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Increasing use of compulsory mediation, a growing number of legal obligations in terms of consumer information, reinforced protection of personal data and so on: as e-commerce expands, the consumer protection regulations are becoming tighter, creating an increasingly complex legal framework. Managing all of the legal challenges associated with your business is not only a necessity to prevent underlying risks (in terms of content, data security, general terms and conditions of sale and use, legal notices, etc.) but also a real advantage in terms of developing and creating value in your business. Our expert lawyers in internet and e-commerce law are able to support you in establishing the necessary provisions and tools.

Our global and multidisciplinary approach, based on a varied combination of expertise, enables us to address all of your issues from electronic invoicing to archiving via cyber-surveillance of employees. Whether you are a publisher of e-commerce platforms, software, online games or websites or a national or multinational company, our team will advise and assist you throughout the life of your online business project (website creation, maintenance, hosting, acquisition of intellectual property rights, access security, implementation of terms and conditions of sale, etc.). We also support you in establishing secure online payment solutions; in your invoice digitisation projects; in the implementation of electronic archiving solutions as well as the collection, processing and transfer of personal data.

Awards & rankings

IT & Internet

L500 tier 3

“The TMT practice is also retained for regulatory mandates, including compliance, project implementation, e-commerce, and the negotiation of outsourcing agreements.”

“Very high reactivity, adapted to our start-up environment.”
“Friendly team, attentive to the client.”


Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism transition in effect since 1 October...
On 1 October 2023, a two-year transitional period began for implementation of Regulation (EU) 2023/956, which introduces the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). CBAM levies punitive CO2 charges...
Adoption of the new consumer credit directive: impact for BNPL
On 9 October 2023, the Council of the European Union adopted the new directive on consumer credits (CCD) in its final and definitive version. This version was already approved by the European Parliament...
Summer Snapshot: Tech and Data Highlights You Might Have Missed
Have you taken a break from your usual spot in front of the computer screen over the past few weeks? No worries, this article provides a succinct overview of the significant advancements in the world...
Key changes for companies related to the new General Product Safety Regulation
On 30 March 2023, the European Parliament adopted the General Product Safety Regulation for consumer products, which replaces the General Product Safety Directive of 2001 (2001/95/EC). The Council must...
European Parliament and Council ready to start negotiations on EU Data...
In February 2022 the European Commission presented its proposal for the EU Data Act, which – if adopted - will introduce a far-reaching legal regime on access to and use of non-personal data in the...
VBER and Vertical Guidelines leave question open on what restrictions are...
Article 4 lit. e) VBER, newly introduced with the 2022 reform of the VBER, regulates a hardcore restriction for all forms of distribution that is specifically geared to Internet commerce, and is now central...
Digital Markets Act (DMA) comes into force on 1 November 2022
The Digital Market Act (DMA) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 12 October, and it will enter into force on 1 November. Large digital platforms that offer core platform services...
Schrems II: Reactions to the judgement and the supervisory authorities'...
“Schrems II”: Opinions of the supervisory authorities on Schrems II and recommendations on the implementation of the judgement in international data transfers On 16 July 2020, the Court of Justice...
EU Opinion on the Proposed Product Safety Regulation
The European Commission has put forward a proposal for a new refreshed Regulation on product safety in line with the New Consumer Agenda (the “Proposed Regulation”). If passed in its current form...
GDPR 3 years on – The greatest hits (and misses)
More than three years have passed since the GDPR applied and a lot has happened in the world of data protection during that time – fines, class actions, court challenges and more. We give our “playl­ist”...
European Commission published drafts of the revised Vertical Block Exemption...
On 9 July, the European Commission published its draft revised Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) and the corresponding Vertical Guidelines. The VBER concerns vertical agreements, which are agreements...
CMS European Class Actions Report 2021
European class action exposure continues to rise starklyA record number of class actions has been filed across Europe in recent years with a rise of over 120% between 2018 and 2020. Class actions against...