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Press releases 28 Apr 2014 · Albania

CMS adds 31 partners across the firm

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CMS is pleased to announce the appointment of 31 partners across Europe, which includes five in the UK.

UK Senior Partner Penelope Warne comments: “We are delighted to welcome our new partners. Including our colleagues from Dundas & Wilson, we will have over 830 partners globally.”

CMS Executive Chairman Cornelius Brandi comments: "With the creation of 31 new partners across a wide range of jurisdictions, we are establishing the ‘next generation’ of colleagues who will continue to take CMS forward.”

Partner promotions across CMS for 2014 include:

Banking & International Finance
Marc-Etienne Sébire (France) 
Simona Marin (Romania)
Beltrán Gómez de Zayas (Spain)

Arnaud Hugot (France)
Lars Eckhoff (Germany) 
Dr. Eckart Gottschalk (Germany)
Dr. Martina Schmid (Germany)
Ellen Gielen (Netherlands)
Matteo Ciminelli (Italy)

Commercial Regulatory and Disputes 
Assen Georgiev (Bulgaria)
Martin Wodraschke (Hungary)
Clemens von Zedtwitz (Switzerland)

Energy, Projects and Construction 
Lukas Janicek (Czech Republic)
Richard Sinclair (UK)
Phillip Ashley (UK)
Loredana Mihailescu (Romania)

Gaël Chuffart (Belgium)
Dr. Nina Hartmann (Germany)
Dr. Tobias Polloczek (Germany)

Dr. Charlotte Louise Schildt (Germany)

Dr Monika Ploier (Austria)
Dr. Thomas Hirse (Germany)

Bas Baks (Netherlands)

Maria Rodia (UK)

Real Estate
Przemyslaw Kucharski (Poland)
Jules Needleman (UK)
Margaret McLean (UK)

Romain Marsella (France)

Technology, Media & Telecoms
Florian Dietrich (Germany)
Dr. Ole Jani (Germany)