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Environmental Law & Sustainability

Compliance with environmental obligations encompasses not only obtaining environmental licenses, along with concessions, permits and authorizations for the use and exploitation of natural resources, but also includes social aspects, such as preventive archeology and prior consultation processes.

Among the activities we perform are the following:

  • Advise and assist in obtaining authorizations, permits and environmental licenses and answering sanctioning procedures.
  • Elaborate Environmental Impact Studies, according to the respective terms of reference.
  • Accompany technical visits in the evaluation and follow-up stages of projects, works and activities.
  • Elaborate the Environmental Management Plans and the Plans of Adaptation to the Environmental Guidelines - PAGA.
  • Elaborate due diligence and risk analysis of environmental aspects, both in the pre-investment processes and in the execution of projects.
  • To act as the Environmental Management Department of our clients as required by Colombian regulations.
  • Manage the tax benefits of discount on income tax and exclusion of sales tax - VAT.
  • Advance or support litigation (tutela, popular or nullity actions) and arbitration.
  • Accompany prior consultation processes.
  • Conduct title studies.
  • Advise on modifications to Land Management Plans or the development of Partial Plans.
  • Accompany certification in standardized technical norms, starting with the elaboration of the legal matrix.
  • Elaborate the Archaeological Management Plan and provide support to the ICANH.



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