von Arbeitnehmerdaten ins Ausland", Personal Manager 1 2008, p. 16-18
  • "Der richtige Umgang mit "Low Performern"", Personal Info:Top, 4/2007, p. 6-7
  • "Der richtige Umgang mit "Low Performern"", HR-Services, 6/2007, p. 62-64
  • "Umgang mit Low Performern - Leistungsanreize für Mitarbeiter", Datakontext Fachverlag, Monographie, 10 2007
  • "ERA ohne Tarifbindung? – Konsequenzen für die Geltung der ERA-Tarifverträge nach Verbandsaustritt oder Betriebsübergang", Betriebsberater (BB) 42/2007, p. 2289 ff
  • "Rechtlicher Gestaltungsrahmen für Langzeit- und Lebensarbeitszeitkonten", Lohn und Gehalt 7/2005, p. 18 ff
  • "GM-Wildcat strike", American Bar Association Labor & Employment Law Newsletter Januar 2005
  • "Individual Transfer of Employment Abroad in the EU and Germany, International Bar Association", Newsletter Employment and Industrial Relations Law 2005, p. 34 ff
  • "Data Privacy and Transatlantic Employee Data Transfer", Magazin der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handelskammer "Trade", Vol. 16 2005, p. 14 ff
  • "Arbeitsrechtliche Probleme bei der Einführung internationaler Verhaltens- und Ethikrichtlinien (Code of Conduct/Codes of Ethics)", Der Betrieb 2005, p. 2190 ff
  • "Corporate Codes of Conduct on Labor Standards - European litigation over U.S.-Mandated Internal Codes of Conduct, Handbuch: International Labor and Employment Laws, Bill Keller", BNA Books, Supplement Edition 2005
  • "Employment and corporate law issues applicable in restructuring of companies in the EU, Handbuch: International Labor and Employment Laws, Bill Keller", BNA Books, Supplement Edition 2005
  • "Globalization of work: Offshore Outsourcing - The European experience, Handbuch: International Labor and Employment Laws, Bill Keller", BNA Books, Supplement Edition 2005
  • "Germany Goes American, Development of Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Law in Germany", Magazin der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handelskammer "Trade", Vol.15 2004, p. 14 ff
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Lectures list

  • CMS Employment Webinar Series, CMS Employment Webinar Series, with Anna Louisa Wittlich, 2023-03-01
  • Hot Topics in International Law, AELC Conference Dove Mountain, Arizona, USA, Dove Mountain, Arizona, USA, 2022-10-21
  • "How are legal departments operating differently since Covid-19?", ACC Europe Annual Conference, Madrid, Spain, with Alexandre Beltran, Henar Alvarez Alonso-Pesquera, 22.05.2022
  • "The Social Dialogue in Challenging Times: How Employers’ Representatives andWorkers’ Representative Can Work Together on Work Councils to Address CriticalSituations", American Bar Association Conference Berlin, Berlin, with Owen Herrnstadt, Kara Preedy, Horst Mund, Tanja Pleyer, Johanna Wenckebach, 02.05.2022
  • "COVID-19 and Employment Law", with Caroline Froger-Michon, Melanie Lane, Katja van Kranenburg, Katrzyna Dulewitcz, ECLA Webinar, 23.04.2020
  • "CMS Employment webinar - Covid-19 (coronavirus) – what now and what after" with Caroline Froger-Michon, Katarzyna Dulewicz and Hannah Netherton, Katja van Kranenburg, CMS Webinars, 31.03.2020
  • "A comparative look at the Attorney-client and work-product privileges", aelc American Employment Law Council, Ojai (California), 23.10.2019
  • "Brexit", ABA Midyear Meeting of the International Labor & Employment Law Committee, Buenos Aires, 08.05.2019
  • "Zukunft der Arbeit – Gestaltung von agilen Organisationen und flexiblen Strukturen", 17. CMS Arbeitsrechtskongress, Frankfurt am Main, 15.05.2018
  • "Switching on to switching off: Disconnecting Employees in Europe?", CMS International HR Gathering, Amsterdam, 14.06.2018
  • "Stress, mental health and security measures at the workplace", IBA Annual Employment and Discrimination Law Conference, Montreal, 2.-4.05.2018
  • "Employee Protection in the Modern Workplace", CMS International HR Gathering, Zürich, 08.-09.03.2018
  • "Moderne Organisationsentwicklung Merger, Akquisition & Transformation: ein Job für HR!", HR CONTRAST GmbH/HR Fitness Club, 01.02.2017
  • "Betriebsbeteiligung: Zuständigkeitsfragen und Abgrenzungsprobleme - Einsatz von Leiharbeitnehmern", BVAU-Regionalgruppe West, Düsseldorf, 23.05.2016
  • "Restrictive covenants in employment contracts in Germany", CMS Employment Webinars, 26.01.2016
  • "ECJ Safe Harbour Decision", CMS Employment Webinar, 14.12.2015
  • "Future of Work, HR & Technology - On the ground information about European work law", European HR Directors Business Summit 2015, Barcelona, 27.05.2015
  • "Does the Work Day Ever End?" How Employers, Unions and Employees are Grappling with Email, Social Media, BYOD, and On-Call Responsibilities Around the Clock and Around the Globe, Midyear Meeting of the ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee, Barcelona, 06.05.2015
  • "The Dynamics of a Globalised Workforce: Challenges and Solutions in the Modern Labour Landscape", IBA Annual Employment and Discrimination Law Conference, Rome, 09.04.2015
  • "Understanding Employee Compensation and Benefits", IBA Annual Conference 2014 – Tokyo, 22.10.2014
  • Committee Meeting and Presentations of “Hot Topics in International Labor and Employment Law” / ABA Annual Meeting, Boston, 08.08.2014
  • "Your hired! Tips for drafting employment contracts in Germany” with Isabel Meyer-Michaelis, CMS Employment Webinars, 10.12.2013
  • "International Laws Governing Cross Border Discovery, Privilege, Confidentiality and Data Privacy", ABA Webinar, 16.10.2013
  • "Around the World in 60 Minutes – A Multinational Update Outline", ABA International Labor & Employment Law Committee Midyear Meeting, Rome, Italy, 07.05.2013
  • "Changes in Attitudes and Latitudes: Resolving Conflicts Between American Discovery Rules and Privacy Rights in a Global Setting", ABA ERR Midwinter Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, 22.03.2013
  • "Popular restructuring measures for employers in Europe", CMS Webinar, 23.10.2012
  • "Trade Secrets from a German Employment Law Perspective", ABA International Labor & Employment Law Committee Midyear Meeting, May 2012
  • "What Happens in Facebook May not Stay in Facebook: Social Media around the Globe", Podiumsdiskussion, ABA Employment Rights & Responsibilities Committee, Las Vegas, USA, 30.03.2012
  • "Restrictive Covenants in Employment Contracts", ABA, Berlin, 08.-12.05.2011
  • "Are You Protected? Privacy, Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets and Non-Competes in Web 2.0", ABA, New York, 27.-29.04.2011
  • "Social Networking in the International Workplace", ABA Teleconference, 20.04.2011
  • "European Employment Law Update - Germany"; Falconbury Ltd, 07.12.2010, London
  • "Fundamentals Track – Over there, over there, Introduction to International Labor and Employment Law in the Most Economically Significant International Geographic Regions", ABA AnnualCLE-Meeting, Chicaco, 04.11.2010
  • "Unions Today", IBA ERR Annual Meeting, Vancouver, 06.10.2010
  • "Hiring employees – European legal overview and market intelligence", CMS Webinar, 22.09.2010
  • "The Impact of Recent and Anticipated Legal Developments on Payroll Organizations", Hackett Webinar, 30.06.2010
  • "Tipps zu Verhandlungen mit dem Betriebsrat – Vorbereitung, Techniken, Strategie", CMS Arbeitsrechtskongress, Frankfurt am Main, 23.06.2010
  • "Disruptions and Eruptions Impacting Labor and Management in the Airline Industry", ABA International L&E Conference, Istanbul, 12.05.2010
  • "Update European Employment Law", Falconbury Seminar, London, 09.12.2009
  • "Circling the Globe - Hot Topics", ABA National Conference, Washington, D.C., 06.11.2009
  • "Employment Law Issues in M&A Transactions", European Legal Council / Corporate Governance Council, AEGON Den Haag, 21.10.2009
  • "Arbeitsrechtliche Werkzeuge in der Krise", CSS Computer Software Studio GmbH, Fulda, 26.09.2009
  • "Arbeitsrechtliche Werkzeuge - Personalarbeit in einemschwierigen Umfeld", Bitkom Forum Mittelstand, Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag e.V., Berlin, 03.07.2009
  • "Has the approach to flexibility and work/life balance changed in the current context?", IBA Mid-Winter Meeting, Berlin, 24.04.2009
  • "Changes in Attitudes, Changes in Lattitudes: Practical Tips for Employers Going Global", ABA ERR Midwinter Meeting, Key West, Florida, 26.03.2009
  • "The Most Frequent Mistakes of North American Employers Doing Business in Europe And How to Avoide Them", Worklaw Network Webinar, 24.02.2009
  • "Dealing with Low Performers", datakontext, Cologne, 23.10.2008, Frankfurt, 04.03.2009
  • "Cross-Border Workplace Investigations" Panel Moderation, IBA ERR Annual Meeting, Buenos Aires, 13.10.2008
  • "Best Practices for Development and Implementation of HR Policies and Procedures" Panel Moderation, IBA ERR Annual Meeting, Buenos Aires, 13.10.2009
  • "EU Perspectives on Migration of Workers and Work", ABA International Labor Committee Midyear Meeting, Beijing, 16.04.2008
  • "Auslandseinsatz – Arbeitsrechtliche Aspekte bei der Verlagerung von Arbeitsplätzen ins Ausland (Off-Shoring)" ("Deployment of Employees Abroad – Employment Law Issues Relating to Off-Shoring"), datakontext, Cologne, Germany, 11.04.2008
  • "Dealing with Low Performers", Essener Unternehmensverband e.V., Essen, Germany, 12.06.2007, 17.09.2007, 11.12.2007
  • "Recent Developments in German Labor & Employment Law" European Employment Law Update, London, 06.12.2007
  • "Dealing with Low Performers", datakontext, 04.12.2007, Berlin "Current Developments in Employment Law", Bitkom Akademie, Berlin, 19.09.2007
  • "Cross Border Investigations", Panel Diskussion, ABA International Labor and Employment Law Committee,Rom, 18.05.2007
  • "Current Developments in Employment Law", Bitkom Akademie, Frankfurt, 26.04.2007
  • "Dealing with Low Performers", v. Rundstedt & Partner, 27.02.2007, Düsseldorf, 20.03.2007
  • "New media and industrial law", Cologne, 19.10.2006
  • “Current Developments in Employment Law", Projektgruppe Internationales Arbeitsrecht und Outsourcing Bitkom, Frankfurt, 05.09.2006
  • "Management of Illness-Related Absenteeism" ("Management von krankheitsbedingten Fehlzeiten"), datakontext, Berlin, 26.01.2006, Frankfurt, 21.02.2006
  • "Legal Certainty – Germany as Favourable Location", IHK Pfalz, Ludwigshafen, 16.01.2006
  • "Cross-Border Issues of Employment Law" ("Grenzüberschreitendes Arbeitsrecht"), GDA, Cologne, 17.01.2005
  • "Human Resources and Labor Law" ("Personal und Arbeitsrecht"), Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien e.V., Frankfurt, 24.10.2005
  • "Employee Transfer from Germany to the United States", German American Chamber of Commerce, 08.08.2005 in New York Panel discussion, International Conference on Employment and Labor Law Issues, Chicago, 30.09.2005
  • "Employment Issues in M &A Transactions, International Labor Law Committee", American Bar Association Midyear Meeting, Paris, 15.-20.05.2005
  • "Corporate Codes of Conduct for Multinational Employers Doing Business in the United States and Germany", German American Chamber of Commerce, New York, 13.05.2005
  • "Employment and Labor Law Issues in Europe", Worklaw Network, Los Angeles, 04.03.2005
  • "Navigating European Rules on Employment Termination, Discrimination and Equal Treatment - German Perspective", U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, 01.12.2004
  • "Employment Law Issues in M&A Transactions", European Council on Legal Affairs and Mergers & Acquisitions, Den Haag, 07.10.2004
  • "Development of Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Sexual Harassment Law in the EU", American Bar Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 08.08.2004
  • "Development of Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Sexual Harassment Law in the EU", American Bar Association, International Labor Committee, St. Petersburg, 21./22.05.2004
  • "International Benefits Issues - Impact of Recent EU Directives and other Cross-Border Developments", Dallas Bar Association, Dallas, 05.05.2004
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  • Doctoral thesis on works constitution law topic
  • Law studies at the University of Cologne
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CMS Expert Guide to employment issues in M&A transactions
Effectively addressing employment law issues is pivotal in ensuring the success of a transfer. While the intricacies and challenges of employment law vary based on the specific transaction, overlooking...
CMS Expert Guide to remote working
Employers in different countries have responded and adapted in various ways to the new working practices set in motion by the pandemic. When this Guide was first published in 2020, it was still unclear...
CMS Expat Desk Contact Card - Relocation, Tax & Employment Lawyers
When talent needs to move, we’re behind you Living in a highly connected world allows companies to hire and mobilise skilled and talented people almost anywhere – and locate business operations wherever they need to be. But when considering moving offices or employees, there are a range of factors to consider. These can include the political and economic consequences of COVID-19 or Brexit, the corporate and personal tax implications of relocation – even the impact of sanctions imposed on certain countries. Around the world our CMS Expat Desk teams are ready to help you manage the employment, tax, visa (immigration) and social security aspects of relocation. Drawing together specialists from the CMS Employment & Pensions Group and the CMS Tax Group, our teams are networked across locations in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America to offer you multi-jur­is­dic­tion­al support – whether you’re moving one employee or a whole office. Our emphasis is on understanding you and the specific needs of your business. By sharing our knowledge, networks and providing practical day-to-day support, we aim to help make any relocation process smooth, swift and fully-considered – with minimal disruption to your core business.
Whistleblower protection and reporting channels in Germany
1. Is there a law on whistleblowing in your country? Yes, there will be a German law on whistleblowing very soon. The German Whistleblower Protection Act (Hin­weis­ge­ber­s­chutzge­setz, HinSchG) has been...
CMS Expert Guide to Dismissals and Termination of Employment
This year has seen unemployment reach historic lows in many economies. With inflation and interest rates rising, however, employers may face fresh pressures to review their workforce and see where efficiencies...
Cost-cutting and restructuring in times of crisis
A tough global economic outlook is driving many employers to review their operational costs. Across businesses, hard questions are being asked about where efficiencies can be made – and ultimately what...
ACC Europe Annual Conference 2023
CMS - Meet our Experts
CMS Expert Guide to refugee immigration and travel requirements
English (дивиться текст українською нижче)With the aim of providing a single source of information for Ukrainian refugees considering where they now go, the CMS employment...
CMS - Meet our experts at The International Bar Association (IBA) Annual...
More than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is located outside of the United States. So for US companies, establishing or growing their business and investments with their main trade partners – whether in the UK, the European Union, China, Africa or the Middle East – is essential for their success. However, doing business in diverse markets, each with its unique legal environment and ways of practicing law, requires specialist knowledge. Our more than 5,000 lawyers worldwide provide business-focused advice, whether in a single market or across multiple jurisdictions. Our focus is on building long-term partnerships to keep our clients ahead in their chosen markets. CMS lawyers are pleased to be attending the International Bar Association (IBA) Annual Conference from 30th October to 04th November 2022. Below you can find an overview of our partners attending the IBA Annual Conference, representing a range of jurisdictions, practice areas and sector specialisms. To arrange a meeting, please contact melania. kozyra@cmslegal. com. CMS lawyers will be participating in the following panel dis­cus­sions:France based Partner Annabelle Bail­leul-Mira­baud will be chairing Roundtables discussions of global tax trends, Wednesday 2 November (1430 - 1730)France based Partner Frédéric Roux and Michel Collet will participate in Roundtables discussions of global tax trends, Wednesday 2 November (1430 - 1730)Italy based Partner Paolo Bonolis will participate in the panel on Contracting of IT assets (digitalisation 2.0) in an increasingly complex regulatory environment, Monday 31 October (1430 - 1545)Italy based Partner Laura Opilio will take part in 3 panels:chairing Addressing dis­tri­bu­tion-re­lated shortages of medicines and medical devices from a multi-jur­is­dic­tion­al perspective meeting, Tuesday 1 November (1615 - 1730);Hot topics in international commerce, trade, franchising and product law, Monday 31 October (0930 - 1230);and Best practices in supply chain in the post (or continuing) Covid environment, the war in Ukraine and the impact of digitization, Wednesday 2 November (1615 - 1730)Germany based Partner Bjoern Gaul and Orly Gerbi of Herzog Fox Neeman, Israel will moderate a panel on New developments on Al in the workplace on 02.11.2022 (Wednesday) 9.30 h – 10.45 a. mEmployment and Industrial Relations Law Committee (Lead for moderators and speak­ers)Tech­no­logy Law Committee (one speaker) with the attending experts below:Patricia Barboza, CGM Advogados, BrazilSteven T. Hunt, Technology & Work, SAP Innovation Office, USACliff Jurkiewicz, Vice President, Strategy at Phenom, USAInge de Laat, Rutgers & Posch, Neth­er­landsAnthony J. Oncidi, Proskauer, USAVikram Shroff, Nishith Desai, IndiaYardenne Assa, Co-Founder and CEO, Unboxable, IsraelTo find out more about CMS, visit the About CMS section. For further information, please see our partners attending the conference in the gallery below and an overview of all our expertise areas.
ACC Annual Meeting
CMS - Meet our experts at booth #233 More than 70 percent of the world’s purchasing power is located outside of the United States. So for US companies, establishing or growing their business and investments with their main trade partners – whether in the UK, the European Union, China, Africa or the Middle East – is essential for their success. However, doing business in diverse markets, each with its unique legal environment and ways of practicing law, requires specialist knowledge. Our more than 5,000 lawyers worldwide provide business-focused advice, whether in a single market or across multiple jurisdictions. Our focus is on building long-term partnerships to keep our clients ahead in their chosen markets. CMS is pleased to be sponsoring the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Annual Meeting from 23 - 26 October in Las Vegas (NV). Below you can find an overview of our partners attending the ACC annual meeting, representing a range of jurisdictions, practice areas and sector specialisms . To arrange a meeting, please contact events@cmslegal. com or visit us at booth #233. CMS lawyers will be participating in the following panel dis­cus­sions:UK-based Partner and Head of the CMS Energy & Climate Change Group Munir Hassan -  “Are you an Energy Lawyer? How Energy touches Every Business”CMS Belgium Partner Sophie Berg -  “In­ter­pret­ing the EU Whistleblower Directive: Key Steps to Ensure Compliance”. For more information about the ACC Annual meeting and the programme, please visit their website here. To find out more about CMS, visit the About CMS section. For further information, please see our partners attending the conference in the gallery below and an overview of all our expertise areas.
CMS Expert Guide to Dismissals and Termination of Employment
When you need to say goodbye don’t say hello to a new set of problems. Terminating an employee’s contract – for whatever reason – is always a challenging task and one that needs to be handled...
CMS Expert Guide on discrimination in the workplace
Measures to ensure that citizens are treated equally and respectfully, regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, sexuality, beliefs and other criteria have witnessed constant evolution over the past 75 years...