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Data Law

Data is the key driver of digital transformation and an economy based on the use of artificial intelligence (AI). The European strategy for data aims to promote data sharing and create a single market for data that enables the European Union (EU) to play a leading role in a data-driven society. This entails the development of data processing infrastructure and data spaces but also the introduction of new legal rules for the data economy, bringing novel opportunities and legal challenges for all actors in the economy. 

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Das Datenrecht regelt, welche Daten von wem genutzt werden dürfen und macht...
Law-Now: An overview of the Data Act
The Data Act is intended in particular to promote the flow and use of data....

EU Data Law

The EU aims to create a single market for data where:

  • data can flow freely,
  • EU law (in particular competition law and data protection) is effectively applied and
  • companies can access data under fair, practical and clear rules.  

For this purpose EU data protection legislation, in particular the EU Data Governance Act and the EU Data Act, introduces a comprehensive set of legal rules for accessing, sharing and using data.

Data Act – Legislative process

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